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Which character would make the best spouse for Sansa Stark?


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14 hours ago, Jon's Queen Consort said:

Sure. I believe that Ned and Ashara  had an affair and Allyria is their daughter. For me Arya is more like Ned and if she will be with Ned at the end it will be like Ned and Ashara 2.0 but with reversed genders, the Stark will be the female and the Dayne will be the male.

Thanks! :cheers: I read through the threads (and now see them in your signature), and I have to say I like it. If they are the second shot at a Stark-Dayne alliance, I hope Arya and Ned have a happier ending than Ned and Ashara, someone has to have a happy ending in this series...

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10 hours ago, Eden-Mackenzie said:

Thanks! :cheers: I read through the threads (and now see them in your signature), and I have to say I like it. If they are the second shot at a Stark-Dayne alliance, I hope Arya and Ned have a happier ending than Ned and Ashara, someone has to have a happy ending in this series...

Thank you! :)

I do hope that Arya will have her hapy ending but I think that at the end she will die just like Jon told her.

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On 4/10/2016 at 8:32 AM, Eden-Mackenzie said:

To me, this is exactly why Ned would be a great match for Arya. And it's not that he wouldn't be a good match for Sansa as well, but Sansa has many more options, so I would prefer Ned and Arya as a pairing. For Sansa, I am going to join Team Willas Tyrell, with the caveats he is as lovely as Margaery made him out to be and the Tyrells are not after her claim to Winterfell (and Harrenhal and Riverrun).

Makes sense. I was just throwing him out there as an age-appropriate option because no one had mentioned him yet. :) 

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AFAIR Jaime once commented that the best life for Sansa could be settling down somewhere quiet, with a strong husband. So maybe she could just maintain her Alayne Stone personality, keep a low profile and have the Hound's puppies.

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On 3/17/2016 at 9:46 PM, Gabbie Roxas said:

Sansa has the IQ of a pond slug, but she has a noble name.   A good match needs to be good for both parties.  Taking looks, smarts, and all that in mind, I think Shagga of the Mountain Clans would make a fine match for Sansa.  That's about what she deserves and he can at least provide protection.


I pick Lothar Frey.  It heals the bad feelings between the families.  The Starks are destitute and hapless, the Freys rich and capable.  Winterfell needs rebuilding and the Freys have plenty of gold. 

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I think that Jon Snow is Sansa's 5th suitor. According to the theory in a comparison to a tourney held in Ashford in a Dunk and Egg story Lady Ashford  5 suitors - Baratheon, Tyrell, Lannister, Hardying, and Targaryeon. To date Sansa has had 4 suitors - Joffrey Baratheon, G Tyrell, Tyrion Lannister, Harry Hardying.... if this follows then Sansa's 5th suitor is a Targaryen. There are only two male Targaryens in the story...Aegon and Jon Snow. I do believe that Jon is legally a Targ because I don't believe the kings guard would have been guarding a bastard at the tower of joy. They may marry because they want to unite Targaryens and Starks because both families have magical powers in the story. Starks are wargs and Targs control dragons. Also, Jon Snow is the hero that Sansa wanted in KL. She looks at Janos Slynt and thinks "I wish a hero would cut off his head". And who is the hero that actually does cut off his head? Jon. 

Sansa and Jon start the story at opposite ends of the social structure of their world - Jon a bastard and Sansa betrothed to the future King of Westeros. By ADWD Sansa is a bastard (Allayne) and Jon is the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. 

Many think Jon will be with Dany but I really feel that she is heading down a very dark road. She is showing signs that she may become like her Father. I just don't see Jon being interested in a woman like that. 

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On 13/4/2016 at 6:25 AM, Targaryen Restoration said:

The Starks are destitute and hapless

Please provide the quote from the book that proves that the Starks were impoverished and miserable before AGOT, because it seems that you are confusing the Starks for Houses like the Westerlings.

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On 13.4.2016 at 5:25 AM, Targaryen Restoration said:


I pick Lothar Frey.  It heals the bad feelings between the families.  The Starks are destitute and hapless, the Freys rich and capable.  Winterfell needs rebuilding and the Freys have plenty of gold. 

A Storm of Swords

Although House Frey had allied with House Stark at the start of the War of the Five Kings, the Freys angrily return home when King Robb Stark marries Jeyne Westerling instead of a daughter of Lord Walder Frey.

Lame Lothar is sent by his father to Riverrun with the response of the Twins concerning the reconciliation of House Stark with House Frey. There he relays the demands that Lord Edmure Tully is to marry a Frey and that the choice of the bride would be Lord Walder's. While in Riverrun Lothar also participates in the funeral of Hoster Tully as one of the seven nobles sending off his funeral boat, and tells Robb that Winterfell has been burned. Lothar returns to the Twins with King Robb Stark's acquiescence to Edmure's marriage.[4]

When Robb goes to the Twins to make amends with Lord Walder Frey over breaking his marriage promise, Lothar meets him outside of the gate and behaves in a conciliatory manner. That night, he encounters Catelyn in the great hall while he is drinking with some of his relatives, behaving politely to her as well.[5] However, Lothar is one of the prime engineers of the Red Wedding massacre that is about to occur, and had planned many of the key details with Roose Bolton. It is Lothar's idea to use the song "The Rains of Castamere" as a signal for the slaughter to begin.[6] According to Merrett Frey, Lothar is more dangerous than most other members of House Frey.

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