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Rickon will be a terrible ruler if brought back from Skagos

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It depends how long he'll be on Skagos, what kind of education he'll receive while he's there, and a number of other things.

With the right education for the right amount of time, Rickon could potentially be a great ruler.

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Rickon has a strong Stark moral fondation, BUT in my opinion will be rightly tempered with some pure badassery. He still can reconnect with his surviving siblings, too. He's not lost.

I'm of the opinon that that Starks NEEDED some shaking up, they were way to complacent and wrapped up in honor.

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The kid is barely out of diapers so when it comes to doing any actual ruling, he's not ready yet. But aside from his age, I don’t think given all that has happened to him, the Northerners would see him as a reassuring presence of an ideal ruler. Keep in mind that he’s been raised by wildlings since he was three, he wasn't given a highborn education like his siblings and knows nothing about the houses of the North, their history and allegiances. Worse yet he cannot read, write or do figures. He cannot meet with his bannermen or rally them to fight for him. And bringing up his age again, he won’t be able to wield a sword or lead men into battle like Robb and his father did.

So yes Rickon at his present condition would make a terrible ruler. One who is not equipped to deal with the mountains of problems the North is facing right now. By the time he gets back from Skagos (if he gets back), there won’t be much left of the North for him to actually rule. The Boltons and Stannis would have destroyed much of it in their upcoming battles. And then there’s the Others to worry about. Not to mention he won'd have much of a power base because all the Stark men are either dead or scattered and Winterfell is still in ruins. With winter having just arrived, there won’t be enough food or protection for everyone. Something a youngster like Rickon won't be able to deal with.

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One, we know little about Skagos, only rumors and stories, so take them with a grain of salt.

Two, given his extreme youth, there is no reason he cannot be brought up correctly, to be blunt. He is what, 5 at most now. With the right foster parents, maesters, teachers, advisors, and what not, there is no reason Rickon can not be brought back under control and taught to be a good ruler.

Three, we do not know what he is like now. We assume he is still wild, but that is only an assumption at this point.

I can't find it anywhere now, of course, but a couple years ago I found some hidden clues about Skaagos from AFFC & quoted & posted on the forum. Next time I read the passage again I'll bookmark it, but from what I remembered, they seem to have a beef with the Starks. Notice they were absent when Robb called the banners. The passage I believe alluded to a time when the she-wolves presided over Winterfell presumably due to a civil war. IIR, it was implied many of the men were dead due to fighting with Skagos.

Anyway, I wonder how it would impact Rickon IF Skagos considers themselves independent. Some people think though that Rickon is/will be raised by Manderly, so if that's the case, perhaps he could tame him a bit.

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Rickon was still very young last time we saw him. The OP may be right. But I think we have enough psychopath and barbarians already. The North has first to unite before the Other. And I believe a fearsome Stark will do for that. Rickon will just have to listen to someone of confidence in the beginning. He will have Jon for that. And I hope Manderly also, but I fear for the dear old fellow. With more years, I believe Rickon will come to be a King Of Winter as it should be.

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What happens in the Show and and what happens in the Books are two completely different things.

Still the same endpoint. People with significant roles land where they should, the others not necessarily. The show changes to make a consistent narrative for tv, it isn't changing the core of the story. Having Robb Jr. as Lord of Winterfell is not exactly a minor thing.

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I'll buy that it seems too much like a happy ending, but Rickon's upbringing might not make him a great king, or a decent lord, he'll be a pretty important figure for the North. There are now Wildlings below the Wall, we have the Karstark-Thenns, and Bran's knee deep into the ways of the Children. The power base of the North has sort of shifted upwards like the former Kings of Winter. Rickon's being raised by a wildling woman on Skagos. There's really no hint of any of the South Ambitions that kinda failed for the Starks.

Robb was King- and was primarily in the Trident, Neck, and Riverlands for his reign. I wouldn't be surprised if the Stark base climbs more towards the wildlings, mountain clans, and pretty much above the Neck where everything he learned would be more valuable. Can he read and write? Maybe. But will he know the names of the stars the same as the free folk? Almost certainly.

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