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Will we finally learn the fate of Benjen Stark?

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It has been rumored, especially this past season, that Benjen Stark will finally appear. It died down when LSH was rumored to appear. Now it appears the rumors are true that we will finally see him-either we learn of his fate-or Benjen appears. If he is alive, what are some of the theories of where he has been? I bet GOT's will tease us by having him appear the last 20 seconds before lights fade....

Either way, I am excited for this character to return (and hopefully not as a dream) We shall see......hours away of finding out

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Benjen fans were trolled tonight. They teased info and Jon learned the truth the hard way.

I said in another post I'd lose my shit if I don't find out about Benjen. Am now officially wanting to change my username to "Lost Her Shit Over Benjen Trolling". :(

At least I still have the later books to look forward too-- I must know Benjen's fate-- the not knowing pisses me off. That and a zillion other unanswered questions that make ASoIaF so awesome. :)

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Trolly as fuck. They could have thought of a million other reasons to get Jon outside. I still think Benjen will a part in some form though, however small. Maybe this was just a way to throw his name back into peoples minds.

I wanted to see Wun Wun freak out.

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Benjen is dead. He was killed by the WW. Why do we need to find this out?

This is ridiculous to even think D+D give a shit enough about anyone to "troll them". Like they'd even care. Telling Jon about Benjen made sense. It's the only thing that would've got Jon out there with barely any questions.

Yeah I was hoping it would play out more chaotic with the Wildlings intervening and Jon just collapsing in the middle of it all. The tone they went with was good too though.

It depends on what they plan on doing with the Wildlings. I could see them trying to frame them for Jon's death.

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Benjenophiles all got punked by D&D...........low blow

Actually thought the released preview was a fake. Am thinking myself that I could care less about Benjen. Had little less that a few episode invested in him. A small mystery thats all.

So I see the preview and remain open-minded.

Totally unnecessary, not funny, and not cool. Someone needs to give them the Oathkeeper treatment

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Benjen is dead. He was killed by the WW. Why do we need to find this out?

This is ridiculous to even think D+D give a shit enough about anyone to "troll them". Like they'd even care. Telling Jon about Benjen made sense. It's the only thing that would've got Jon out there with barely any questions.

It depends on what they plan on doing with the Wildlings. I could see them trying to frame them for Jon's death.

It is well known that Dumb & Dumber lurk in westeros.org.

The betrayers could have told Jon that a messenger arrived from winterfell, that his half sister showed-up in castle black, that Sam came back, that Melisandre needed to talk with him, that Wun-Wun was eating a horse, that Ghost attacked a wilding or anything relevant to his immediate concerns. Instead D&D choose to told Jon about Benjen, something that has not been mentioned since season 2.

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