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Why do so many people hate Jon Snow?

Ser Triston Stark

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Most people who hate him are just being hipsters.

I don't hate him, but I don't "freakin love" him either. After a reread, I started not to care about him anymore with his indecisiveness regarding being a Stark or Night's Watch Brother. Of course, he was late when he finally made a decision and got himself killed.
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Sullen Said "he's probably the one with the most ridiculous plot gifts."


Are you freakin kidding me? The Queen of Mary Sues is in this series yet you claim that Jon Snow received the most ridiculous plot gifts? Dany married a warlord with a huge army... she mucks it up so badly he dies... then she tried to resurrect him and gets dragons... You know the dragons who have been dead for hundreds of year magically show up. The dragons who were from petrified dragon eggs literally given to her as gifts. Let's not even discuss how she never pays the price for mucking everything she touches up. Or how brutally stupid she is..... We know you are but a girl and know little of the ways of....anything. You prove it with every action you take. Yet she magically escapes the poisoning she received at the hands Hdzar (spelling?).


Jon in comparison to Dany is a balanced character with flaws, good writing and his actions actually have meaning whereas Dany is the most worthless POV character written so far. She gets plot gifts practically every time we see her. The fact that she isn't dead yet is a HUUUUUGE plot gift and evidence that Martin doesn't care about writing realistic type fictions because if he did Dany would never have made it through ACoK. Instead we are subjected to the viewpoint of an ignorant, vicious little girl who had no desire to learn or actually become a better person. Viserys in comparison is a more well rounded character than she is. Dany would be more at home in a novel like 50 shades of grey than a fantasy series that attempts to take a serious look at the consequences of a characters actions. Because just like those in 50 Shades Dany suffers zero consequences. Every time you think this stupid person will finally get their comeuppance she gets yet another plot gift.


Screw her. I hope her head ends up on the walls of the Red Keep where Ned's once stood.

:laugh: Made me laugh at least. 

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I don't hate him, but I do think his chapters sometimes are painful to read. Many of them could be compressed into a single chapter without losing a single important detail.


I dislike how he tries to be the perfect hero, even when he lacks political savvyness. But overall, Jon is just a character like any other to me.


While it annoys me how people call him the God Savior of Mankind here, it doesn't affect me in any way, so it doesn't make me dislike him more or less.

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I just dislike the Night's Watch, everything about that organization is just batshit. I really hope the Wall comes down and buries them all.


Jon Snow himself I don't mind, he's neither my favorite nor do I hate him, I do however think his storyline is a bit too much waiting around till the epic showdown finally arrives.


A lot of the people who dislike Jon Snow are just those ones that have this fantasy of ASoIaF as this "Post-Modern Masterpiece" that is somehow "above" all those "nasty ugly Fantasy cliches" and who'd rather read about what Wyman Manderly puts on his breakfast bagel than stuff actually happening.

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And imho if there was no R+L=J he wouldnt be having half his fans who finds him interesting .. that secret is what keeping their interest on jon and this is Just my opinion

I think there's some truth to this, at least from those who want Jon to be the end all be all of the story. Then again I'm sure there's plenty of people who would have been fine with Jon really being Ned's bastard.
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I think there's some truth to this, at least from those who want Jon to be the end all be all of the story. Then again I'm sure there's plenty of people who would have been fine with Jon really being Ned's bastard.

R+L is a big draw, but for me, the biggest is because he is that (for the most part) morally righteous character who is actually trying to fulfill his obligations, even willing to turn down personal advancement to do it.  I want the people I root for to be on the white/lighter grey side of the spectrum.  For many of the same reasons, Sam is my second favorite, even though his primary conflicts are of a more internal nature, he still sets himself aside to do what he views as right.  I eat that stuff up, and feel like it's different enough from "tropes-r-us" that it's not a vomit inducing cheese fest.  I just pulled up my top 10 from the favorite characters pole, and for the most part all of the are in the white/light-grey area.  And one of the ones that isn't at least has a positive rate of change.



1. Jon Snow

2. Samwell Tarly

3. Eddard Stark

4. Robb Stark

5. Davos Seaworth

6. Arya Stark

7. Sansa Stark

8. Jaime Lannister

9. Wyman Manderly

10. Brienne of Tarth

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Arya and Wyman Manderly are about as Grey as can be. Manderly put people into pies and fed them to their relatives ffs. If a non pro Stark character (say Dany or a Lannister) did something like that people would go on endlessly about how vile and evil it was.
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Being able to relate to characters, I think, is also impotent when deciding if you like them or not. For me, Jon Snow was my favorite from the moment I started reading Asoiaf because I automatically could relate to him. And the bond he shares with Arya was the nail in the coffin for me. Love them both to death!~ Please don't die, Jon. :[

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I became Anti-Jon after A Dance with Dragons.  I was unhappy with the decisions and the actions that he made when he kept meddling with Bolton business.

That's literally his one saving grace for me, and even that isn't enough to make him an interesting gray character because every one of his antagonists (barring Mance) is an evil turd who deserves everything he gets, all so the especial Snowflake can remain pure as,well,snow.
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