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Joe Abercrombie Hardcovers

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Hey guys. I've just gotten into Abercrombie's stuff and I'm liking it a lot.

i would like to order the hardcovers of the 3 stand-alone books from Amazon, and I'm wondering how the quality is of the Gollancz hardcovers. I saw an Orbit HC of Red Country in Chapters and I didn't like the jacket at all... are the Gollancz ones a lot nicer?


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I own the American hardcovers for BSC and RC, and the UK hardcover for Heroes. When you ask about the jacket quality, do you mean the art? I agree that in general the Gollancz UK jackets look a lot cooler, especially for Heroes, but I don't mind the Orbit RC jacket.

Don't know if that helps at all. Luck!

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While as a usual rule, US hardcovers are quite a bit nicer than UK hardcovers, this actually does not apply to the series you're enquiring about.

The UK hardcovers for Joe's series are excellent, and have gotten a great amount of good feedback. The covers are nicer than the rather ugly US editions, not just in terms of art but also feel and design. Definitely recommended over the US version in this case.

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True story: I first read Game of Thrones solely because of the cover. That garish, sequin-y silver hardcover that was one of the earliest prints. I was about 16, working as a library cataloging boy, and check it out first to myself thinking "Wow, it's a fantasy novel without an elf, dwarf or knight on the cover! Here I am today, proudly saying that I read and loved Abercrombie's books directly by way of this forum. It had nothing to do with the kick-assedness of the cover of The Blade Itself. Nothing at all, Mr. A!

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True story: I first read Game of Thrones solely because of the cover. That garish, sequin-y silver hardcover that was one of the earliest prints. I was about 16, working as a library cataloging boy, and check it out first to myself thinking "Wow, it's a fantasy novel without an elf, dwarf or knight on the cover! Here I am today, proudly saying that I read and loved Abercrombie's books directly by way of this forum. It had nothing to do with the kick-assedness of the cover of The Blade Itself. Nothing at all, Mr. A!

I found AGOT the same way. I saw it and Clash in Borders and got both. What a great decision it ended up being.

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I have said it before and I will now say it again. The UK covers are beatiful. But that is their only redeeming quality when compared to the US books. Gollancz (and other UK) books have no stiching to hold them together. Just a bit of glue. They also tend to yellow much faster. If I were a member of the 1% (or Joe) I'd have both versions, strip the UK covers and put them on US books. That not being a viable option for most of humanity, I'd recommend going for US hardcovers every time.

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Just a point that, if you are looking for the UK Hardcovers of the First Law trilogy, you are going to have to pay a *lot* for them. The hardback print run was very limited before Joe's work took off and are now rare and quite sought after, the prices usually reflect this. The ones you'll find cheap from Amazon sellers are generally the smaller, lower quality book club versions.

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