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Am I The Only One Around Here Who V.2


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Possibly, although I'd never say no to more fantasy languages. Considering that Drogo was the love of Daenerys's life, he doesn't make all that much impact in the books. D has this thing for alpha; I guess, though, that by Dothraki standards he's probably a charmer. 

Am I ... who keeps mixing up Robert and Rhaegar? It's very stupid, b/c I know perfectly well they're not only different people, but enemies. But out comes "Rhaegar" when I mean "Robert". Very annoying. Anyone else do anything silly like that?

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I do not speak verbally much about the characters, you may very well be alone in this. That is not to say that I do not screw names up. I am constantly calling for one of my children and the name that comes out is the wrong one.

Am I......... who will occasionally google (or if you use bing, or something else) the release date of The Winds of Winter, just incase you may have missed the big announcement?

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@Count Balerion are you kidding me? Drogo was the love of her life AND the catalyst of Daenerys's GoT arch. He was so important and her chapters keep referring back to him even in ASOS. And by Dothraki standards he was a very enlightened and progressive man and leader. And yes, he was the ultimate alpha male too. I miss Drogo :crying:


And I'm pretty sure you aren't the only one, though I know I stopped checking winds of winter updates about 3 years ago. 


Am I the only one around here who thinks that a Jon/Daenerys endgame would be as bad as or worse than the Harry/Ginny one was? 

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Bad as in bad writing? Then no, the mere idea of Jon and Dany hooking up makes me roll my eyes. However, I found adult Ginny surprisingly likeable in The cursed child (even though she was insufferable in the "real" books). Anyway, I think the closest thing to Harry/Ginny is Jon/Ygritte.

Am I the only one around here who, whenever someone pours boiling oil during battle, wonders how much oil there is to spare?

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I'm sure you aren't. I usually just assume they have it in abundance because I'm used to having everything in abundance in the 21st century and I'm too dumb to think too much about it. 


Am I the only one around here who thinks season 7 is going to suck but secretly hopes it maybe won't? 

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No you are not. I was really upset that they cut Ariannw, because she is one of my favourite characters in the books. I liked both Quentyn's and Aegon's storylines, but I can understand why they cut them . Though the gap that Aegon left should have been filled better. 

Am I the only one around here who likes Daario? He isn't one of my favourites, but I don't find him as annoying as some other readers do. 

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No, you're not. I liked him acutally. I didn't like the TOJ flashbacks, but that had nothing to do with the actors. 

Am I the only one around here who everytime this forum is down thinks that the reason for this is that GRRM has announced the release date of TWOW? Really, everytime the site is down I believe that it crashed, because too many people are visiting it at once and of course too many people are visiting because GRRM just announced that TWOW is finished. I know, I'm a sweet summerchild. I always get reminded of that when I visit his blog after seeing that the site is down...

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Many, many people share your opinion (although personally I'm compleletly apathetic towards the show).

Am I the only one around here who wonders whether the Dothraki and the Ghiscari are simply horrible cultures, or if we'll have new elements that will make us see them in a new light (if twow ever comes out)?


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Nope you are not. I really hope that we will get a bit more information about these cultures in TWOW and that GRRM will write it in such a way that I can sympathise more with characters from these cultures.

Am I the only one around here who liked Dany's chapters in ADWD? 

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No, you're not. I liked her chapters. They're not the kind we got before with all the action and burning and pillaging, but we needed to see her dealing more with politics. She needed to get some ruling experience instead of just conquering everything in sight. And really she needed to stop and get her bearings after everything that had happened before going on to reclaim her family's throne in Westeros.


AITOOAHW thinks if there's a Blackfyre in the story it shouldn't be Aegon, because he works better as a smokescreen/red herring?

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No. I think that Aegon son of Illyrio of the House Blackfyre disguised as a Teagarden is an even worse story than Real Aegon. I mean really? House Blackfyre wants to take revenge on House Targaryen and sit on the Iron Throne by impersonating house Targaryen and publicly sitting THEM back on the iron throne? Is it me or this almost sounds like honoring House martell by killing off house martell. 


Am am I the only one around here who thinks the Bear and the maiden fair song does not refer to Daenerys and Ser Jorah, only because he is a "bear" and Daenerys is blond and that's a way too literal interpretation? 

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I think that the song draws parallels to multiple plotlines, but I cannot assign one pairing only to those "roles". I do not believe any of the songs found in the books should be taken as prophesy/foreshadowing of characters, chronicling future plot points.

AITOOAHW gets excited when they see a former GoT cast member in another show/film? I just started watching "Medici" with Richard Madden. I find the Renaissance interesting, so that helps too.

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You're not. I dislike the show but I do like most of the actors. And watching Robb Stark marry Cinderella was gold.

Am I the only one around here who thinks Rhaegar (given the limited information we have, although GRRM did refer to him as a "love struck prince") and Lyanna might have more responsibility in the atrocities that took place during Robert's Rebellion than Aerys (who was insane so not completely responsible of his acts)?

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No. You're definitely not alone in that. But I disagree strongly because while some consequences were definitely foreseeable (unless Aerys actually ordered Lyanna seized over that KotLt business and Rhae Rhae saved her) I do NOT think it's fair to say that anybody in their right mind could have predicted Brandon Stark being such a monumental dumbass. Brandon started it by usurping his father's authority as guardian of Lyanna, and committing treason while he was at it. That's not even wolf blood. That's stupidity. On the other hand, Aerys was certifiably insane so it's arguable that he's not remotely responsible for anything he did/said/ordered. But on that note, Rhaegar could and should have taken steps long before to get his father off the throne. Problem is the limited info we have, as you mentioned. 


AITOOAHW does not think Lyanna being abducted by Rhaegar and Lyanna being in love with Rhaegar are mutually exclusive?

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R+L: no no no no no. Let's not put about five people's responsibility and decisions on Rhaegar and Lyanna. I'm not saying they weren't stupid, but it was definitely other people's responsibility and decisions that escalated the situation into a disastrous war. I also refuse to relieve Aerys of responsibility based on his mental state, that's barely ever a 100% sure/fair decision even in the 21st century with all the tech and medical knowledge and precise laws. And there are many other people who are responsible, just because you weren't the first one to poke the other, you ARE responsible the fist fight the breaks out if you consciously decide to poke back. 


I never thought of it that way, but you are right. Those are not mutually exclusive. But I still stand with the love story. I will never not stand with the love story. 


Am I the only one around here who doesn't get why people like to blame Rhaegar for all the bad that happens in the world while Jaime is widely considered a misunderstood hero and his (much more controversial ones than those of Rhaegar) actions are constantly being justified based on rather wild interpretations of love and morals and relativity? 

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Probably not. But I'm sure a huge reason why people do that is because we have Jaime's POV. It's so much easier to judge a character if you have nothing but other characters' opinions on said character. Ned's lack of contradicting things like Robert's angry mentions of Lyanna being raped didn't help. If Ned had at any point thought "Rhaegar wasn't so bad really, we don't know that he did X,Y, and Z" it might have gone a long way to helping some readers take it easy on the judgy-judgness.

Jaime gets a chance to explain himself, his views, his contradictions, his conflicting loyalties, and to an extent his giving up on trying to convince people he's not a villain. He decided the reputation he had suited him, and so he didn't bother fighting it, but part of him still wants to be acknowledged for being a better man than most think he is. And part of him wants to be a better man. If Rhaegar ever felt that way about himself, we don't know, and it's too late for any redemption he might have needed. Jaime can still change for the good.

Also Jaime never had a wife to cheat on...


AITOOAHW would love to have a character in the series based on them or named after them? Silly question, I know. :D

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:lol: probably not, though this thought had never crossed my mind. A character based on me would indeed be perversely satisfying and ego boosting. :devil: I'd like that. 

And.. err.. cheating on one's wife is more difficult to redeem than incestous homewrecking and attempted child murder? I mean, okay, different opinions and all.


am I the only one around here who would love to try out being a handmaiden to a (preferably nice) high lady? 

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