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Fate of Jon Snow might differ from Books


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I like the idea that, if FTW happen, they will burn Jons body, but he will not burn, he is not actually dead, just wounded and Targaryens do not burn. He will then rise from the ashes, with his sword and fulfill the prophecy of Azor Ahai - reborn amidst salt and smoke (as book readers know). This will happen as a parrallel to Dany and the birth of her dragons in the fire, after she was betrayed by that magic woman. Jon his betrayd by his brothers in the NW (or Olly). The Unsullied can make this parallel between Dany and Jon without having heard of Azor Ahai at all. Jon might be confused... but Benjen shows up to tell him about his parentage and it all falls into place (or mayde that is left for next season). Ghost... Reborn...

Jon burns though. See Season 1 when the first white came into castle black. He was severely burned throwing that lantern at the white. They made that scene happen for a reason.

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I think that thorne's quote from the last episode that Jon had a good heart but would get them killed pretty much eliminates him from the ftw betrayal group. If he opposed Jon that much and really thought he was a huge danger to the nights watch, then he wouldn't have opened the gate when he had all the power and was acting lord commander. From the last episode there seemed to be a general consensus of disapproval over Jon's actions and whatever happens next episode will tip things over whether it's the pink letter or tensions rising between the wildlings and the nights watch. The quote and Thorne's actions in the last episode makes me think that he might be in the group that helps Jon after the stabbing. I may be totally off but that's the vibe that I got from the last episode. I think ftw will starr Olly and maybe the rapey guys and a few other extras that they've shown looking particularly disgruntled.

I agree. Most people are expecting Thorne to get on the stabby mood but he'll be on the side of duty towards his LC, I suspect. He may even die trying to preserve order.....

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Jon I feel will warg Ghost, whether they show this in Ep 10 or next season, I do not know. There was a panel interview with D&D, Kit Harrington, and Jon Bradley at Oxford. When one of the members asked Harrington which character he would like to play, he said Ghost. Judging by his and D&D's reaction after, it looked like Harrigton accidentally let this info slip. Weiss even soon stated I have two words Season 6. It may have all been a joke but I don't think so.

I've posted the link below. It's rather long but Bradley is hilarious.


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I like the idea that, if FTW happen, they will burn Jons body, but he will not burn, he is not actually dead, just wounded and Targaryens do not burn. He will then rise from the ashes, with his sword and fulfill the prophecy of Azor Ahai - reborn amidst salt and smoke (as book readers know). This will happen as a parrallel to Dany and the birth of her dragons in the fire, after she was betrayed by that magic woman. Jon his betrayd by his brothers in the NW (or Olly). The Unsullied can make this parallel between Dany and Jon without having heard of Azor Ahai at all. Jon might be confused... but Benjen shows up to tell him about his parentage and it all falls into place (or mayde that is left for next season). Ghost... Reborn...

I like your thinking...

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Jon I feel will warg Ghost, whether they show this in Ep 10 or next season, I do not know. There was a panel interview with D&D, Kit Harrington, and Jon Bradley at Oxford. When one of the members asked Harrington which character he would like to play, he said Ghost. Judging by his and D&D's reaction after, it looked like Harrigton accidentally let this info slip. Weiss even soon stated I have two words Season 6. It may have all been a joke but I don't think so.

I've posted the link below. It's rather long but Bradley is hilarious.


Thanks for the link, I hadn't seen this before. Kit seems so guileless. If he does warg Ghost next season I don't think he knew it at that point. Weiss's reaction was weird (staring at Kit), but I can't tell if that was because he was just waiting for the laughter to die down so he could make his "two words" joke.

John Bradley is awesome -- love him. Poor Kit was blushing the entire time.

ETA: I feel kind of sick anticipating tonight's episode...

Also, thanks to Benioff for putting the image of a "hobbit with a boner" in my head. Mind bleach, please. :ack:

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I think Jon Snow will eventually warg. They might have shot the warging scene in this season so that they don't have to sign Kit for next season. I think the very first scene of season 6 will show the same sight of Jon Snow on the ground but this time his eyes will turn and he will warg into Ghost.

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to be honest, I'm shocked. Didn't expect him to really die - but I don't think Kit is lying. Why should he? + D&Ds' comments.

Him being dead would explain the missing scenes from the house of the undying. I think they wanted to reveal R+L = J at first and then changed their minds.

I'm speechless =/

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to be honest, I'm shocked. Didn't expect him to really die - but I don't think Kit is lying. Why should he? + D&Ds' comments.

Him being dead would explain the missing scenes from the house of the undying. I think they wanted to reveal R+L = J at first and then changed their minds.

I'm speechless =/

Why would he lie after his big cliffhanger death just happened? Because it ruins the surprise. These people are under contract to not reveal anything.

Anyways there is next to no chance he doesn't come back.

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to be honest, I'm shocked. Didn't expect him to really die - but I don't think Kit is lying. Why should he? + D&Ds' comments.

Him being dead would explain the missing scenes from the house of the undying. I think they wanted to reveal R+L = J at first and then changed their minds.

I'm speechless =/

Of course Kit is coming back next season. He probably is trying to throw people off the scent as Jon is revived as Azor Azhi or whatever and not Jon Snow.

Honestly I can't believe people actually thing Jon is dead for good.

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But why would D&D say "dead is dead" ? Of course, he is dead and might be brought back to life by Melisandre, but that seems a bit far fetched now :/
Then again why did they drop all those hints about Rhaegar's true character this season.

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