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How Do You Pass Time Alone?

Stan Man

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I covet my time alone. Gardening, cooking, reading, hiking, listening to and playing music, bird watching.

I'm around people all day at least 5 days a week. I'm active in my church, and do things with friends, but I require a good bit of alone time in order to recharge my batteries.

Yes, but how are the BEES?? :P Every time I see a big, ol' fat bumble-dee-bee slow-flying around my wisteria blossoms, I think of you!

I spend most of my "free" time feeling guilty about the work I should be doing. Retirement is beckoning and beguiling me so much so that I've kinda shut down about a year too soon. All I want to do is play with my husband and my dog Benny, take him for loooong walks through the woods, play with my garden, take care of some projects I've been dying to start, hem and take in a bunch of pants too good to discard, and on and on and on. I'd like to get back into cooking like I used to do too. But all the while I'm procrastinating on work I'm supposed to do. Sigh.

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Going to the cinema alone is the only way to do things for me. I'm not going to be talking during the film, so it isn't exactly sociable. And if anyone tries to talk to me I'll pull my angry stage whisper on them. No arguments over what to go see..

Plus, if no-one goes with me they don't see my disheveled slouching in the seat as I get comfortable. Also, nobody to share the popcorn with. Win win situation.

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Going to the cinema alone is the only way to do things for me. I'm not going to be talking during the film, so it isn't exactly sociable. And if anyone tries to talk to me I'll pull my angry stage whisper on them. No arguments over what to go see..

Plus, if no-one goes with me they don't see my disheveled slouching in the seat as I get comfortable. Also, nobody to share the popcorn with. Win win situation.

That actually sounds amazing.

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I almost never go see movies because I'm too easily annoyed by other movie-goers talking or using their phones, or putting their nasty bare feet up on the seats. I think I sat directly behind Shrek when I went to see Star Trek Into Darkness. He was eNORmous and he stretch all the eff out all over that place. He had his arm around an entire family and it wasn't until the end of the movie when I realized he didn't even come there with them.

When I saw Interstellar, I sat in front of this old lady who had to react to every other thing on screen with "ahhh" and "ohh geeze", and "mmmhmmmm"

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But when one goes alone to the cinema one has no hand to hold in the scary bits. :(

I, like ES, covet time alone. I get VERY grumpy if I don't get a good chunk of it. Reading, gaming, writing, watching TV (I don't watch much TV but prefer to do so when no one else can object to the programme), playing piano: if I have free time after all that, which is almost never, poking at the garden. I miss alone time...

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Internet, so much internet.

Besides that, I read, write, workout, tend to my apartment, bake, and put together jigsaw puzzles. I spend almost all of my non-work time alone (or with my bf), so I can vouch that these activities can easily fill a lot of time!

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