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Nah, he's going to marry Arya.

Oh, I hope not!

Arya needs somebody smarter than Gendry.

Edric Storm might be better, or better still, Harrion Karstark.

Harrion is described as a young hawk, chafing at his capture in Harenhaal.

(That would help repair the rift between the Starks and the Karstarks).

Why would Arya ever want Gendry?

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Why would Arya ever want Gendry?

Hmm ... he's strong, muscled, blue eyes, dark hair, speaks his mind, has a mysterious touch, can make a pretty good helmet, helped Arya when she was in distress and he is a knight. Guys like that are hard to find :drunk:

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Why would Arya ever want Gendry?

I don'T know. He is plain boring. And I think the elder Liddle girl is more Gendry's type than Arya is. She may be just as assertive as Arya in some respects but, unlike Arya, she's the motherly type. They'll have a big family.

Arya isn't interested in boys at this point in her life. Which is probably just as well. I don't think she'd be impressed by some boy her age - at least not if he doesn't share her experiences to a large degree, and I don't want to see her hook up with a Faceless Man or Faceless Man trainee.

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Gendry does seem fated for something. Think about it, GRRM had him hinted at in book one, fleshed out in book two, and appears briefly in book four with Brienne. GRRM has done this for a reason; he is not one to waste such a character. What ever his ultimate role will be, we can only speculate, but he almost certain is destined for some role.

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Edric Dayne could also make it imo. He was taking it just fine. :box:

"I never learned the lance, but I could beat you with a sword, said Arya." "Have you killed anyone?" That seemed to startle him. "I'm only twelve."...Jon never knew his mother...You know her?...If you lie I'll punch your face....Ned was trying to apologize for upsetting her, but she did not want to hear it."

Gendry would be able to manage better though.

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I did bump this topic finding it with no comments on about page 5, but why has it become like an episode of Days of Our Lives? Who will Gendry marry etc? He seems like a nice hidden side plot and smiths like a man possessed. No one has any greater plans aspirations for him than "maybe he will marry Arya?"

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No, Gendry is like Hot Pie, who cares.

Reading the Arya chapters in Storm of Swords it is plain that Arya is jealous of Gendry. It may not be a true romantic interest, but it certainly may develop into one.

Oh come on, she's 10/11 by this point, it's creepy to even consider the notion.

Beyond that, after more than five years of separation, a romantic relationship may develop, certainly just like it could develop between Arya and anyone else. Damn, kids don't go marrying teens they played with for a month or two when they were ten, even if they liked the guy back then.

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It is creepy to think that a 10 years older may be jealous and attracted to someone five years older? Really?
It's creepy to make of that some sort of adult long term romantic attraction that will come back or last well into her adult life, as is, yes, indeed.
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Oh, I hope not!

Arya needs somebody smarter than Gendry.

Edric Storm might be better, or better still, Harrion Karstark.

Harrion is described as a young hawk, chafing at his capture in Harenhaal.

(That would help repair the rift between the Starks and the Karstarks).

Why would Arya ever want Gendry?

The fact that Gendry is such an excellent smith (possibly able to reforge Valyrian steel) indicates that Gendry is highly intelligent...

If he lived today he would be an electrical engineer.

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