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Edric Dayne, Why aren't we talking about him?

House Beaudreau

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To answer the OP it's well established that many people in Westeros have their own opinions on what happened in the final events of the war and what women produced Ned's "bastard". Edric is merely one of them and he's a bit too green to be much of an authority on the matter. Ned's closest confidants don't know.Doubtful Ned would leave some loose threads around that would enable a boy born several years after the events to be the definitive source.

Not to mention, Wylla was mentioned once before, and the idea of Jon's mom being a mystery was still maintained. It's always come off as more of a red herring than anything else.


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5 hours ago, tugela said:

Whether you like it or not, that is how the books describe him. And that is how things work in real life for the most part as well. Men who are good looking, charismatic, rich, talented and have worldly power are constantly the focus of female amorous intention, just like their female counterparts are. Rhaegar was all of those things put together. He would get to pick and choose who he wanted to be with, and he would have very little trouble getting their cooperation for the most part.

Ashara sounds like the same sort of girl as Lyanna, and we know Lyanna reacted that way, so it is not a stretch to think that Ashara would as well.

Lyanna is the only one he ran off with, that we know about. There would have been others, discretely, there always are with people in that sort of position and those attributes. You just don't get to hear about them. If he was that "in control of his dick" as you phrase it, he would not have endangered the crown by doing such as rash move as he did. Clearly he is NOT in control and acted on impulse rather than reason.

Perhaps Rhaegar was the first Prince of Dragonstone in the history of Westeros who did not take mistresses.

3 hours ago, OuttaOldtown said:

That's true, but authors like to use clues. There's been five books without mentioning any connection between the two. The arc of her story can only be connected to a Stark, the issue I have with Ned being in love with her as some suggest is he never thinks of her, not once. She is brought up in a Cat chapter and he wants nothing to do with the topic. Cat thinks to herself that he must've loved Jon's mother, whoever she was. The only woman Ned outright thinks about loving is none other than his sister Lyanna. So Cat was right, but not about it being Ashara, but that he loved Jon's mother..

Does that mean that Ned did not love his mother?  Because he never thinks about her, either.

Or perhaps he is repressing the memory of the women he loved, like his mother and Ashara.

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45 minutes ago, The Twinslayer said:

Perhaps Rhaegar was the first Prince of Dragonstone in the history of Westeros who did not take mistresses.

Does that mean that Ned did not love his mother?  Because he never thinks about her, either.

Or perhaps he is repressing the memory of the women he loved, like his mother and Ashara.

Oh yeah, I'll stop paying attention to all the thoughts about Lyanna that he has in his POVs. I'll eat some mescaline and think of all the possible women Ned loved so I can follow your insane logic.. 

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8 hours ago, Lost Melnibonean said:

And that's why nobody's talking about Edric Dayne, cause Daenerys and lemons. 

Yeah, lemons tend to have that effect :D

One thing about the supposed improbability of lemons in Braavos: no use comparing to geographical locations of the same latitude. The proximity of sea as well as potential warm sea currents can make for quite a difference.

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8 hours ago, OuttaOldtown said:

While ignoring the fact that all Targs born of  Makkar and Dyanna would have Dayne blood. She is biologically equivalent to Daenerys's grandmother since you have two generations of incest following Aegon V. Lynesse Hightower is described as looking more like Dany than Ashara, and Barriston never says 'just like', their eyes, sane can be said of plenty of women in Lys and at whorehouses all throughout Planetos.. 

Just because Dyanna was a Dayne does not mean that she has the Dayne gene. She would have a 50% chance of having it, and if she did not then the Dayne look would not have been passed on to her offspring.

People in Lys have violet eyes because the Valyrians were albinos. The Daynes are not albinos, but have blue to purple eyes, which means that they must have a unique gene that produces red pigment in their eyes rather than the brown everyone else has. They are special, and are not quite human. The Dayne purple looks like nothing else, which is why Barristan was so struck by Daenerys's eyes. He knew what very well what Ashara looked like since he would have interacted with her frequently, unlike everyone else who met Daenerys, so he alone can see that potential connection.

The Targaryens have blue eyes which may be lilac/pale violet at times due to them being albinos. The Dayne purple however would look quite different since their eyes could appear as true purple. I don't know how much Martin knows about eye color biology, but the fact that he has linked albino appearances and lilac eyes in the Valyrians suggests that he does know how it comes about. And it is pretty clear that the Daynes are not albinos so we would have to assume that he also knows that they would need a unique gene for that to happen.

Lynessa Hightower was Jorahs wife. He described her as look "a bit like" Daenaerys. He said nothing about her eyes. He could be referring to the general appearance of her face.

This is what Barristan had to say about Ashara and Daenerys:



Even after all these years, Ser Barristan could still recall Ashara’s smile, the sound of her laughter. He had only to close his eyes to see her, with her long dark hair tumbling about her shoulders and those haunting purple eyes. Daenerys has the same eyes. Sometimes when the queen looked at him, he felt as if he were looking at Ashara’s daughter ...

But Ashara’s daughter had been stillborn, and his fair lady had thrown herself from a tower soon after, mad with grief for the child she had lost, and perhaps for the man who had dishonored her at Harrenhall as well.


Ser Barristan had seen quite a few Targaryens, and knew what their eyes looked like. Ashara's eyes were like no one else's, that is why everyone remarked on them. And Daenerys has the same eyes. That has to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is not the Targaryens. Daenerys is also albino, and that is likely from the Targaryen line. That limits her potential parentage to only a few candidates. He makes a pretty clear connection, so much so that he feels that he is looking at Ashara's daughter. He only dismisses that idea because he had been told that Ashara's daughter was stillborn.

That is a pretty big clue IMO.

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7 hours ago, lancerman said:

To answer the OP it's well established that many people in Westeros have their own opinions on what happened in the final events of the war and what women produced Ned's "bastard". Edric is merely one of them and he's a bit too green to be much of an authority on the matter. Ned's closest confidants don't know.Doubtful Ned would leave some loose threads around that would enable a boy born several years after the events to be the definitive source.

Not to mention, Wylla was mentioned once before, and the idea of Jon's mom being a mystery was still maintained. It's always come off as more of a red herring than anything else.


If Wylla was Jon's wet nurse she would have had to be there when he was born. If the mother was indeed Lyanna, Wylla would have been physically at the ToJ and would have a pretty good idea of what happened there. Since she is later a servant of the Daynes, she must have either been left there or returned there after serving Ned with Jon. She would have talked, so the Daynes would know what happened at the ToJ as well. They know who Jon is, no question about that at all.

Wylla mentions are from Edrik and Robert. Since Ned reluctantly confirmed that it was Wylla to Robert, we have to assume that Robert got that information originally from some other source. The fact that he would remember a piece of information like that is suspicious. I would guess that the story about Wylla being the mother came to Robert via Varys's spying network, and that he was testing Ned when he asked the question.

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12 hours ago, OuttaOldtown said:

Exactly, it's not how the book describes him. The situation with Lyanna is the only case of him showing any interest in woman. Based on Cersei's opinion of him it appears he couldn't swooned any woman, yet he doesn't seem interested in being like Robert and Aegon IV. Which is exactly why I think the case with Lyanna is  driven by prophecy, not his dick..


What if Rhaegar was gay... 

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1 hour ago, Chib said:

What if Rhaegar was gay... 

I can't even say why but Rhaegar always seemed to me as (very close to being) asexual even Lyanna could have been more subject of obsession/ platonic bond than lust. 

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14 hours ago, tugela said:

Whether you like it or not, that is how the books describe him. And that is how things work in real life for the most part as well. Men who are good looking, charismatic, rich, talented and have worldly power are constantly the focus of female amorous intention, just like their female counterparts are. Rhaegar was all of those things put together. He would get to pick and choose who he wanted to be with, and he would have very little trouble getting their cooperation for the most part.

Ashara sounds like the same sort of girl as Lyanna, and we know Lyanna reacted that way, so it is not a stretch to think that Ashara would as well.

Lyanna is the only one he ran off with, that we know about. There would have been others, discretely, there always are with people in that sort of position and those attributes. You just don't get to hear about them. If he was that "in control of his dick" as you phrase it, he would not have endangered the crown by doing such as rash move as he did. Clearly he is NOT in control and acted on impulse rather than reason.

No, that really REALLY is not how the books describe him at all. Rhaegar is described as dutiful, he is described as being, quiet, bookish, and that he only took up a sword because of something he read in a book. 

This is a world where a mans desirability hinges largely on his martial prowess, he sounds far more like the type of man who wasn't particularly interested in women at all.  And if not for being the most eligible bachelor in the kingdom he quite likely would not have been most women's ideal husband. Sure he was gorgeous, but looks really aren't everything, their society idealises swordsmanship, jousting and masculinity in it's most affected form. Robert Baratheon was the maidens fantasy. Big, bold, strong, lusty.

Rhaegar represents a different type of man, he only ever took up these things because of the PTWP prophesy. And Cersei lusted for him, but she only truly lusts for power. her attraction to Rhaegar hinged upon becoming his Queen. Sure he was hot, but to her that was just a bonus. We can ascertain from reading her POV that the only thing that really turns Cersei on is the idea of herself in power. No one else actually tells us they fancied Rhaegar as far as I recall? Catelyn? Lysa? these were the contemporary women of the day. And as far as I remember neither thinks of how Rhaegar was the ultimate man and everyone wanted to be his queen.  

Find me one quote that implies Rhaegar played the field. Because there is Nothing, not a thing which implies he did, the man was married at 20, and we hear nothing about previous lovers, bastards, or mistresses. We hear from Barristan that he was dutiful, which implies he took things seriously, in fact if there is one word I'd use to describe the man the books paint for us it is serious. 

Which brings me on to the big issue that presents itself with your theory. Barristan Selmy. Barristan was a KG, Barristan loved Ashara, so much so that it still haunts him to this day how her life was cut short by tragedy and heartbreak. Being a KG he was around Ashara a lot, that is after all how he came to fall in love with the beautiful handmaiden. He was also around Rhaegar a lot, saw the lad grow up I'd say. Given we know he served in the KG since roughly the year of Rhaegars birth. IF Rhaegar had been knocking Ashara off on the sly, Barristan would have been aware, and how do you think he would feel about this?

But instead of being angry at the selfish prick of a prince, he remembers the man with the fondness and admiration befitting someone whom you have observed grow his whole life and whom you see as having also died before their time for reasons which should have been prevented. He does not resent Rhaegar as one would the married man who was getting jiggy with your love interest.There is no jealousy at Rhaegar having caressed the woman he longed to hold in his arms. He does not spare a thought to how the prince ruined Ashara's life by getting her pregnant.

He thinks only of Stark, and Harrenhall, and Ashara possibly turning to him instead had he declared his feelings. Now why would an old man think he could have swayed Ashara from Rhaegars arms, if Rhaegar is the irresistible fanny magnet you claim. Surely compared to Rhaegar Targaryen Barristan was but a kitchen drab?Answer: because it was not Rhaegars bed he thought he may have been able to prevent her from ending up in. 

Now Ned, who does not think Rhaegar Targaryen the type of man to visit brothels.  Now of course Ned was not close to Rhaegar, he never visited KL as far as we know, let alone served and protected the boy his entire life like Barristan did. But they were peers and would have come across one another as such, from time to time. At tourneys and banquets etc. Ned fostered in the Vale with Rhaegars cousin would have of course come across the Prince occasionally. So we can assume his impression of the man is akin to that of say, "Yeah, met the guy a few times, seemed like a decent sort" type of assessment.

Which then gets coupled with whatever Lyanna told him as she extracted that promise. Which could range from He was my true love, we married under a weirwood with witnesses and this babe is his trueborn son, he treated me with respect and cherished me and my heart breaks at his loss, I go now to join him. Please keep our princeling safe.. To OMG that scumbag kidnapped me, he raped me repeatedly and I'm so glad he is dead, but this son of mine is his bastard and he is of my body too, so please keep him safe. I'm only comforted by the knowledge he can't ever do this to anyone else again.

Somehow given the distinct lack of animosity towards Rhaegar I suspect it went something more like the former than the latter in that regard. Which lets face it doesn't pain the picture of a serial adulterer and general fuck boy who diddled his way through every pretty maid he met. 

Then Lyanna herself. Who did not wish to marry Robert, because he was promiscuous. Sure he was the Westerosi ideal of manhood in every way, High Lord of a prestigious house, Warden of an entire region. Tall, strong, muscled and beautiful, immense prowess on the battlefield and in the tourney's he smashed the melee's. He was charismatic, entertaining, amusing, and well loved by his peers.

But Lyanna didn't want him, but wait! I just described the type of man you think Rhaegar was... Funny that that is exactly the type of man we know she rejected. And you are the one that keeps asserting Ashara and Lyanna must be the same type of woman.  

In fact we have nothing to hint at them being remotely alike in personality. Not one shred of evidence points to the two being in anyway similar. Ashara comes across in what very very little we do get describing her. As very much the courtly lady. Who do you think gets sent to be haindmaiden to the princess and future queen? The tomboyish, wild, wilful and idealistic young woman? Or the beautiful, well mannered, and talented in maidenly pursuits (ie, she maybe plays the bells beautifully, rather than sneaks off and stick fights with her brother) example of idealised Westerosi womanhood. She's in KL and on Dragonstone as a representative of Dorne, and as such would have been chosen for her ability to impress the court. Not likely that she was anything at all like Lyanna actually.  Add in the fact that she was likely Elia's actual honest to goodness friend. And your basically saying Rhaegar was so irresistible that she thought fuck it, I know he's by BFF's hubby but my god I just can't seem to keep my pants on. 

Finally we do not know or understand the exact circumstances surrounding Lyanna and Rhaegar's situation. So we cannot simply conclude he was led by his dick and acted rashly because his dick told him to stick it in that girl there, now repeatedly.

Many possibilities are at play here, love, inheritance, prophesy etc. 

And I must say that if this is your genuine view of men and their ability to keep it in their pants I feel very sorry for you. 

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4 hours ago, tugela said:

If Wylla was Jon's wet nurse she would have had to be there when he was born.

Nope. Not true. It seems Lyanna died from childbed fever, and that would not cause her to be unable to produce milk or indeed breastfeed Jon herself right up to and for a short while, after if someone else positions baby in a manor where he can get a latch, her death. 

Simply put we have no reason to believe Wylla was present at the birth or at the ToJ. Ned could also get a baby to Starfall without a wetnurse. Babies can go a very surprisingly long time without being fed, there are accounts of newborns being buried alive in an earthquake who survived a week without milk. Babies lay down a specific layer of fat which is there to provide calorific needs in the period post birth whilst awaiting milk to come in, which can take between 2-7 days.  Not to mention that Ned can quite simply waltz into the first village and grab a lactating woman stick her up on a horse and say your coming with me, I'll release you from my service once I can find a more permanent source of milk.  Or he can feign his wife having been killed on the rd, and beg women at each village to please feed his son. Or he can simply take someones goat if he gets desperate enough.  

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21 minutes ago, The Weirwoods Eyes said:

No, that really REALLY is not how the books describe him at all. Rhaegar is described as dutiful, he is described as being, quiet, bookish, and that he only took up a sword because of something he read in a book. 

This is a world where a mans desirability hinges largely on his martial prowess, he sounds far more like the type of man who wasn't particularly interested in women at all.  And if not for being the most eligible bachelor in the kingdom he quite likely would not have been most women's ideal husband. Sure he was gorgeous, but looks really aren't everything, their society idealises swordsmanship, jousting and masculinity in it's most affected form. Robert Baratheon was the maidens fantasy. Big, bold, strong, lusty.

Rhaegar represents a different type of man, he only ever took up these things because of the PTWP prophesy. And Cersei lusted for him, but she only truly lusts for power. her attraction to Rhaegar hinged upon becoming his Queen. Sure he was hot, but to her that was just a bonus. We can ascertain from reading her POV that the only thing that really turns Cersei on is the idea of herself in power. No one else actually tells us they fancied Rhaegar as far as I recall? Catelyn? Lysa? these were the contemporary women of the day. And as far as I remember neither thinks of how Rhaegar was the ultimate man and everyone wanted to be his queen.  

Find me one quote that implies Rhaegar played the field. Because there is Nothing, not a thing which implies he did, the man was married at 20, and we hear nothing about previous lovers, bastards, or mistresses. We hear from Barristan that he was dutiful, which implies he took things seriously, in fact if there is one word I'd use to describe the man the books paint for us it is serious. 

Which brings me on to the big issue that presents itself with your theory. Barristan Selmy. Barristan was a KG, Barristan loved Ashara, so much so that it still haunts him to this day how her life was cut short by tragedy and heartbreak. Being a KG he was around Ashara a lot, that is after all how he came to fall in love with the beautiful handmaiden. He was also around Rhaegar a lot, saw the lad grow up I'd say. Given we know he served in the KG since roughly the year of Rhaegars birth. IF Rhaegar had been knocking Ashara off on the sly, Barristan would have been aware, and how do you think he would feel about this?

But instead of being angry at the selfish prick of a prince, he remembers the man with the fondness and admiration befitting someone whom you have observed grow his whole life and whom you see as having also died before their time for reasons which should have been prevented. He does not resent Rhaegar as one would the married man who was getting jiggy with your love interest.There is no jealousy at Rhaegar having caressed the woman he longed to hold in his arms. He does not spare a thought to how the prince ruined Ashara's life by getting her pregnant.

He thinks only of Stark, and Harrenhall, and Ashara possibly turning to him instead had he declared his feelings. Now why would an old man think he could have swayed Ashara from Rhaegars arms, if Rhaegar is the irresistible fanny magnet you claim. Surely compared to Rhaegar Targaryen Barristan was but a kitchen drab?Answer: because it was not Rhaegars bed he thought he may have been able to prevent her from ending up in. 

Now Ned, who does not think Rhaegar Targaryen the type of man to visit brothels.  Now of course Ned was not close to Rhaegar, he never visited KL as far as we know, let alone served and protected the boy his entire life like Barristan did. But they were peers and would have come across one another as such, from time to time. At tourneys and banquets etc. Ned fostered in the Vale with Rhaegars cousin would have of course come across the Prince occasionally. So we can assume his impression of the man is akin to that of say, "Yeah, met the guy a few times, seemed like a decent sort" type of assessment.

Which then gets coupled with whatever Lyanna told him as she extracted that promise. Which could range from He was my true love, we married under a weirwood with witnesses and this babe is his trueborn son, he treated me with respect and cherished me and my heart breaks at his loss, I go now to join him. Please keep our princeling safe.. To OMG that scumbag kidnapped me, he raped me repeatedly and I'm so glad he is dead, but this son of mine is his bastard and he is of my body too, so please keep him safe. I'm only comforted by the knowledge he can't ever do this to anyone else again.

Somehow given the distinct lack of animosity towards Rhaegar I suspect it went something more like the former than the latter in that regard. Which lets face it doesn't pain the picture of a serial adulterer and general fuck boy who diddled his way through every pretty maid he met. 

Then Lyanna herself. Who did not wish to marry Robert, because he was promiscuous. Sure he was the Westerosi ideal of manhood in every way, High Lord of a prestigious house, Warden of an entire region. Tall, strong, muscled and beautiful, immense prowess on the battlefield and in the tourney's he smashed the melee's. He was charismatic, entertaining, amusing, and well loved by his peers.

But Lyanna didn't want him, but wait! I just described the type of man you think Rhaegar was... Funny that that is exactly the type of man we know she rejected. And you are the one that keeps asserting Ashara and Lyanna must be the same type of woman.  

In fact we have nothing to hint at them being remotely alike in personality. Not one shred of evidence points to the two being in anyway similar. Ashara comes across in what very very little we do get describing her. As very much the courtly lady. Who do you think gets sent to be haindmaiden to the princess and future queen? The tomboyish, wild, wilful and idealistic young woman? Or the beautiful, well mannered, and talented in maidenly pursuits (ie, she maybe plays the bells beautifully, rather than sneaks off and stick fights with her brother) example of idealised Westerosi womanhood. She's in KL and on Dragonstone as a representative of Dorne, and as such would have been chosen for her ability to impress the court. Not likely that she was anything at all like Lyanna actually.  Add in the fact that she was likely Elia's actual honest to goodness friend. And your basically saying Rhaegar was so irresistible that she thought fuck it, I know he's by BFF's hubby but my god I just can't seem to keep my pants on. 

Finally we do not know or understand the exact circumstances surrounding Lyanna and Rhaegar's situation. So we cannot simply conclude he was led by his dick and acted rashly because his dick told him to stick it in that girl there, now repeatedly.

Many possibilities are at play here, love, inheritance, prophesy etc. 

And I must say that if this is your genuine view of men and their ability to keep it in their pants I feel very sorry for you. 

Everything you wrote can be supported by quotes from the books, the person you're responding to has instead decided to use his/her imagination to come to false conclusions in order to fit a preconceived agenda. There is not a single quote from the books that suggest Rhaegar was a womanizer whose actions were controlled by his dick..

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4 hours ago, tugela said:

Just because Dyanna was a Dayne does not mean that she has the Dayne gene. She would have a 50% chance of having it, and if she did not then the Dayne look would not have been passed on to her offspring.

People in Lys have violet eyes because the Valyrians were albinos. The Daynes are not albinos, but have blue to purple eyes, which means that they must have a unique gene that produces red pigment in their eyes rather than the brown everyone else has. They are special, and are not quite human. The Dayne purple looks like nothing else, which is why Barristan was so struck by Daenerys's eyes. He knew what very well what Ashara looked like since he would have interacted with her frequently, unlike everyone else who met Daenerys, so he alone can see that potential connection.

The Targaryens have blue eyes which may be lilac/pale violet at times due to them being albinos. The Dayne purple however would look quite different since their eyes could appear as true purple. I don't know how much Martin knows about eye color biology, but the fact that he has linked albino appearances and lilac eyes in the Valyrians suggests that he does know how it comes about. And it is pretty clear that the Daynes are not albinos so we would have to assume that he also knows that they would need a unique gene for that to happen.

Lynessa Hightower was Jorahs wife. He described her as look "a bit like" Daenaerys. He said nothing about her eyes. He could be referring to the general appearance of her face.

This is what Barristan had to say about Ashara and Daenerys:

Ser Barristan had seen quite a few Targaryens, and knew what their eyes looked like. Ashara's eyes were like no one else's, that is why everyone remarked on them. And Daenerys has the same eyes. That has to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is not the Targaryens. Daenerys is also albino, and that is likely from the Targaryen line. That limits her potential parentage to only a few candidates. He makes a pretty clear connection, so much so that he feels that he is looking at Ashara's daughter. He only dismisses that idea because he had been told that Ashara's daughter was stillborn.

That is a pretty big clue IMO.

You have got to be tripping, right? 

When exactly did GRRM ever say Valyrians are Albino's Please bring forth the SSM stating they are. 

  The Targaryens have blue (presumed from the ancestors post conquest who were from other westerosi houses of non Valyrian descent.) or purple eyes and that purple ranges from Amethyst, to Lilac, through Violet, to Dark deep purple, so deep in hue it can look almost black. 

GRRM has previously described Ashara Dayne's eye colour as being similar to how Elizabeth Taylors eyes can look violet in some lights. But we also get Gerolds eyes described as also so dark a purple as to appear black. And edric's as a dark blue. So they too spring up blue eyed kids.

So your assertion that the Daynes ayes are unique and special and unlike anyone else is false. Both Dayne's and Targaryens are described as having the same range of light violet to deepest purple. And sometimes blue.

Daenerys is not albino. the only Albino Targaryen we ever meet is Bloodraven.  You've basically made this up. 

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4 minutes ago, OuttaOldtown said:

Everything you wrote can be supported by quotes from the books, the person you're responding to has instead decided to use his/her imagination to come to false conclusions in order to fit a preconceived agenda. There is not a single quote from the books that suggest Rhaegar was a womanizer whose actions were controlled by his dick..

 I know, Sigh. I ought to know better, but it seems like there is a rash of R+A=D fanatics doing the rounds right now. And A woman hears the call to arms. 

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4 minutes ago, The Weirwoods Eyes said:

 I know, Sigh. I ought to know better, but it seems like there is a rash of R+A=D fanatics doing the rounds right now. And A woman hears the call to arms. 

These fanatics will accuse George of being wrong when the story doesn't go their way, oh it sounds silly but just wait and see..

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Hahahahaha!! you know what I really wouldn't put it past them.  I can totally see the release of TWOW and ADOS resulting in vociferous ascertaitions and you tube vids by a certain no mark insisting GRRM has changed the ending, lied, has it wrong, is ignoring all the evidence which quite obviously points to (insert favoured insane crackpot nonsense here)..........

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29 minutes ago, The Weirwoods Eyes said:

You have got to be tripping, right? 

When exactly did GRRM ever say Valyrians are Albino's Please bring forth the SSM stating they are. 

  The Targaryens have blue (presumed from the ancestors post conquest who were from other westerosi houses of non Valyrian descent.) or purple eyes and that purple ranges from Amethyst, to Lilac, through Violet, to Dark deep purple, so deep in hue it can look almost black. 

GRRM has previously described Ashara Dayne's eye colour as being similar to how Elizabeth Taylors eyes can look violet in some lights. But we also get Gerolds eyes described as also so dark a purple as to appear black. And edric's as a dark blue. So they too spring up blue eyed kids.

So your assertion that the Daynes ayes are unique and special and unlike anyone else is false. Both Dayne's and Targaryens are described as having the same range of light violet to deepest purple. And sometimes blue.

Daenerys is not albino. the only Albino Targaryen we ever meet is Bloodraven.  You've basically made this up. 

Mescaline is a powerful drug, when letters and words can move around anything is possible. In this case it's the incessant desire to insert Ashara and/or Authur Dayne into main plot lines by way of relationships which have no precedent in the story, I call this condition:


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3 minutes ago, OuttaOldtown said:

Mescaline is a powerful drug, when letters and words can move around anything is possible. In this case it's the incessant desire to insert Ashara and/or Authur Dayne into main plot lines by way of relationships which have no precedent in the story, I call this condition:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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