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Did the Frey deserve to be cooked into pies?


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Good, then I have no complains about anything that happened:)

I doubt that the wives and servants were not killed since Manderly complains about how one of the Frey wives were paying people to spy on him and the servants were getting Manderly men spying on him too. I don't really have a problem with the responsible Frey wives and servants being punished justly. It's just that pies were not...

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I think my feelings about the Freys being cooked can be expressed by a quote of Schiller about the curse of evil deeds.

This is the curse of every evil deed

That propagating still it brings forth evil

IMO, when the Freys violated the oldest and most sacred custom of Westeros, they basically said: "All is fair now consequences be damned", so they should not be surprised if other people lower their standards as well.

It is also worth noting, that the Rat Cook feeding the king his son would have been socially acceptable, if the son had not been killed while being a guest of the Night's Watch. Since Manderly made sure to kill the Freys AFTER they left, he did not commit a big crime in the eyes of Westeros.

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I doubt that the wives and servants were not killed since Manderly complains about how one of the Frey wives were paying people to spy on him and the servants were getting Manderly men spying on him too. I don't really have a problem with the responsible Frey wives and servants being punished justly. It's just that pies were not...

I do not see, how Manderly could get away with killing the wives of the Freys and their servants, since it was stressed, that these people stayed in White Harbour, when the three Freys left to attend the wedding. Remember, that he still claims, that Symond, Rhaegar and the third had an accident on the road and that he does not know, what happened to them. He probably had to kill some men-at-arms, that laccompanied the three Freys to Riverrun, but the rest of their retinue should still be safe in WH:

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I do not see, how Manderly could get away with killing the wives of the Freys and their servants, since it was stressed, that these people stayed in White Harbour, when the three Freys left to attend the wedding. Remember, that he still claims, that Symond, Rhaegar and the third had an accident on the road and that he does not know, what happened to them. He probably had to kill some men-at-arms, that laccompanied the three Freys to Riverrun, but the rest of their retinue should still be safe in WH:

I must say that I doubt that Wyman would allow the Freys to continue spying on the Merman's Court. Maybe imprisonment in the Wolf's Den, not death.
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Are you okay with Robbwind and Catelyn being thrown naked into a river then? Because their dead so who cares? The fault is with Manderly for desecrating their corpses.

The tragedy is the breaking of guest right, and the way they were killed. Cat, in particular, watched her son die, which has got to be the most horrific thing imaginable. After that, who cares what they do with the bodies?

Also, given a choice between having my own corpse tossed in the river or being buried, I'll take the river any day. I love water.

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IMO, when the Freys violated the oldest and most sacred custom of Westeros, they basically said: "All is fair now consequences be damned", so they should not be surprised if other people lower their standards as well.

It is also worth noting, that the Rat Cook feeding the king his son would have been socially acceptable, if the son had not been killed while being a guest of the Night's Watch. Since Manderly made sure to kill the Freys AFTER they left, he did not commit a big crime in the eyes of Westeros.

So that means that their corpses deserve to be pies? The Freys are people regardless of the acts that they committed. The Freys deserve death (even so just the ones responsible for the RW) but not desecration of their corpses, being fed their relatives, torture etc.

Yes, he did not do a huge crime in the eyes of Westeros. But in the eyes of modern readers his act is morally abhorrent.

The tragedy is the breaking of guest right, and the way they were killed. Cat, in particular, watched her son die, which has got to be the most horrific thing imaginable. After that, who cares what they do with the bodies?

Also, given a choice between having my own corpse tossed in the river or being buried, I'll take the river any day. I love water.

The burial of the bodies is symbolic. It's where your soul occupied while you lived on this earth. It's important to lay the body to rest and respect it. At least this is my theory. Plus if you don't bury them (or cremated them) the bodies will rot.

When you toss a corpse in the water without cremating it the body will rot and ruin the water. And it's horrific to throw a corpse naked into a body of water without burning it the way the Tullys do it (correct me if I'm wrong but didn't they dress Hoster's corpse in chainmail before the ceremony?). And the Freys were mocking the Tullys while doing so.

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I must say that I doubt that Wyman would allow the Freys to continue spying on the Merman's Court. Maybe imprisonment in the Wolf's Den, not death.

He cannot imprison them without suspicion and Roose Bolton knowing it, since his maester is pro-Lannister.

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Eh, a lot of the Freys didn't have Much choice in what they did. They are loyal to their liege first and foremost... So I don't really think they should be punished at all TBH. Walter Frey is the responsible party.

as for the cannibalism in particular... it's not that bad. Torture/rape are far worse punishments, and being burnt alive or crucified are far worse ways to die.

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