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[BOOK/TV SPOILERS]Television Without Pity nOObs Thread


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Red Head, seeming wife of Stannis and evidently Westeros' first Evangelical has promise as a character.

The description of Melisandre as a ginger evangelical made me laugh. I pictured her as a religious 60's american house wife baking a red velvet cake. hehe.

Another user:

Actually, I've been trying to figure out who is likely to die this season and I'm going to throw my early bet behind Robb. Why? Well, as near as I can tell, this story is particularly hard on Starks. He goes on to say: I also wonder if there will be any ghost sightings this season for no other reason than I think it might be fun to see Dani dream of Drago, or Bran being advised by his father. There's got to be a seer in amongst the bunch

I just felt like this person deserves a shout out, although I kind of wish they hadn't speculated about Robb. I know it's inevitable, but I really want it to just shatter everyone's lives. Sometimes I wish I hadn't read the books just so I can experience it on the show. Then I'm like naaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what you talkin bout willas?! and try to talk myself out of rereading them AGAIN :P

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For my unspoiled speculation, I would like to see some true tragedy strike Tyrion. I'm not sure if GRRM considers him his Mary Stu, whoring and drinking through life with no consequences. Yes, we had the Tysha incident but that was decades ago. A couple of the trailers seem to hint at the Imp finally getting some back at him but who knows? Peter Dinklage is such a good actor that I'd love to see him/Tyrion deal with a real blow with actual consequences personally for him.

Be careful what you wish for, kiddo.

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This thread is so much fun, hee!

Who actually ordered the killing of the bastards, I wonder? Cersei or Joffrey? Speaking of him, I'm so hoping poor Sansa doesn't end up actually married to the creepy little incest bastard. She needs to poison his drink, for reals.


Although, this comment is pretty cool.

Saddest moment - The Game of Where's Rickon continues...

I'm amazed somebody still remembers Rickon existed. He was in season one for a total of like 5 minutes.

Edited because I couldn't read.

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This thread is so much fun, hee! I'm starting to wonder if bookwalkers are trolling the unspoiled speculation forum...

or this...

If I may -- we have to be careful not to quote TWoP posts and suggest they're really, or might be, bookwalkers. The mods here slammed this thread shut last year for that very thing and we had to promise to abide by a few strict guidelines in order to re-open it. (See the first post in this thread) Our mods' take on the issue is that we here at Westeros do not mock, name or cast aspersions on posters at other sites. If TWoP does have clandestine bookwalkers, its up the mods at TWoP to deal with them--not us.

Not being 'preachy' (hello, Stannis!) I just really enjoy this thread and wouldn't want to see it shut down again. THX.

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I, for one, am so glad they're back to posting. I love reading their speculation. This made me lol:

Saddest moment - The Game of Where's Rickon continues...

Completing his metamorphosis into Boo Radley down there with the damp in the catacombs. Bran gets a team of three to care for him between the big guy who carts him around (please keep your clothes on there this season, sir), Tonks the Wilding Woman and the steward. Rickon probably has to weave his own clothes out of wolf fur by now and gnaws on bark. Having Cat say "...I haven't seen Bran or Rickon..." was just darkly funny to me because, oh lady, wait until you do. He may have lost the power of human speech by now and will communicate by flinging things at your head.

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If I may -- we have to be careful not to quote TWoP posts and suggest they're really, or might be, bookwalkers. The mods here slammed this thread shut last year for that very thing and we had to promise to abide by a few strict guidelines in order to re-open it. (See the first post in this thread) Our mods' take on the issue is that we here at Westeros do not mock, name or cast aspersions on posters at other sites. If TWoP does have clandestine bookwalkers, its up the mods at TWoP to deal with them--not us.

Not being 'preachy' (hello, Stannis!) I just really enjoy this thread and wouldn't want to see it shut down again. THX.

Whoops. My bad. I didn't read the whole thread, my mistake. :blushing: Thank you for letting me know. Sorry.

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I, for one, am so glad they're back to posting. I love reading their speculation.

Oh, me, too! I love all the clever nicknames for characters they're not sure about - the Bridge Goblin (Walder Frey), new Grim Guy (Davos), new Grimmer Guy (Stannis). It also made me laugh that some (presumably female?) posters were happy to see that Jorah still has that yellow shirt that he wore (and they luurrrvved...) last year. Such fun to flip back and forth between here where just about everybody knows just about everything about just about everything-- and there, where just about everybody knows little to nothing about just about everybody and everything!

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Here's a bit of interesting insight regarding the Starks and their direwolves:

Robb's wolf fights, Jon's wolf sees what others don't -- Arya's escapes, and Bran's wolf? Bran's wolf RUNS. Which is exactly what a growing boy trapped in a crippled body needs.

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Here's a bit of interesting insight regarding the Starks and their direwolves:

Robb's wolf fights, Jon's wolf sees what others don't -- Arya's escapes, and Bran's wolf? Bran's wolf RUNS. Which is exactly what a growing boy trapped in a crippled body needs.

That IS an interesting take.. and I would add--Rickon's wolf? Rickon's wolf rages. I predict if those connections are correct, the day will come when 'poor forgotten little Rickon will become--terrifying Rickon. :stunned:

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Be careful what you wish for, kiddo.

Yes that post stood out for me too.

On the Robb thing, all those TWOPers will be happy to see Robb make it through to the end of Season 2, but no doubt they are astute enough to see the seeds of his demise sown in this seaons, so it will be with an impending sense of dread that they go into season 3.

So happy that the TWOP crew are back on deck. It's more fun than reading the TV show threads here.

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Someonein the thread predicting what a love scene between Melisandre and Stanis would be like...

"I tolerate you well enough and you have child bearing hips. I'm not going to say you light my blood afire, because that would be inaccurate. But you're not displeasing to look at. Although, your hair is a fright. Now disrobe. I have other things to do later and I need to do some begetting."

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Yeah, that was seriously hilarious :). Also liked this bit of speculation, I had not thought of this since we all know it is Mel, but it makes sense and I wonder if this was an intentional TV red herring:

Does she really have magical abilities, though, or is she just a con artist? I was under the impression that the "real magic" came from the ruby, absorbing the poison somehow and not from Melisandre herself.

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I don't necessarily think it was a TV red-herring, as I remember thinking something similar when I first read the books. How extensive are her powers, is it just the ruby? I think that question will be answered in a similar manner, when she gives birth to a freaking shadow.

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Do we have any kind of Death Pool going on here in unspoiled land? Because I have predictions:

  • Joffrey won't survive the season, I bet.
  • Shae is a goner
  • Tyrion will survive, but one of the Lannister twins will die
  • Robb will be the Stark sibling who kicks it
  • Jon Snow is as safe as possible, since his story is our window into what's going on north of the Wall
  • Dany, ditto, subbing in Dothraki and dragons

Kick it forward to the end of season 3, and this person has only got one of them wrong.

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This post makes a good point--I hadn't even thought of it! :laugh:

Is it dumb of me to ask why Stannis doesn't have black hair? It's not white or grey with age either, it's blondey-brown... What happened to 'the seed is strong', "blah-blah every single Baratheon ever - black of hair?"

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A lot of people thinking that Rob will kick it this season or next. That I don't find too surprising. The RW isn't shocking because Rob dies. When I read the books I thought it was likely well before the RW started to take shape. It was just that whole scene, and how, why, and when it happened that was just so jaw dropping.

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This might be the single awesomest analysis of Stannis, ever:

I got zero sexy vibes from Stannis period. It's actually a tiny bit painful to try and imagine him in a romantic situation. "You are my moon and stars!" is not something that would trip off the guy's tongue, it would be more like, "I tolerate you well enough and you have child bearing hips. I'm not going to say you light my blood afire, because that would be inaccurate. But you're not displeasing to look at. Although, your hair is a fright. Now disrobe. I have other things to do later and I need to do some begetting."
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Sooner or later someone is going to find undefended Winterfell a tempting target.

Little do you know...

I'm constantly amazed at the insights this group has into the characters and the future events (see their death predictions). I think that's a testament to D&D's transcription of GRRM's work into a TV series, and also to the acting, that they can pick up on subtle clues like Tyrion's look to LF, or Stannis' not being into the whole 'burning of the Seven' thing.

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