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September Reads

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I finally managed to finish Let The Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist the other day and I liked it well enough. I've been trying to start reading The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson for two days now but something (two somethings) always happens when I pick it up, I'm still on the first page. Is that a sign?

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Fevre Dream is really fun so far, but I'm fascinated by how I can retrospectively observe the change in GRRM's writing from the other direction. It is a much more typical novel, well-done, but without the scope and breadth or pace of any of the individual books of ASOIAF. Sort of an unfair comparison in a way, but also encouraging.

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Finished "White Luck Warrior" by Scott Baker. A huge improvement to the first installement of the triology. Those last three chapters were breathtaking and I am really looking forward to the conclusion.

I also read "Footnotes in Gaza" by Joe Sacco. A really imppressive and detailed narration about the Gaza conflict. It is written from a Palestinian pov, which might anger some.

And finally I beat "Planescape Torment". This is a rather old video game, but it has a more original and complex story than most fiction nowadays. Highly recommended.

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:agree: and I too was playing in 1989.. still on my Spectrum 48k.. Dizzy.. ah those were the days!

That aside, I'm about a third of the way through the first Malazan book. It's been a bit of an effort to get this far, but something made me want to persevere. I think I'm beginning to get the pay off for that now.. the story is starting to get very interesting.. maybe that's also because it's taken this far to kinda understand the world and the characters and work out wtf is going on :drunk: .

I'm enjoying the dark feel to it, and the characters are slowly coming into their own. I would imagine a re-read of it would make all the difference.

Love the fact that there seems to be some awsome powers at work.

I've tried - and failed again - to get into Peter F Hamiltons Reality Dissfunction. Although I got a few chapters further this time. Not sure if it's Sci-Fi that isn't for me, or the fact that the book is so full of technical descriptions. My mate swears by it, and I love the story line that he's told me about. Just.. can't.. do.. it!

Also been inspired to finally start working on my own novel too, which has been in my head for years. My notes and research seem to be taking over most of my life at the moment!

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In the Palace of Repose

A short story collection by Holly Phillips.

Five bucks on the Kindle, got this last night. Read the first story and I'd say that alone was worth the asking price.

That's one of the best short story collections I've read. Her new collection At the Edge of Waking just came out. Haven't heard much about it yet.

I'm reading In the Cities of Coin and Spice by Catherynne Valente. Her imagination and writing is vivid and lush, but its a book with no narrative propulsion at all.

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Reading The Chronicles of the Black Company and just curious if people think Jordan's use of The Taken in WoT is totally pirating or is it like an homage to Cook? It looks like they came out at almost the same time though so did they simultaneously come up with the Taken/Forsaken?

Or is there even older lit that has such a similar concept?

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