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Tattooing: The Sequel-Not Loved Enough as Children...


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Hello little donkey, are you lost?

You really shouldn't follow Brady, He's been lost for a long time....

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It's always worth paying for decent work, so I don't blame you for doing so, Jade. He looks like he's doing an amazing job!

The worst thing about having this tattoo on my leg is that my super-hair is growing back and I can't shave it, so it's ultra-itchy :lol:

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My wife is drawing out a design for my next piece.... it's going to be a fantasy literature symbol tattoo. White tree of Gondor, lamp post, WOT symbol, etc., elbow to wrist on my right arm. I'm very excited!

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Thanks, Tormund M, for posting the imgur.com site... I need a new photo hosting site, too!

It's always worth paying for decent work, so I don't blame you for doing so, Jade. He looks like he's doing an amazing job!

The worst thing about having this tattoo on my leg is that my super-hair is growing back and I can't shave it, so it's ultra-itchy :lol:

:) Now that its mostly settled down (and the darkness from my own blood & irritation has faded) it really does look awesome to me. I'm kinda bummed to have to wait until late next month for the next sitting!

I feel your pain about the itchiness! happily I don't hair on my back so I've avoided that! but its plenty itchy enough. Its been nice to have a good excuse to no wear a bra for a while, so there is an upside. lol

Finally found an image host


Was thinking of adding some loftwings flying around above and below and add some more cloud layers.

ah! now I get ya! Nice~ I had thought you had just the three triangles so I was having trouble visualizing it. I like the color in the background, it looks like a cross between clouds and fire. Wings and more color/clouds sound like a good plan. I really love the idea of building up and on existing tattoos~my personal preference is for an all-over complete look as opposed to unrelated smaller things, so I'm all for adding more to yours! :)

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Jade, I love your piece. And X-ray...the arm is fantastic. What is the significance of the plant with the skull? Also love Relic's traveler.

Since I can't get a tattoo anytime soon, someone please feel free to use this... I want an old timey compass on an ankle with a map on my back like they used to do with dragons in the waters, sea serpents, etc., and a "Here be dragons" written on it.

This may be totally lame, but I would walking around feeling like an ancient piece of parchment. Actually, that's a typical Monday. Heh.

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To answer seriously (I think I put this in the other thread, but can't remember now) -- the whole thing taken together means Illegitimi non carborundum. Aconitum = misanthropy. European mistletoe = I will persevere. (these two are both from of the Victorian Language of Flowers.) Then the skulls: Raven = death. Cat = no fucks to give.

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To answer seriously (I think I put this in the other thread, but can't remember now) -- the whole thing taken together means Illegitimi non carborundum. Aconitum = misanthropy. European mistletoe = I will persevere. (these two are both from of the Victorian Language of Flowers.) Then the skulls: Raven = death. Cat = no fucks to give.

Interesting. I have read a wee bit about the Victorian preoccupation with flowers/stones, and herbal remedies. I figured it had some sort of symbolism going on.

It was cool simply based on the artwork...particularly the plant side. The detail work is phenomenal. Knowing its meaning makes it even cooler.

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Wasn't sure if I should put this in the Body Image thread or here, but this article is an interesting one about a guy near Baltimore that specializes in nipple tattoos (usually after reconstructive surgery). Besides the amazing artistry of Vinnie, the article touches on cosmetic tattooing vs a tattoo artist that I thought was interesting. [photos in article are NSFW]

from the article:

"Breast implants can provide the shape of what was lost, but making a realistic-looking areola is a greater challenge.

For all of medicine’s advances, the best option for areola reconstruction is tattooing, and in the field of cosmetic tattooing, Vinnie’s trompe-l’oeil “areola portraits,” as he calls them, are widely regarded as the best that money can buy. "


"“It’s just Art 101,” Vinnie replied, leaning up against the parlor’s pool table. “Light and shadow. It’s hard for me to believe that nobody else ever thought about this before. You know a lot of the other cosmetic tattoo artists, they just hold up a circle template and color it in. They’ve got three colors. They’ve got chocolate brown, bubble gum pink, and salmon. Whichever one you’re closest to, that’s what you get. Most of the white women get salmon.” “So they don’t draw in the Montgomery glands?” I asked referring to the little bumps of the areola.

“They don’t even draw in the nipple most of the time,” Vinnie exclaimed. “They’ll do a circle and then they’ll maybe do a darker colored circle. Maybe. You’ll get a chocolate-colored circle inside of a salmon circle.”

“And most of the time they can’t even get the nipples in the right spot,” Richie lamented. “You almost wonder if they just close their eyes and point…”"

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, after hanging out with so many awesomely tattooed fellow BwB people recently, I was getting kinda jealous, and started thinking seriously about sorting out another tattoo for myself. What would be meaningful? Which artist would be best? How many months should I save up for it?

And then, because I am me, I stopped pondering and instead popped into the newish tattoo shop in town on impulse and asked them to do some ivy-viney-thing. Ta-da!

I know I know. But I think it is awesome, and frankly "doing stupid things on impulse" is a lot more representative of my personality than any carefully-chosen piece of artwork would have been. Lazy and reckless? Check. Plus, I get a new tattoo NOW rather than at some indefinite date in the future, so bonus! :D

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Well, after hanging out with so many awesomely tattooed fellow BwB people recently, I was getting kinda jealous, and started thinking seriously about sorting out another tattoo for myself. What would be meaningful? Which artist would be best? How many months should I save up for it?

And then, because I am me, I stopped pondering and instead popped into the newish tattoo shop in town on impulse and asked them to do some ivy-viney-thing. Ta-da!

I know I know. But I think it is awesome, and frankly "doing stupid things on impulse" is a lot more representative of my personality than any carefully-chosen piece of artwork would have been. Lazy and reckless? Check. Plus, I get a new tattoo NOW rather than at some indefinite date in the future, so bonus! :D

Min, looks great! And that is totally the way to do it. I've been trying to save and plan and all that shit... Then aomething comes up. And now it's been 15 fucking years since my last tattoo. Now I've got to save up for a wedding, but after that, it's on. Fuck the baby, new ink, here I come.

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Well I like it, Min! And I don't blame you at all - I get very jealous when others are getting inked.

Once I get back to Plymouth I'll be sorting my next one. I'm either going to get a silhouette of a girl reading and a dragon on a fallen tree (see FB cover photo if you have me), or start on my typography sleeve. Which would be beyond fucking awesome. Just need to see how much of my student loan remains after I pay rent and pay back the overdraft.

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  • 3 weeks later...

New York magazine has done a story about tattoos and a couple of people stripped down and showed off theirs. The story and Lake Bell. That is some tattoo.

ha! I love Lake Bell, nice to see what she's up too. :) and she's gorgeous. I like the placement of her fake tat (I surely do love big, curving pieces!) but not the work itself. Its so low i contrast that I would worry if it were real it would just go to muddy-no detail in a few years.

I have had more work done on my back since I last posted here, and have another appointment next week. Yay!! He's done a lot of work on the sunflowers, and am hoping the poppies will get started next. I'm happy that its healing really well. I know that sounds silly but when I got my other big color torso piece done years ago, the guy was having trouble getting my skin to take the ink & it took much longer than it should have. I was always worried that it was my body or something since he was, and is, a big name tattooist and I assumed he knew what he was doing. so when I was planning this one, I was worried about it. But its been great... so maybe big-name artist didn't know what he was doing after all! in all fairness, he was pretty young back then.

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