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News from the insane world of Terry Goodkind


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I don't think the fans were quite perceptive enough as the intellectual comments such as "Hmm... What?" suggest. And they soon went off topic.

Great quote

and are affected by it
- and not in the way they think.

Why isn't Goodkind a comedy writer? Or just take a random sample of threads (like this how it changed your life thread) and put them in a book, and suddenly Pratchett has a serious competitor.

And of course this is what they describe one of the subforums as:

Objectivism spoken here! Want to understand a thing? Interested in Objectivism or cool sounding words? Then this is the place! Feel free to Debate, Expostulate and even Remonstrate, but do not, agitate, deprecate or bellyache! Here you can engage

Love the bit about the "Interested in.. cool sounding words"!

Best on how long this will last?

Other fantasy authors

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Kid Charlamagne:

Please, please recreate that thread. It sounds enormously entertaining, and I certainly don't want to trawl through Goodkind (whose books I do not own, nor have I read) to create it myself. But I'd love for you to do the work for my personal satisfaction. ;)

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I think you can get an idea about the average Goodkind fan by reading the other author thread. I see allot of authors I like but most I class as simplistic and "entry level".

Except one of the mentioned Roger Zelazny. I read the post many times, and the only reason I could come up with that they suffered a serious injury to the head between reading Zelazny and Goodkind. And Martin was mentioned - ok, perhaps that poster didn't seriously believe Goodkind was a good writer though.

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Wow... That was scary...

How has the SOT series changed or affected your life.


I have been in love with the Sword of Truth novels since the moment I picked up Wizards First Rule. It is so much more then just a series, it is an emotional experience.

I used to complain that my life was so terrible. Reading the series has made me realize that I have it good. I live in a county where I can do what I want, say what I want, and be the person that I am. Reading about the Imperial Order and how oppressed the people are makes me truly greatful for the freedom I have.

:rofl: Someone needs to tell this person that the "Imperial Order" isn't real so they don't have to worry about them. :rofl:

Actually, the worst part of the forum is the horrible sigs like this


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For about 5 seconds I was tempted to pop across, politely explain our interest, and then depart. However, then I feared we'd then be subjected to 20 Goodkind fans signing up here and trolling the thread into tedium.

Over on Malazanempire we have a dedicated Goodkind fan who has started reading MBF (she hates RJ, hasn't tried GRRM). Hopefully we can convert her to the ways of good fantasy writing as a case study to see if there's any hope for the rest of them.

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I question the humanity and the sanity of those of you who have managed to actually finish one (or more! :sick: :o ) of Goodkind's books.

Well, I read the first few books when I was young and stupid and read anything that had dragons in it. Then I read the rest out of a mix of morbid curiosity (brought on in large part by threads like this one, actually - I wanted to see if it could actually be as bad as all that. Turns out it could. Oh well.) and desire for a good solid lesson of how not to do it. ;)

And yes, yes, what Ser Bazzlebanesaid! :D That thread of yours was hilerious.

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If they're confused by us looking at that particular thread, they'll probably be even more confused if we all open an extra browser window and look at the above thread, they then notice the next day that there's lots of people looking at the thread discussing why lots of people were looking at the other thread... ;)

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shit, if I knew objectivism was this much fun earlier, I wouldn't have felt intimidated by that compy of "The Fountainhead' staring down at me from my dad's bookcase all these years :D

seriously, I'm almost at the point with that forum where I think it'd be downright rude not to sign in and *politely* ask them to keep being so batshit insane, because Martin's demented, relativist fan base fucking eats up their pain with a spoon :rofl:

you see where this is going though, right?

1. establish a rabid fanbase of dejected scifi/fantasy fans.

2. start injecting blatant philosophy into series.

3. come out with book for fans where philosophy is actually a religion.

4. inherit the rights to tom cruise and john travolta.

guys, he's at like 2 and a half here...probably 3 within another book.

John Travolta IS Richard Seeker!

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As a staunch objectivist, I will continue to do the only right thing, no matter the reprimand or consequences I might face. I will live my life as a shining example of human nobility, like any true hero would.

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Here's what really pisses me off about Terry Goodkind: the man was reportedly paid a $250,000 advance for Wizard's First Rule. That's obscene. I can't even bear to imagine what he's making now.

If anyone wonders where I got that number -- Holly Lisle mentions the advance on her page (about halfway down the page under "How much should I charge a publisher to publish my book?"), and I remember reading an interview with Terry Brooks (no link, sorry) where he mentioned it as well.

That's just a fuck-ton of money. Maybe it was for more than one book? Maybe he had to include a kidney, a lung, and his pancreas in the bargain? Hell, maybe the figure is inaccurate. But advances, as I understand it, are poorly kept secrets in the writing world, especially the crazy big ones.

Pfff to you Terry.

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Ah, excellent. In that case he is totally :owned: by Steven Erikson, whose advance from Transworld was allegedly £400,000. And that's UK pounds, so more like $700,000 dollars. It was the biggest advance for a fantasy author in UK history at the time. Although that was for nine books.

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Ah, excellent. In that case he is totally :owned: by Steven Erikson, whose advance from Transworld was allegedly £400,000. And that's UK pounds, so more like $700,000 dollars. It was the biggest advance for a fantasy author in UK history at the time. Although that was for nine books.

Yeah well Erikson should be making along with Martin as much Money as J.K. Rowling.

Goodkind should be payin us to read his books.

I have read every book up to and including Chainfire.

Honestly its like thoose films you watch that are so shit its entertainin.

Plus I don't care what you say women look hot in skin tight red leather.

I plan to go Troll Goodkinds board, but don't worry I am expert troll and they will find no connection to this forum.

*gets out his size 9 club and small portable bridge*

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Well, if you want to go trolling that's up to you. Personally I'd take the sarcasm approach and see how long it took them to work out what was going on.

"The impact SOT have on my life is that i cherish ervery single day as its my last and make most out of it. It also helped me when i was going through a deep depression and made me seek out help before it went really wrong. I can with hand on my heart say that SOT saved my life. I always become calmer and clear headed when i have read one of the books. They are really inspiring books."

Oh, sorry, I think I inadvertantly pasted a REAL post from the board. Although, to be fair, if this guy was really going through some bad stuff and this series helped him out, than all power to them. It's just a bit...odd, that's all.

Let us know how you get on Xanrn.

He he. I just spotted this thread:


They're trying to rally support for Chainfire on Amazon which has gotten mediocre reviews. Maybe those who've read the book can go on there and do some anti-reviews. As a point of principle, I sadly cannot post a review without reading the book first, but it seems we have a few people here who have read it and may be willing to take it down a peg or two.

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