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Survivor: Heroes vs Villians

Lord of Oop North

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For all you Coach lovers, you might want to check out what the deep thinking Dragon Slayer is reading at the Ponderosa in the Courtney Ponderosa #3 video.


I can't wait for him to start quoting the Witch of the West.

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That was a potentially brilliant move by the hereos, but I believe it will backfire on them a bit. With the whole Heroes tribe knowing about the idol, it lessens the usability of it a bit and could possibly help win them an ally.

Unfortunatly, they gave it to Russell Hanz. :)

I will say this, I love the game that Russell plays and believe he should have won his season. I also think he is he best player of survivor I have seen. I haven't seen another survivor player who was able to send home any person they wanted to, when they want. If Russell says he wants someone to go, they go that week, at least that is what has happened so far.

Having said all that. I think he made a HUGE mistake this week. He should have kept the immunity idol to himself, for emergency purposes. Then again that would have robbed us fans of the hillarious reading of the note by Parvati.

As for next week with the foreshadow of Sandra tattling on Russell, I have faith that Russell will somehow pull out a huge coup and JT will be going home. Or maybe Rupert, he strikes me as someone who would confront Russell and we all know what happens to people who confront Russell. LOL

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Oh I'll give credit to JT for making a ballsy move that might have worked, given what he knew of Russell. What I consider a stupid move was that it was just so needless. He didn't have to give up the idol to Russell in order to try and stir some things up in that other tribe. He should have just listened to the babe and play his idol close to his chest, because they had no way of knowing if there was an all-girls' alliance in the first place. He's taking such a needless risk, and it is stupid, even if it could have worked.

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The move from JT, had it worked, would have been Epic. One of the best Survivor twists of all time!

However, the move was, is, and will always be, a stupid move. Not because it didn't work out, but because the risk was so much higher than the possible reward. If they kept the idol, they would have had 5 vs. 5 with an 'community HII'. That leaves them room to try and flip one of the girls in the all girl alliance, or if that doesn't work out, use the idol to get the numbers.

Throwing away an HII on a Hail Mary type play, when they don't NEED to do that, is stupid.

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I think I may be more interested in watching Ponderosa videos for the rest of the season. I find the show now to be too stressful to watch given my undying hatred for any scene with Russell in it. :worried:

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Wow. Did that just happen? One of the best tribal council moves ever.

The really interesting thing is that the Villains are definitely not safe. They have the numbers, but there's also no reason for Sandra to stick with them. She should flip to the Heroes, and secretly make a final 3 alliance with Rupert and whoever he trusts the most.

ETA - Yep, looks like that's what they're hinting at in the previews.

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I'm only half way through so far, but this line freaking had me rolling:

JT: "Rupert, uhunh hunh hunh. There's a reason I've been doing Rupert's strategical play thus far. It's because he needs to be told where to vote by someone he can really trust and let that be done. So, I just keep reminding him of that like, "Rupert think about this a minute. Do you believe what Sandra told you or do you believe the obvious truth."


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That was about the smartest move I've ever seen in Survivor. JT deserved to be voted out, but Amanda didn't do them any favors either. I still can't stand Parv, but agree that she is a formidable player. She's proven that.

Even before the previews, I didn't see any reason for Sandra not to flip. She is firmly 5th on the Villains tribe and an idol isn't going to turn her head. Jerri has no place else to go, but Sandra reached out to Rupert and has an in. Even if she's still 5th on the Hero's alliance, she hasn't lost anything and has gained a chance at vengeance on Russell. Go Sandra!

What I'm looking forward to next week is Parv explaining where that extra idol came from to Russell. He doesn't take kindly to betrayal. Not that I think he's going to cut Parv loose at this point, but he won't be happy about it.

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Yeah, Parv's got some 'splainin' to do when Russell wonders how come she didn't tell him about the idol. Nothing she can't get around, though. I still think Russell's not in control of things as much as he thinks. Parvati's GOT him.

And what kind of little girl has Colby turned into? He should've stayed home for all the good he's done this season. Makes me think he's got some kind of illness or something. He is just not the competitor he was.

Gods, I wish I had time to watch the Ponderosa videos. Wouldn't you know that work has gotten busy just as I want to catch up on Survivor. :rant:

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Goddamn that was an impressive move! Of course Amanda's terrible talk with Parvati was instrumental in letting Parvati feel safe. Amanda is not very good at Survivor.

That may have been the best preview all season, and the previews have been very well edited all season.

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Amanda is less a poor player and it's more like Parvati just knew that Amanda was lying. It's less about Amanda's poor skills and more about Parvati's ability to see how things really are. She's amazing.

Yeah, Parvati did well, but.....Amanda came off as really fake in that conversation. I think a lot of people would have seen through that. She's an awful liar.

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Yeah lies don't roll off Amanda's tongue easily. Watching her trying to deceive Parvati was painful. Lying is a big part of Survivor, and her inability to lie has hampered her in every season she has played.

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Yeah lies don't roll off Amanda's tongue easily. Watching her trying to deceive Parvati was painful. Lying is a big part of Survivor, and her inability to lie has hampered her in every season she has played.

And yet she managed to make it to the finals twice.

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Just a thought about Russell's chances this time versus last season. When J.T. was voted out he basically told Russell "You got me." Not resentful like all the Galu (or was he Foa Foa) nimrods he picked off last season.

If Russell makes the final this time around, I think he'll have a better shot if only because the jury members understand what he's doing as part of the game and not par of him lying to them. They are all lying, which takes the resentment factor down a few notches (except maybe for Coach).

My wish is for a Russell v Sandra final tribal. That would be sweet.

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Well if you knew you could easily beat someone in the final tribal council wouldn't you take that person with you?

I only saw her in Micronesia but from what I remember, she was very instrumental in her group making it to the finals. I thought it was consensus that it was her poor showing at the Final Tribal both times that did her in. Speaking of which, she used the II to advance herself once the all-girls' alliance knocked off Ozzy. Everyone except Parvati were vying for Amanda to be voted off next because she would be tough to beat at Final Tribal, yet to save her own skin she used the II on herself and managed to blindside Alexis. She's not useless, she's crafty, but apparently not nearly as crafty as Parvati (who I picked to win since day 1, btw ;) ).

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