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U.S. Politics - the pre-pre-pre-pre Primary season edition


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Tracker - I do get that Brown's considered a good-looking guy and was in Playgirl and all that.  I just love it as a funny anecdote in US politics.  Like, what's the psychology there?  Does he just have a lifelong habit of trying to draw women to him being in shape or something?  Is it some perverse version of the character in Boogie Nights humble-bragging about how often he's at the gym?


Well, first of all let's be clear that Brown is attractive, yes, but in DC that's a pretty low bar. Keep in mind this is a place where Paul Ryan is considered a prize. (Great googlymooglies!) That being said, I'm not surprised to hear about this sort of behavior; I think men are much more vain about their appearance than some would have us believe. I knew a guy who was extremely good-looking and extremely aware of it, and though straight he used to hang around gay guys for the overt attention he'd inevitably receive. He'd even very subtly flirt, not because he wanted sex but because he wanted, even needed, the validation. Scott Brown may be one of that ilk.

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Got it.  So even though Scott may not want to bed Claire McCaskill, he might just love to get some comment from her about how fit he is or something.

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The anti-choice fanatics are almost pathologically dishonest in terms of tactics. All evil is excused in the name of Jesus, apparently. 


It looks like we might be getting another wave of formula bills by one of the national anti-choice organizations passed by republican-dominated legislatures, since Ohio* is now trying to pass an unconstitutional bill banning women from getting abortions if they detect downs syndrome in the fetus. 


* Why is Ohio an epicenter for this stuff? Are there a ton of religious conservatives in Ohio or something, because it's as bad as the Deep South in terms of anti-choice legislation.

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The Bush III team in action:


One of Jeb Bush’s hands does not look like the other.

A “Why Jeb” mailer delivered to about 86,000 early-voters in Iowa shows the Republican presidential candidate proudly standing photoshopped against a Cedar Rapids stock image, but that’s not the only thing that appears to be digitally altered.

A leaflet shows the former Florida governor with what appears to be one white and one black hand, but the super PAC behind it says it’s a misunderstanding.

Scrutiny over the pro-Bush Right to Rise USA pamphlet only bubbled up shortly after the group uploaded their work to Twitter on Thursday. Those who pointed out the discrepancy on social media wondered why Bush’s hand was so dark compared to the rest of his body.

Right to Rise USA staffers revealed their original image of Bush’s pose Saturday and thought of it themselves as fail, too.

If this keeps up, Jeb isn't even going to make it to the primaries, let alone the Oval Office.
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I could be wrong because the internet is sometimes a place where things are lost in translation, but I think Ramsay was making an anti-Christie's argument barb rather than showing his true Rudy G. GOP colors.  :dunno:

Yeah I'm pretty sure he's just taking a very well played shot at Christie's Guliani-esque bullshit.
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I could be wrong because the internet is sometimes a place where things are lost in translation, but I think Ramsay was making an anti-Christie's argument barb rather than showing his true Rudy G. GOP colors.  :dunno:



Tracker - I do get that Brown's considered a good-looking guy and was in Playgirl and all that.  I just love it as a funny anecdote in US politics.  Like, what's the psychology there?  Does he just have a lifelong habit of trying to draw women to him being in shape or something?  Is it some perverse version of the character in Boogie Nights humble-bragging about how often he's at the gym?


There's a new poll out that asks GOP voters who they expect the nominee to be, and Trump wins.  Maybe that's usually the case?  Most people respond to that question with who they themselves are planning to vote for?  At any rate, I can't believe this Trump phenomenon.  Norm Ornstein who is a long-time watching of Congress and politics has this piece on the phenomenon but touches on the point that's come up about just how much the base has had it with the establishment Republicans. 

The majority of my friends love Trump, and yeah I think he's going to get the nomination. I can't see what's going to stop him, the media attacks have just made him more popular. I'm hoping Bush fucks off and gives Walker and Rubio some air and money to take him on properly, but even then I still think Trump is a big favorite for the nom. The past week my opinion on this has changed, people are major level PISSED at shit like this




TPA passed with a mere 219-211 vote with only 218 needed to pass. The real shocker comes from the amount of money each Representative received for a yes vote. In total, $197,869,145 was given to Representatives for a yes vote where as $23,065,231 was given in opposition.

  • John Boehner (R-OH) received $5.3 million for a "yea" vote and was the highest paid legislator.

  • Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) received $2.4 million for his "yea" vote.

  • Paul Ryan (R-WI) received $2.4 million for a "yea" vote and came in at the third highest paid legislator.

  • Pat Tiberi (R-OH) follows Paul Ryan, coming in the fourth spot having received $1.6 million for his "yea" vote.


Trump's biggest selling point is he can't be bought. Yeah he throws lots of red meat to the Repub base, but folks on the right are fucking sick of pay for play politics.

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The Bush III team in action:


If this keeps up, Jeb isn't even going to make it to the primaries, let alone the Oval Office.


LOL!! So they put Jeb's head on a black guy's body?


The #cuckservative folks are gonna have a field day with this one

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LOL!! So they put Jeb's head on a black guy's body?


The #cuckservative folks are gonna have a field day with this one


That reminds me of something that happened in Pennsylvania last year, when Tom Corbett was in the midst of his doomed gubernatorial reelection campaign. He released an ad into which someone had Photoshopped a smiling black woman, which was likely the only way the Corbett people were going to get an African American in the same picture as that guy. Naturally, the Internet exploded, and my own state rep, openly gay Brian Sims, immediately (and hilariously) followed up with his own version. I don't know what these campaign people are thinking...

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The majority of my friends love Trump, and yeah I think he's going to get the nomination. I can't see what's going to stop him, the media attacks have just made him more popular. I'm hoping Bush fucks off and gives Walker and Rubio some air and money to take him on properly, but even then I still think Trump is a big favorite for the nom. The past week my opinion on this has changed, people are major level PISSED at shit like this





Trump's biggest selling point is he can't be bought. Yeah he throws lots of red meat to the Repub base, but folks on the right are fucking sick of pay for play politics.


I still have to hear from you why you think Trump can't be bought. Or why giving a buyer what he wants to buy for free is a good idea when "buying" really is an euphemism for corruption.

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I think Trump would be better if he could be bought*. I can't really think of anyone who's ideas would be worse.


*He can be bought, but the price is higher. Instead of a few thousand for a campaign, it's more like blocking approval for an Indian Casino near one of his existing casinos.

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The majority of my friends love Trump, and yeah I think he's going to get the nomination. I can't see what's going to stop him, the media attacks have just made him more popular. I'm hoping Bush fucks off and gives Walker and Rubio some air and money to take him on properly, but even then I still think Trump is a big favorite for the nom. The past week my opinion on this has changed, people are major level PISSED at shit like this





Trump's biggest selling point is he can't be bought. Yeah he throws lots of red meat to the Repub base, but folks on the right are fucking sick of pay for play politics.


Trump's biggest selling point is that he's a loud, angry, stupid, rich, white guy full of hatred and wannabe-tough-guyism. That appeals to the sort of brain-dead troglodyte who neither understands nor cares about understanding things like science or history or facts or logic or reason or adult emotions and is, basically, opposed to everything for the lulz.


In a complex world, that kind of idiotic simplicity must be appealing, the same way that certain colors or sounds are appealing to children.


I get it, I really do.


But people who actually support Trump are basically just the worst sorts of people.

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The majority of my friends love Trump, and yeah I think he's going to get the nomination. I can't see what's going to stop him


 The realization that he has absolutely zero political experience perhaps? Trump is a sideshow at best. I think you are overestimating the stupidity of the Republican base.

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The only argument Milne, the Republican, made to the legislature was that they should vote the way their districts did, and since he won a majority of the districts (fairly impressive considering Democrats had drawn the lines) he should win. A couple Democrats who were pissed at Shumlin for canceling the state's single player plans went along with that, but it was cancelled out by a couple Republicans who said they shouldn't be overturning the election; which did give Shumlin a plurality.


But yeah, in general I think its expected that legislators will just vote for whoever their party nominee is, and I don't see anything wrong with that (although if it is reversing the popular vote, that's a little sticky; which is why most state constitutions don't have this requirement that Vermont does if no one gets 50%).


Well didn't Milne have some sorta of political pedigree on a state level? I might be wrong, but I thought both his parents were into that field. So relatively unknown outside Vermont, yes. But not necessarily without a name in Vermont. But I could be wrong on that.

To put that Sumlin sideshow (I initiated) to rest, if I am not mistaken, he won the popular vote though (in relative terms) against his opponent. 47% to 46% or something. Not really impressive, but there was a POTUS from the lone Brain Cell State who had two terms despite losing the popular vote during his first run (not to mention the voting machines in Florida).


On a Trump note, I don't think the can'T be bought stuff is the big winner for Trump, that makes him so appealing. Trump might be an insane choice by any rational standard, but he at least has an attitude/spine/convinction/whatever you want to call it. So he is in a way more authentic than any of his fellow primary rivals. 

I think that'S what made Ron Paul such a big success with younger voters in the Republican Primaries (a group the Grand Old Party) has big troubles connecting to. Same with Sanders on the Democrat's side. So I am bit less surprised than some other posters, that former Ron Paul supporters are now burning for Bernie.

Don't the US demographs always ask in their polls, with which candidate you would rather drink a beer, to see who connects better to the plebs

Personally I can see, how a discussion over a beer with Trump or Sanders can be more entertaining than having a beer with the other candidates.

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the best part about this is that this is coming from a supposed libertarian.




I think you're confused. Chris Christie said this to Rand Paul, not the other way around.




I could be wrong because the internet is sometimes a place where things are lost in translation, but I think Ramsay was making an anti-Christie's argument barb rather than showing his true Rudy G. GOP colors.  :dunno:



I figured this went without saying but I guess I was wrong

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