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A Thread for Small Questions XVIII


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I think we have to infer that Jaime wasn't involved in the Greyjoy rebellion because there was no reference to it in the White Book and no characters, including Jaime, mention his involvement. Some members of the Kingsguard had to remain in KL to protect the Royal family. Plus, I am sure Jaime would have wanted to remain close to Cersei anyway.

Is Jory Cassel's remembrances with Jaime only in the series? I had a vague memeory that there was a similar, though slightly different, scene in the books.

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That scene is completely made up. The only time they come close to interacting is when kingslayer ambushes Ned outside the brothel and he never fights there, he rides off leaving his men to kill Ned's men.

^%$@$%! series. :cool4:

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This isn't going to be much help, but I thought I remembered that when Oberyn heard that Mace Tyrell was leading an army on Storm's End, Oberyn got super pissed and said Dorne had not given them permission to cross the Marches. Obviously, implying that the Marches are controlled by Dorne.

But as Bloodymime says, House Caron is listed in the wiki as being overlords of the Dornish Marches, and they are sworn to the Baratheons.

ETA: maybe it was one of the sandsnakes that got super pissed, not Oberyn. But I can't remember

It's the other way around. Mace gets angry because the Dornishmen are crossing his lands without asking leave.

ASoS, chapter 19,Tyrion:

Three hundred Dornishmen are riding toward King’s Landing as we speak, and hope to arrive before the wedding.”

“How do they come?” asked Mace Tyrell gruffly. “They have not asked leave to cross my lands.”

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Being a n00b, I have lots of ?'s but I guess its best to start small so here goes my 1st. and 2nd.

Reading sites like this I have seen something about Roberts 8(I think) missing Bastards.

I know Gentry, Stone girl of the vale, the boy that Davos has hidden, the baby to whore( that was killed) and maybe the young whore from Inn where Breinne stayed(maybe) who are/ were the rest? yes I do know Maggy said 16.

And do we really know that Breinne is related to Ducan the Tall? if so how?

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Being a n00b, I have lots of ?'s but I guess its best to start small so here goes my 1st. and 2nd.

Reading sites like this I have seen something about Roberts 8(I think) missing Bastards.

I know Gentry, Stone girl of the vale, the boy that Davos has hidden, the baby to whore( that was killed) and maybe the young whore from Inn where Breinne stayed(maybe) who are/ were the rest? yes I do know Maggy said 16.

And do we really know that Breinne is related to Ducan the Tall? if so how?

Robert's bastards aren't all accounted for, iirc. As to Brienne being related to Duncan, there is no proof yet - I do believe she descends from him - but she may not.

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It's the other way around. Mace gets angry because the Dornishmen are crossing his lands without asking leave.

ASoS, chapter 19,Tyrion:

Three hundred Dornishmen are riding toward King’s Landing as we speak, and hope to arrive before the wedding.”

“How do they come?” asked Mace Tyrell gruffly. “They have not asked leave to cross my lands.”

Then I was right. That post was no help whatsoever. :lmao:

Thanks for the clarification though.

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And do we really know that Breinne is related to Ducan the Tall? if so how?

WWWHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT!!!??? Brienne descended from Dunk? That is a new one for me. I know Hodor is likely descended from Dunk, but Brienne? I'd like to see the theory/evidence about that one.

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@King Doug, here is a thread where people (incl. I) are guessing this.

I always compared the two of them (Dunk and Brienne), both being large, thick-headed, good fighters, true knights that aren't really knights. But never considered Brienne being a descendant of Dunk.

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The actor they got to play him is pretty decent. Likely they wanted to give him a history as more than just a tourney fighter whose reputation rests on murdering an elderly unarmed man.

Hey now, them theres fightin words. Jaime (both book and show) fought against the kingswood brotherhood when he was a squire, he has always been more than just a tourney knight lol

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Hey now, them theres fightin words. Jaime (both book and show) fought against the kingswood brotherhood when he was a squire, he has always been more than just a tourney knight lol

"Served against the Kingswood Brotherhood as squire to Lord Summer Crakehall."

"He had saved Lord Sumner’s life as Big Belly Ben was about to smash his head in, though the outlaw had escaped him. And he’d held his own against the Smiling Knight, though it was Ser Arthur who slew him."

Can't find the other passage where it's clear he only crosses swords with the Smiling Knight for only a few seconds but it's there. He isn't an active fighter as no squire would be unless absolutely necessary.

Don't misunderstand me and think I'm trying to imply kingslayer is a coward when it comes to physical violence. Whatever you want to say about the man this is someone who jumped into a bear pit full of a crazed bear armed only with the stump of an arm and the hope that complete strangers would be willing and able to bring down said bear before it got a hold of him. The man has guts.

It's even likely he has killed other men since Aerys, perhaps outlaws, perhaps small uprisings we simply don't hear about though that's not too likely. My main point is the war of the five kings is his first actual miltary action we know of for sure and other than as recorded in his own history in the White Book he is just a tourney fighter.

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WWWHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT!!!??? Brienne descended from Dunk? That is a new one for me. I know Hodor is likely descended from Dunk, but Brienne? I'd like to see the theory/evidence about that one.

Legends, p. 489

“An elm tree,” said Egg. “A big elm tree, like the one by the pool, with a brown trunk and green branches.”

“Yes,” Dunk said. “That would serve. An elm tree... but with a shooting star above. Could you do that?”

AFFC, 59-60 (Brienne 1)

Amidst discussion of shields and the devices painted thereon:

“[brienne] stacked her arms and shield…beneath an elm.”

AFFC, 140 (Brienne 2)

…“You did beautifully,” [brienne] said, when the woman showed her the freshly painted shield. It was more a picture than a proper coat

of arms, and the sight of it took her back through the long years, to the cool dark of her father’s armory. She remembered how she’d run her fingers across the cracked and fading paint, over the green leaves of the tree, and along the path of the falling star.

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Legends, p. 489

“An elm tree,” said Egg. “A big elm tree, like the one by the pool, with a brown trunk and green branches.”

“Yes,” Dunk said. “That would serve. An elm tree... but with a shooting star above. Could you do that?”

AFFC, 59-60 (Brienne 1)

Amidst discussion of shields and the devices painted thereon:

“[brienne] stacked her arms and shield…beneath an elm.”

AFFC, 140 (Brienne 2)

…“You did beautifully,” [brienne] said, when the woman showed her the freshly painted shield. It was more a picture than a proper coat

of arms, and the sight of it took her back through the long years, to the cool dark of her father’s armory. She remembered how she’d run her fingers across the cracked and fading paint, over the green leaves of the tree, and along the path of the falling star.

Well quoted ser

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