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film club?

dread pirate davos

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The reason I suggested those, as I said, was to provide a selection of popular/familiar/accessible movies to attract a larger membership, while we're trying to get the ball rolling. Once things get momentum, folks can start working in their obscure art house movies. Otherwise, this will struggle to take off.

Yeah, I din't knock your list.

As i said, the movies are great and some you listed are absolute favorites of mine.

And im not very into arthouse movies so I did't write my post to be pretentious.

I just wanted to give my view on a film club. And for me id rather see hidden gems or forgotten classics than the huge movies I've already seen. Not saying you can't do both but just wanted to give my opinion on it.

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Of course. All those films you gave as an example are great suggestions to me. Since nowadays they are all to some extent not in the know or forgotten, so those are definitely titles to be considered.

Don't get me wrong. Nox suggested amazing movies, some of those are even my favorites. But some of them are I guess too popular and for many those movies would be rewatches. The huge blockbusters or very known trilogies should maybe be avoided. Some of the movies on Nox list are great suggestions too.

Absolutely. Besides, since this will all be decided by a vote people can choose whether or not a movie is too "artsy" or "mainstream" for them.

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Can we wait for one movie to be wrapping up before starting the discussion of the next movie? And maybe a system of each boarder who wants to can nominate one or two films then we vote?

I'm Going to watch let the right one in tomorrow in the spirit of film club, but in the future I think we need a more organized system of choosing.

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Some more suggestions:

Road to perdition

A bronx tale


king of comedy


the station agent

garden state

The grandmaster

yip man

Maybe if we have particular themes each week as has been mentioned in the thread it will be more narrow to suggest and choose from.

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individual posters can take turns choosing a movie they'd like to watch/discuss.

Otherwise you could get people being disappointed when their choice is never voted in

I like that idea. Some choices won't be popular, but that's not the end of the world; not everyone has to watch every movie. I don't think voting is a very practical approach; if everyone is making suggestions every time, the shortlist is likely to be pretty big, running votes on a message board is an unwieldy process, and voting is liable to be consistently biased towards the taste of the biggest block and against films that most people are unfamiliar with.

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Uh, I missed it - when were we watching Let The Right One In? And does it get its own thread?

As I understand it, Let the Right One In gets its own thread starting Wednesday, and we should watch it before then. And this thread is for continuing to discuss how the club will operate in future.

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