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Lost season 6


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That was why I recommended what I did, Caligula (and Treb) - when a big spoiler hits, it's just too easy for someone to miss a spoiler tag or not know the rules or whatever or simply post something seemingly innocuous - and then fuck it up for others. But hopefully the mods and self-policing can keep us in line.

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I fear I succumbed to the seductive lure of the Spoiler buttons. Soooo shiny... must click... I was debating it, but thus far, the spoilers here hadn't been too spoilery and with this

All in all, I'm not sad I read them...on the contrary, I'm even more stoked for these last 9 episodes.

I went ahead and read them. Kind of wish I hadn't, now, but there's still the fun of how things happen, right?

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I fear I succumbed to the seductive lure of the Spoiler buttons. Soooo shiny... must click... I was debating it, but thus far, the spoilers here hadn't been too spoilery and with this

I went ahead and read them. Kind of wish I hadn't, now, but there's still the fun of how things happen, right?


I'm sorry! Honestly, they weren't too shocking, IMO...I mean, you knew it was going to be a bloodbath till the bitter end, right? Right?


I'm sorry again! As I said before, I think that although the spoilers gave some information, there are a lot of blanks to be filled in. So yes, the how things happen will be fun, I think.

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No problem! I didn't have to click it. And I was already suspecting people would die, so it's not really too bad. It was just the shock of seeing something as concrete as that rather than just episode concentricities or confirmations of things that aren't going to happen. Besides, the anticipation is just different now, really. Sure, I know those specific people are going to die, but when and how is still a mystery! When a dramatic moment comes up, I'll be wondering, "is this it? Is this when they buy it?" It's all good!

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Tonight I will have nightmares in which large silver oblong buttons with the word "Show" on them will be mercilessly assailing and tormenting me.

Show. Show. Show..... Show...... Show.................. Show..................... Show........ <click> <cut to black> <wake up in a cold sweat>

Now I get an idea of what being in a sky cell must be like....

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I don't have much of a problem with the spoilers here. TVTropes spoilers, otoh.... those are irresistable, and so very sneaky.

Also: something awful spoilers. Black text on black background turns white on mouseover. Far too easy to accidentally brush over.

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The line about bacon grease and Hurley made me laugh out loud. Awesome, lots of good little zingers in this one.

I knew Claire wasn't over the Kate hate. She wasn't fooling anyone.

Awww :love: Sun and Jin are so cute together. Keamy sucks! And Patchy! Yay!

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Awwww man - I wasn't expecting the photos of Jin's daughter. That was so sweet.

haHA - eye out again for Mikael!

Oh man - love this show. Desmond wasn't a surprise, but YAY! He's back!

Love this show. It was filler in the sense that it is moving people around to position them for a showdown or whatever, but I enjoyed it very much.

Sideways Jin and Sun headed towards a hospital to meet up with Jack next time? I didn't expect Sayyid to cut and run on Jin. He seemed almost as cold as he does on the island. And how creepy was Sayyid peeking out of the water? Very, that's what.

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#108 on the wheel: Wallace. Cue the Bagpipes! Desmond Hume. WALLACE!!

So Desmond is somehow a key to defeating MiB. The real interesting thing is that no one character knows everything of Jacob's plan. It all depends on them working together which kind of makes sense. If they can't work together, they don't deserve to win. Live together, die alone.

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Naveen Andrews is really creeping the crap outta me. His eyes are getting more and more dead as each episode goes on, and man...Gert, yes, that scene with he and Des at the dock just upped my chills factor. (And for once, not because he was wet and hot. :P)

I love love loved the scene where Jin was looking through Ji Yeon's pictures. It just warmed my heart, and great acting by Daniel Dae Kim.

Actually, great acting by Yunjin Kim as well (per usual, but thank goodness she was given more than 2 Sun-bot lines to utter tonight). I loved her freak out to Richard in Korean, and her heartfelt beach scene with Jack.

I'm super interested to see what the third pocket of EM that Tina Fey had blocked off on the map was...as far as we know, the two pockets of EM that Dharma had tapped into was at the Orchid and at the Swan...so what's the third place?

I like seeing the softer side of Widmore. I always forget that our views on him have been tainted because we saw him through Hume-colored glasses...but it seems he always just wanted what was best for Penny. And if Des has some huge role to play in the endgame (sacrifice-wise), of course he would have wanted to keep he and Penny apart. But then I think about the episode The Constant, and he willingly gave Des her phone number...I don't know. I think old Widdy isn't all that awful (even though his British accent totally sucks. :P)

In conclusion, I have always loved Sun and Jin's stories, and this was no exception. I loved there interaction in the Alt, and (I am speculating here, but will spoiler font it just in case)

if the Alt happens to be the Losties' redemption, and Sun got shot in the gut while pregnant, I truly wonder if there will be no Ji Yeon.

I find it interesting that as far as the MiB is concerned Kate is crossed out on the list, but in the Lighthouse, she isn't. She definitely has a role to play, alright. (Much to my disdain.)

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A nice, emotional episode- I enjoyed Jin seeing pictures of his daughter, and Sun freaking out at Richard and then having that talk with Jack. And of course, as unsurprising as it was, I love me some Desmond and am so happy he's finally back in the story. In general, I love Jin and Sun. But seriously, writers- Sun forgetting how to speak English after running into a tree= dumbest shit ever. We have 7 episodes left and that's what you're wasting our time with? That, and the fact that the plot has been on complete standstill for four episodes now (even if last week's was completely awesome and Ben's episode was very good) have soured me a bit towards this episode. But seriously, Sun forgetting how to speak English? Really?

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A nice, emotional episode- I enjoyed Jin seeing pictures of his daughter, and Sun freaking out at Richard and then having that talk with Jack. And of course, as unsurprising as it was, I love me some Desmond and am so happy he's finally back in the story. In general, I love Jin and Sun. But seriously, writers- Sun forgetting how to speak English after running into a tree= dumbest shit ever. We have 7 episodes left and that's what you're wasting our time with? That, and the fact that the plot has been on complete standstill for four episodes now (even if last week's was completely awesome and Ben's episode was very good) have soured me a bit towards this episode. But seriously, Sun forgetting how to speak English? Really?

You know what it's really reminiscent of? Nick Andros in The Stand. He could only communicate with people via notepad.

I have a feeling the parallel is quite intentional, and not a cheapshot on the writers' part. (At least I'm hoping the writers haven't resorted to "Let's really make this last part of the show Season-1-esque. Sun can now only speak Korean! Har har har.")

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You know what it's really reminiscent of? Nick Andros in The Stand. He could only communicate with people via notepad.

I have a feeling the parallel is quite intentional, and not a cheapshot on the writers' part. (At least I'm hoping the writers haven't resorted to "Let's really make this last part of the show Season-1-esque. Sun can now only speak Korean! Har har har.")

But if it is meant to parallel Nick (and don't worry, people who haven't read The Stand, Nick being mute and deaf is in no way a spoiler), what's the point? They're completely different characters. It may have made the scene with Richard a bit funny, but I was more angry because that scene could have been great if Richard and Sun and Jack had actually been able to communicate. More importantly, whether it's important thematically or not, any form of amnesia is simply extremely lame on any TV show ever, and especially when were in the last 7 episodes of a final season. And honestly, I think "Sun can now only speak Korean, like season 1 but the opposite!" is all they really have planned for this. Which makes a stupid plot twist even stupider.

And what's even more annoying is that the writers, as through Miles' line, know it's stupid as hell. So I just have no idea what crack they were on when they came up with this idea. Sorry if I sound so bitter, because this episode did have some great moments and was sure as hell a lot better than "What Kate Does" or "Recon", but pointless stupidity like this can really annoy me. Especially since now Sun will have even less to do until she runs into Jin.

Oh well... Desmond next week...

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The writers were full of self-referential masturbation tonight. Why does Flocke need a boat? Dunno. Why does Sun lose her ability to do English? Not a clue. Did we really need to turn this into wacky misunderstanding hijinks? Will Kate come and tell Sun the three magic things to say to a man to get them to fall for you?

it's interesting to hear that MiB needs the candidates off the island; my gut feeling is that he can't kill them unless they're not protected, and as long as they're on the island they're both protected and binding him. Kate not being essential is also awesome, if a bit meta. Sayid as ninja was neat.

Mostly, this emphasizes how criminally underused Jin and Sun are. They're so interesting, and such good actors. And they're just mostly forgotten. Sigh.

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I know - Jin and Sun are awesome. I was so pissed all of last season, and most of this that they stood around looking sad and yearning for each other. Total and complete waste.

The Korean bit didn't bother me too much. I was thinking of it as a parallel to the Sideways world - No English. I'm willing to give it a pass until it gets too annoying. Sadly, you want to know what annoyed me the most about it? The fact that they are on an island with limited supplies and she uses a fresh piece of paper and WRITES REALLY BIG to say 'Sorry' and 'I don't know' (you couldn't have shrugged?). You'd think she'd want to conserve that little bitty notepad for when she really had something to say.

I'm sure Widmore isn't as bad as we think he is. This was beginning to dawn on me when Ben faced him down in his bedroom. It seemed so melodramatic and we have 2 'bad' guys declaring war on each other. It was likely that neither was good or bad, just opposing sides. It's easier to fall back into the way of thinking they want you to, but when I think about it, I am always waiting to see what the stakes and motivation are before attempting to pass judgment.

Part of the reason I love this show is the damn men. So, so many fun things to look at .... Sawyer, Richard, Sayyid, Jin, Des, even Jack this season and I never looked at him before the last few episodes. (maybe it's faith Jack I like, not science Jack) I couldn't even begin to pick a favorite because it changes constantly.

Ok, I lied, it's Sawyer. I don't usually like a Southern accent, but he makes it work!

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it's interesting to hear that MiB needs the candidates off the island; my gut feeling is that he can't kill them unless they're not protected, and as long as they're on the island they're both protected and binding him. Kate not being essential is also awesome, if a bit meta. Sayid as ninja was neat.

Mostly, this emphasizes how criminally underused Jin and Sun are. They're so interesting, and such good actors. And they're just mostly forgotten. Sigh.

Kal, I don't know. I don't think he wants them off the Island, I think he wants them all together in hopes that they massacre each other. Or yes, you're right...or it's more that if they turn their backs on the Island and denounce Jacob's touch/the Island's protection, he is free of his prison as well.

And yes, I agree with Sun and Jin being underutilized. I can't think of one bad Sun and Jin episode, ever. Even if they don't move the storyline at a lightning pace, their emotional core is just touching. Sidenote: And I love their love theme music.

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it's interesting to hear that MiB needs the candidates off the island; my gut feeling is that he can't kill them unless they're not protected, and as long as they're on the island they're both protected and binding him.

When he said that, my first reaction is that he can't leave if any viable candidates are still on the island. If he can get all of them to agree to leave, that means he would have corrupted them all and are therefore no longer viable candidates. No candidates means no replacement for Jacob, and that means Smokey is FREE! Ta-Dah!

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The Korean bit didn't bother me too much. I was thinking of it as a parallel to the Sideways world - No English. I'm willing to give it a pass until it gets too annoying. Sadly, you want to know what annoyed me the most about it? The fact that they are on an island with limited supplies and she uses a fresh piece of paper and WRITES REALLY BIG to say 'Sorry' and 'I don't know' (you couldn't have shrugged?). You'd think she'd want to conserve that little bitty notepad for when she really had something to say.

Part of the reason I love this show is the damn men. So, so many fun things to look at .... Sawyer, Richard, Sayyid, Jin, Des, even Jack this season and I never looked at him before the last few episodes.

Gert, first of all, I think it's interesting that we see Sun looking in a mirror in the Alt and then you see her unable to speak English on the Island. Coincidence or not? I don't know.

Secondly, I'd like to thank the Lost writers' for finally giving me Shirtless Jin for more than one scene. Just...mmm. Mmm mmm mmm.

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That was a somewhat expected but still awesome cliffhanger. Desmond? Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude.

Also, I really liked the Room 23 cameo, and what I liked even more was the reveal that Zoe's looking for pockets of electromagnetism. Maybe not that important in itself, but to me it means that we're going to get some more scientific explanations for stuff. And that's cool, since so far this has been a "faith season", what with mysterious ancient temples, pools of healing water and Japanese bonsai-bushtrimming samurais.

Also things are moving again, with Team Ilana looking for Team Flocke. Maybe we'll finally get a reunification soonish. Yay.

The sideways were cool, though I do hope we're going to see sometime soon what the sideways stories are all about. I enjoyed them so far but really shouldnt we be getting some sense of their purpose at this point?

Overall this was a lot better than the Sawyer episode for me. Not the best of the season (With Dr Linus, Ab Aeterno and The Substitute that's going to be hard to beat) but still a very good ep.

Next week's episode could be big.

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I think old Widdy isn't all that awful (even though his British accent totally sucks. :P)

Just a side note, Alan Dale is a Kiwi which might be why his British accent sucks especially because he's not playing a British character. :P

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