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Well, I suppose my position was for sentimental reasons I would have preferred Channel 9 to stay in Aussie hands, but of course on the whole, foreign investment is good and something to generally be encouraged.

The only places where I'd be against foreign investment would be where the so-called 'national interest' is concerned - eg public utilities such as water/electricity/telcos (maybe airlines?) which should stay in Australian hands, even if/when privatised by a government. Even then, I don't think I'm necessarily against foreign competition coming from outside, but I would be against complete foreign ownership of such things/sectors.

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Wearing only thongs, they chased the devil through the bush and into a pool of water, where Mr Haddow was able to grab it by the tail.

This is a disturbing image, and even more disturbing if you use the Aussie definition of the word.

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Hey fellow Aussies!


What's even on Channel 9 these days?

Gudday leigh. :)

In answer to your question: Buggered if I know. Its a very rare day when I watch fta TV anymore.

Malt, wearing thongs in the bush is bad enough, without you giving us a visual image of something much worse. But then again, wearing nothing but thongs sounds apt when chasing the devil.

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Sooner or later though, I reckon we'll just all end up watching Internet TV via the NBN when it gets built.

Telstra has one already built they were going to hand it over for nothing so why is it that the politicians insist on spending 10's of billions of dollars on something that has already been built and is largely ready for use right now?

On a brighter note had yet another 50th birthday party in Adelaide this saturday just gone and it was another great time. now if somehow I can just manage to win the big Ozlotto prize this tuesday then it would all be perfect. Well nearly so anyway.

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Telstra has one already built they were going to hand it over for nothing

AHAHAHAHA, What are you on about?

Telstra is charging NBN over a billion dollars for the temporary use of its network while the NBN rollout is taking place. This also includes Telstra agreeing to move over its customer to the NBN network when its built (for broadband and phone, cable tv is still going to be through telstra's network). And you think Telstra was going to hand over its fibre network for "nothing"?! What country have you been living in? This is fucking Telstra we are talking about here!

so why is it that the politicians insist on spending 10's of billions of dollars on something that has already been built and is largely ready for use right now?

The current fibre network isn't nearly as comprehensive as NBN! Current fibre networks focus on the CBD (and bits and pieces in other places) and the rest of the people get the copper lines. There is no money for the companies to build fibre network because it is expensive when compared to our population density and demand. They built the parts that was profitable and was not going to build more out of the goodness of their hearts. Government had to step in because we are still stuck in the stone age with our copper lines (and slave to fucking Telstra), and the free market wasn't going to do shit if there wasn't any money to be made. The government is making a long term investment, very long long term, and it will bring lots of benefits, specially as online economy is expected to grow.

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Parkway Drive's new album, 'Atlas' is out for Australians today. I've spent the last week listening to it non-stop (in fact I'm listening to it now) and I can't say whether or not it's their best to date but at the very least it's another flawless album from the band. Buy it at iTunes/other places that sell shit. Support Aussie talent (:

Full album stream on YouTube

if you want to check it out.
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I haven't been on this site for a while... can you not like peoples comments anymore? I tried to 'like' The Winged Shadow's comment then I realised the button is gone, or is it just me?

Not just you. The Board was Liked to death, so the function has been turned off for the foreseeable future.

Nonetheless, thanks for the sentiment. Any 'fuck telstra' post should always be showered with 'Likes' :P

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