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What is your most crackpot theory? v.3


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are you familiar with Lost? [spoilers]

Westeros is like the island from Lost, just on a bigger scale

so, the seasons are irregular because the continent travels from a place to another through the ASOIAF world

in fact, the black smoke in Lost is generated by a red priestess of R'hllor

and the others are... the others!

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okay, this one required too much thought to be simply crackpot. You really believe this to be true--right?

The fact is that we don't get Cersei's pov until FFC and by then Robert is dead, Joffrey is poisoned, Jaime is a cripple, Tyrion killed Tywin and the Tyrrels are emerging as a powerful foe. Cersei can be easily turned to an unrelieable narrator. During the penance walk she was clearly hallucinating. Neither Jaime nor Tyrion mention Melara and they are Cersei's brothers. Theon never cared for Jeyne Poole and he was never close to Sansa but he did recognise the girl and had a minimal interaction with her in Winterfell. So it makes sense that lonely Cersei created an imaginary friend, a girl who loves Jaime because she is feeling guilty for marrying Rhaegar and abandoning Jaime. But after Maggy tells her that she will never have Rhaegar, Cersei furious abandonds the attempt to end the incestuous relationship with Jaime and Melara, Jaime's girl, "dies".

That is the crackpot part.

What I believe is that Cersei is a lot like Aerys, had the potential of greatness and she is now half mad. Melara most definately existed but I do think that her death put a stop to Cersei becoming a rational person engaged in a healthy sexual relationship.

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Littlefinger, not Cersei, had Robert's twins with the Casterly Rock serving girl killed because they were born with inconveniently blond hair (or better yet, one had black hair and the other blond). Their mother was "sold into slavery" not in Essos but in one of Littlefinger's brothels; he's keeping her in storage in case it suits his interests for the Lannisters to remain in power.

Aerys still had a grasp on sanity when he refused to marry Rhaegar to Cersei. But he didn't see Cersei herself or the "servant" Lannisters as the problem. He couldn't admit it publicly or to Tywin, but Aerys recognized that Rhaegar had already put on his imaginary dragon wings and flown over the cuckoo's nest. He didn't want to subject Joanna's little girl to his lunacy.

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Wex is a Faceless Man.

The reason he doesn't speak is because this is the part of the training where they take his ability to speak (a few years ahead of where Arya is). He's the one who killed King Balon Greyjoy, and he's working his way towards stealing the true Horn of Joramun and Euron's dragonbinder horn for the FM.

Melara never existed. She was Cersei's imaginary friend.Cersei created a fictional alter ego in hopes that she will end her incestuous affair with Jaime and allow her twin to be with other women. By killing Melara, Cersei actually killed the last part in her conscience that prevented her from sleeping with Jaime.

I like this one.

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The Great Other isn't a God (persay), rather a position much like the Greenseer, held by an all-powerful Warg. Whenever someone dies north of the wall, he wargs them. Every wight is the Great Other.

What we've come to know as the Others are the darko version of the CotF, His attendants.

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Tony Stark is the child of Sansa and Tyrion

Just think, he took the name of hs mother but kept the Lannister colours. The wit is definitely the father

And Tyrion and Tony are both inventive, rich, with a loose tongue, quite the ladies' man. I'd imagine that Tyrion and baby Tony were put in a cabinet that is a portal to our dimension when the Others attacked full force. The portal is really only for one full person, but a baby and an imp can fit. Tyrion changed his name and also took the Stark name as disguise. He invented a way to fix his physical condition,which was also used on Steve Rogers.

Since Tony has northern features and already uses the Stark name, his only way of honoring his Lannister heritage is by having a crimson and gold suit of iron.

Sansa, believing that Tyrion died, was freed to marry the new king of Westeros.

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Melara never existed. She was Cersei's imaginary friend.Cersei created a fictional alter ego in hopes that she will end her incestuous affair with Jaime and allow her twin to be with other women. By killing Melara, Cersei actually killed the last part in her conscience that prevented her from sleeping with Jaime.

I see that as viable. I'll buy in.

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  • Robert Baratheon staged his death, he was replaced by Varys with a fat drunkard from Pisswater who was in a terminal state of liver failure. In reality Robert fled to Essos and works as a sellsword for the masters of Yunkai.
  • In the book there is a redhaired whore in Winterfell. In the tv series the role was expanded to Ros. This proves that she is the bastard daughter of Minisa Whent and Brynden Tully. She was sent to Winterfell so as to be close to her sister.
  • Hodor is named after Walder Frey. Walda the fawn was a Frey bastard.
  • Harrenhal isn't cursed, just buried on a CotF burial ground
  • Daenerys is AA and Jorah Nissa Nissa
  • Pisswater is in fact a place where clones of the main characters exist. There is a Rhaegar clone, an Eddard clone but not a Lyanna clone. Lyanna lives in Skagos and cultivates blue roses.
  • Jon Snow is his own father. In order to save him Melisandre transported him to the past, where he met Ashara Dayne. He is the Stark who dishonoured her. Nine months later he was born. Jon became his own father.
  • Ned never brought back the remains of his fellow Northmen from ToJ because they never died. They liked the sun of Dorne so much and the warm weather that they refused to return to the North. They changed their names and fled to Essos.

Brilliant crackpottery! :bowdown:

The unknown mother of Brandon, Ned and Lyanna Stark is Maege Mormont.

Arya will kill Dany, steal her face and then go back to Westeros on a warged dragon.

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