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There seems to be something wrong with the sign in anonymously function. Before when you signed in that way your name doesn't show up at all at the bottom of threads you would just be one of the anonymous users, all of a sudden though even though i'm signed in anonymously it is showing my name at the bottom of threads. Why is this happening?.

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There seems to be something wrong with the sign in anonymously function. Before when you signed in that way your name doesn't show up at all at the bottom of threads you would just be one of the anonymous users, all of a sudden though even though i'm signed in anonymously it is showing my name at the bottom of threads. Why is this happening?.

Its the power of spam. TTTNE have been missing you.

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My notifications have been acting up too. I didn't get notifications of some PMs and some quotes, and from a couple of whole threads. And now they seem to be working again, but if I didn't get notification of being quoted I wouldn't know I was quoted, would I?

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For those who experienced our unplanned downtime this afternoon, Invision ate its own tail earlier and destroyed one of the tables in the forum database by writing two rows with identical IDs. As a result, everything crashed down in flaming ruin. Then I repaired the database, which took forever because Westeros has a massive amount of data. Luckily, only the one table was corrupted.

And now we're back up. The forum's going to run a little slow for a while until all the various caches are repopulated, then we'll be good to go again.

Ah, the joys of system administration.

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For those who experienced our unplanned downtime this afternoon, Invision ate its own tail earlier and destroyed one of the tables in the forum database by writing two rows with identical IDs. As a result, everything crashed down in flaming ruin. Then I repaired the database, which took forever because Westeros has a massive amount of data. Luckily, only the one table was corrupted.

And now we're back up. The forum's going to run a little slow for a while until all the various caches are repopulated, then we'll be good to go again.

Ah, the joys of system administration.

Oh thank goodness! I was all wtf is going on! lawls. Thanks a ton!

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If you're on Comcast, apparently they've decided to blacklist Westeros.org. I don't know why, but have sent a query.

Really?! <_<

Well, I have no issues changing and "blacklisting" Comcast.

It's nothing but celebrity crap anyway. :angry2:

(I do have my notifications back, but keep please give an update regarding Comcast).

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There seems to be something wrong with the sign in anonymously function. Before when you signed in that way your name doesn't show up at all at the bottom of threads you would just be one of the anonymous users, all of a sudden though even though i'm signed in anonymously it is showing my name at the bottom of threads. Why is this happening?.

If you notice, there is a * after your board name. and you show up as an annonomous user. Other people can't see who you are.

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I'm sure you allready know about this. however this is the messsage I get at work if I try to look at anything other than the main page.

This Page Cannot Be Displayed


Based on your corporate access policies, this web site ( http://asoiaf.westeros.or...section=login&do=process ) has been blocked because it has been determined by Web Reputation Filters to be a security threat to your computer or the corporate network. This web site has been associated with malware/spyware.

Threat Type: othermalware

Threat Reason: Domain reported and verified as serving malware. Identified as a malicious site via network activity logged during malware analysis.

If you have questions, please contact your corporate network administrator and provide the codes shown below.


Notification codes: (1, MALWARE, othermalware, Domain reported and verified as serving malware. Identified as a malicious site via network activity logged during malware analysis., BLOCK-MALWARE, 0x0a67c953, 1344870444.405, AAAD6gAAAAAAAAAAJP8ACP8AAAD/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAE=, http://asoiaf.westeros.or...ection=login&do=process)

Obviously I don't want to actually ask my corporate network admin that I'm using this site while at work.....

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I'm sure you allready know about this. however this is the messsage I get at work if I try to look at anything other than the main page.

I hadn't seen that, but the ads that Linda and Ran had signed up for did evidently serve malware at one point (hence discussion earlier in the thread). Sounds like that got flagged and blocked you from accessing the site via your work network.

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(I do have my notifications back, but keep please give an update regarding Comcast).

I got the CloudMark spam service — used by Comcast and a few others — to clear the reputation, but they say someone has manually reported receiving 'unsolicited spam' from Westeros.org and will keep re-adding it.

According to one of the techs, the likely reason is that someone signed up for the board, subscribed to a thread, then has never been back and forgotten about it. Since they'll just blacklist Westeros each time they get a report, they said the best way to avoid this would be to to disable notifications for anyone who hasn't been on for several months, or if the board doesn't support that (which I don't believe it does) just delete accounts that have been unused for a while.

That seems a little excessive, especially in order to just avoid false positives in CloudMark's DNSBL, so you may end up with Westeros blacklisted again at some point in the future.

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I haven't been able to access the forums since yesterday afternoon, I just got to the Cloudflare "page is down" placeholder. I assumed that the problem was at the server end and thought I'd just wait for it to be fixed, but then I tried another browser just now and it worked. I tried in my usual browser again - still just the Cloudflare page. But then I cleared my cookies from asoiaf.westeros.org, and now it works.

Just thought you might like to know.

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New error showing up tonight - allowed memory exhausted. I try to move from the forum to a thread, or try to edit a post, or move from a thread to my "view content", and I'm getting this error. I have to go out and re-enter Westeros.

I've seen this too, but I've never had to log out to get rid of it. I just reload the page.

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New error showing up tonight - allowed memory exhausted. I try to move from the forum to a thread, or try to edit a post, or move from a thread to my "view content", and I'm getting this error. I have to go out and re-enter Westeros.

cant explain the error, but i do know how it feels!!!

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The forum's database has reached the point that occasionally certain tasks try to use more than the 64MB/pageview that I'm allowing. The appropriate way to tune this is generally to optimize the forum DB, because the memory issue happens very rarely (once in every several thousand requests) and only on a handful of tasks; optimizing the forum's database — various stuff that can be run from the admin menu — fixes the issue until the forum hits a large size again, while increasing the memory each time it happens pushes us back towards the unhappy old days of PHP processes that chew the entire machine apart.

I'm willing to bump the memory limit very slightly again, but I don't want to risk the current nice balance we have of performance, where the forum/wiki/website/game all run smoothly and without major downtimes. Not having to worry about the server literally catching fire is kind of refreshing! ;)

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