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[ADwD Spoilers] Is Jon handsome?


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He's supposed to have the "Stark look," but I'm not sure that means he automatically has to look like Ned. He's supposed to look like Arya, who looked like Lyanna, who was supposed to be beautiful. I imagine he's probably a decent-looking guy, especially given that most men don't really come into their looks until their late teens or early 20s. He probably didn't develop as quickly as Robb, who was apparently pretty strapping, but there's evidence in the story that women like him just fine.

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To my recollection, excluding when Jon is simply said to have the Stark looks (or when he contemplated that he was more slender (and quicker) than Robb, who was thickset (and strong)), his only description (regarding appearance) was from Arya's perspective when he was 14 - or is there other instances I'm forgetting?

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Using my first post on this forum to chime in on this important topic :-) Glad to see some readers have their priorities in order!

This may well have been mentioned on other threads (like I said, I'm new), but I wanted to comment on Martin's take on beauty, and the subversion of fairytale stereotypes. Jon Snow, as described in the books, is clearly not "really, really, ridiculously good-looking." He's no doubt attractive, perhaps even striking, with his dark hair and clothes, gray eyes, scars, sword and wolf. But added to that, his aura of power and integrity is part of what draws women to him. He doesn't look like a teenaged girl's version of a dreamy prince, but he doesn't need to.

Joffrey, on the other hand, WAS Sansa's idea of beauty, and of course, he was a monster. Jaime and Cersei, both possessed of a classical golden beauty, are in truth morally gray, co-dependent and damaged. Sansa, as beautiful as her mother once was, found herself initially betrothed to a lunatic, and then later married to an ugly, stunted man - hardly the life she dreamed of. Her crush on Loras was futile: another beauty, completely unavailable to Sansa, and himself doomed to sadness as a result of his lost, secret love, and ultimately horribly disfigured at the Dragonstone siege. Dany, who is arguably the prettiest of all, finds that it works to her disadvantage: she is traded by her brother, and is often dismissed by her enemies. Her power is in her dragons and her birth, not her looks. Viserys - another monster. Rhaegar - by all accounts the absolute embodiment of a handsome prince: cut down in his prime.

Now, no one has an easy life in these books. Otherwise, what would happen to the plot? But it's interesting to see that some of the characters with the most integrity and, shall we say, "heroic" traits (yes, I know there are no true heroes in ASOIAF) are those who are not conventionally attractive: Brienne, Tyrion, Davos, Jon and Arya (although I doubt she's as ugly as she thinks she is - she was probably going through an awkward phase when people called her names, and if she looks like Lyanna she may well grow into her beauty). Jaime's sympathetic turn accompanied a major alteration to his physical appearance: the gaunt, bearded, one-handed man is a complicated, fascinating and self-aware character; a vast improvement. Other names that spring to mind include Beric Dondarrion, Doran Martell, and Wyman Manderly, that magnificent, fat bastard. Looks can be deceiving, oh yes.

Which isn't to say that I don't think Kit Harrington suits the role of Jon. On the contrary: I think his good looks and big dark eyes allowed the audience to feel for him instantly, which is important with the loss of his internal monologue. Worked for me, anyway! I was a total GOT virgin, and he drew me in very quickly, along with Sean Bean and Maisie. Needless to say I developed a love for almost all of the other actors and characters, and have since devoured all of the books! Score one for Kit's oft derided "prettiness" for pulling in a new fan.

Whoops, long first post is long. So, er, hi Westeros. *shy wave*

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would like to pointy out that Jon is a Bastard and is constantly brooding because of it...that makes anyone unappealing and Unattractive with those traits,also he was overlooked because was a bastard.I think Ygritte was after him because he Captured her or whatever their Wildling custom was

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i don't think he could be considered handsome. yet. he is supposed to look like eddard stark (his father or uncle) and i always thought of him as handsome (even if catelyn probably didn't at first-she was used to the girly-man andal look at the time) so jon will eventually become handsome as he matures into manhood.

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How come that I have not discovered this thread sooner! Great posts all around!


Jon has zero gaydar and not much imagination. He doesn't seem to understand why the others think it's strange for him to take Satin as a squire. He could see two brothers of the watch clasping hands and staring passionately into each other's eyes, and think something like "Good! Morale is up among the troops!"

Quoted for LOLs

Anyway, as some have already pointed out, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. I mean, come on, there are people who think that Kit Harrington is not attractive!

IMO there seems to be a standard Westerosi beauty concept, involving a lot of artlessly arranged curls, laughing eyes and dashing armour, preferably with costly jewellery applications.

Jon, however, wears boring practical armour, his eyes are often described as cold and he probably has a bad haircut. Nobody would look twice at him at a KL tournament.

On the other side I seriously doubt that tough Northern girls like Val, Ygritte, Alys or even Asha would be very impressed with Loras and his pretty forget-me-not cloak...

Personally, I am happy with Kit's performance in Game of Thrones but the Jon in my head looks a lot like the calendar boy that Tangerine posted on page 2:

Thought he was an ordinary bloke until I saw this illustration of him on George's website within the sample ADWD chapter: http://georgerrmarti.../if-sample.html

Which is funny because I never saw this picture before I came to this thread.

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Ned didn't look like a typical Stark. He was shorter and more plain than Brandon, for instance. Jon is taller and more lithe than Robb, who was built more like Ned was, which is not like a typical Stark. Arya and Jon have the "Stark" look.

I think.

What I DO know is if I was presented with THIS as Jon Snow... http://melificent.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/kit-harington-bulge-512x580.jpg I would absolutely hold him hostage as my sex slave.

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I think Jon is probably sexy more than classically handsome. He's dark, Solemn, silent, sensitive, strong, with a good build and a longer than normal sword. What's not to like.   :smoking:  

Well, in my mind, besides being a major hottie... I've always imagined Jon as having a longer than normal 'sword'! :drool:

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Not to derail the thread, but re: Dany's Taste in Men

She was NOT attracted to Drogo in the least. At first sight, she was terrified of him. That is, until she accepted her fate and decided to try and make the best of it. She eventually sees another side of Drogo, and falls in love with her 'moon and stars'. I think her attraction to Daario is about his dangerousness, not his attractiveness. After Drogo, she can only love someone she sees as strong, intimidating and fierce.

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On the show, Jon looks like he's Benjen's son and not Ned's.

I noticed that too. I thought that it would get viewers to wonder whether Jon is Benjen´s son. Hell, it got me thinking about it.

And while I like Kit as Jon (I am a sucker for curls), he doesn´t look the way I imagined Jon.

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I would like to pointy out that Jon is a Bastard and is constantly brooding because of it...that makes anyone unappealing and Unattractive with those traits,also he was overlooked because was a bastard.I think Ygritte was after him because he Captured her or whatever their Wildling custom was

These types of guys (brooding and dark) are just the type that women want. There is a reason why female readers drool over Mr. Darcy. (Of course, the fact that he was played by Colin Firth also helps his image.) The fact that both Melisandre and Val would really like to get Jon into their beds in ADWD and the foreshadowing that Dany might feel the same way about it suggests that Westros women are similar to modern American women in this respect.

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Orell's eagle claws Jon's left eye with his sharp talons in ASOS. Likely the wound's three narrow furrows that cut diagonally from the upper cheek, on the bone, across the eyelid to the brow above the nose. Frankly, I imagine the scar lends Jon a somewhat dangerous, rakish air that only enhances his attractiveness to folks who seek a little thrill (e.g. Dany).

This makes Dany sound a bit like a bored housewife, which she kind of reminded me of through most of ADwD, TBH.

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