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If the Red Keep burns, rebuilt it or start anew?


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If Cersei burns down King's Landing, and therefore the Red Keep, what's Aegon/Daenerys's next move? Rebuild it, or just pick a new seat of power? I personally would prefer they rebuild, because the history of the Red Keep is so rich that I'd hate for that all to just get thrown away. 

Sidenote: would wildfire melt the iron throne? Because if the throne itself still stands after Cersei firebombs the Capitol, that could be a symbolic thing to rebuild around.


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I wish any ruler who end up ruling  build a new city somewhere in the Reach or even Summerhall. And I am not a fan of capital in Harrenhal. If a Targaryen ruler rules they would  prefer their ancestral seat in KL than a ruined castle that the Targs destroyed to show their power.

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4 hours ago, Lord Wraith said:


yep with the white wolf as the ruler as King of the Trident. IT just makes sense to make Harrenhal as the capital of the realm. It's big enough to house the court, central enough that it's easier to get to then KL. Not to mention that a Targ cursed Harrenhal when they burned an entire family it only  makes sense that a Targ should have to rebuild the place. 

THere's also the fact that Harrenhal has been central to the plot. Whether Jon knows it or not Harrenhal and that Tourney along with the political manipulations have been playing in the background of his life since before he was born. 

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I don't see why her torching the city means the Red Keep would be destroyed....

As far as we know, she doesn't know about all of the wildfire caches. She probably knows about a few and suspects a few more. But if she was to blow the Red Keep...wouldn't that kill her too? Cersei is a lot of things, but not suicidal. And I don't see her being content to ride to a safe distance and watch...I think she'll watch that bitch burn Nero-style.

If anything, I think she accidentally blows the Keep. Which I think would be a pretty fitting end for her. 

But if the keep is intact and the city torched...good. Apparently needed to be done anyways. Aegon/Dany could rebuild it into a proper city and not a few great landmarks scatter among trash. 

Also, why is KL a bad spot for a capitol? Sure it isn't central, but most capitols aren't. It's a perfect place to trade across the Narrow sea too with a natural port. Plus the legacy of Aegon the Conqueror. Harrenhal is livable...but still has some pretty bad structural damage, you can't just un-melt and reform stone (not anymore, at least). Though if you think Dany is going mad (like I do), I could see her wanting to live in a cursed, physical testament to Targ power and ruthlessness. 

But, to answer the OP, rebuild KL after either Cersei burns it down or Dany burns it down just because IF the Red Keep still stands, which I think it could. 


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5 hours ago, Lord Vance II said:

I don't see why her torching the city means the Red Keep would be destroyed....

As far as we know, she doesn't know about all of the wildfire caches. She probably knows about a few and suspects a few more. But if she was to blow the Red Keep...wouldn't that kill her too? Cersei is a lot of things, but not suicidal. And I don't see her being content to ride to a safe distance and watch...I think she'll watch that bitch burn Nero-style.

If anything, I think she accidentally blows the Keep. Which I think would be a pretty fitting end for her. 

But if the keep is intact and the city torched...good. Apparently needed to be done anyways. Aegon/Dany could rebuild it into a proper city and not a few great landmarks scatter among trash. 

Also, why is KL a bad spot for a capitol? Sure it isn't central, but most capitols aren't. It's a perfect place to trade across the Narrow sea too with a natural port. Plus the legacy of Aegon the Conqueror. Harrenhal is livable...but still has some pretty bad structural damage, you can't just un-melt and reform stone (not anymore, at least). Though if you think Dany is going mad (like I do), I could see her wanting to live in a cursed, physical testament to Targ power and ruthlessness. 

But, to answer the OP, rebuild KL after either Cersei burns it down or Dany burns it down just because IF the Red Keep still stands, which I think it could. 


Yet Harrenhal is just as great for trade and such as the Red Keep. In ancient times the rices of the Trident were used to transport goods, trade and in times of war move an army. Which can be a great asset if one has to move an army. By using the waterways as a highway one could move with ease to most parts of the kingdom without breaking a sweat. Along with having an almost impregnable strong hold that's impossible to hold under siege and or taken by force. Most of the modern equipment used in Westeros are useless against Harrenhal because of it's size. 

Not to mention again but because of it's size it can host the entire court and king. Would allow the king and his courtiers to move throughout the kingdom with more ease than with the capital being set up in KL. Not to say that KL isn't a great port as it links the southern kingdoms with that of the Vale but I think that Harrenhal would be a better Capital. As it can also keep those quarrelsome Trident lords alittle more pliant with them some close to the seat of power. While having the capital on the Trident affords the Trident with a little more protection then in times of past.

That's just my general opinion.  

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16 hours ago, the conquering bastard 25 said:

yep with the white wolf as the ruler as King of the Trident. IT just makes sense to make Harrenhal as the capital of the realm. It's big enough to house the court, central enough that it's easier to get to then KL. Not to mention that a Targ cursed Harrenhal when they burned an entire family it only  makes sense that a Targ should have to rebuild the place. 

THere's also the fact that Harrenhal has been central to the plot. Whether Jon knows it or not Harrenhal and that Tourney along with the political manipulations have been playing in the background of his life since before he was born. 

Don't confuse the book and the show. Why would the Riverlands support Jon? He has no blood ties to the Tullys or any of the major lords?

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If King's Landing is burnt then you're probably better off starting over.  Harrenhall has no direct access to the sea and that's a problem in a day when travelling by ship is the easiest and fastest way to get around.  Therefore a new city around the Salt Pans/Darry area is probably a safe bet, access to the Narrow Sea as well as access to the Kingsroad.  You also sit right at the front door of the Vale so you can pretty much count whoever is running it as an ally, otherwise you can easily cut them off from the rest of Westeros.  Your City would be at a crossroads of the major N/S E/W roads in Westeros, and one of the two roads inland from Lannisport/Casterly Rock.  As for Harrenhall, cursed or not, I'd tear it down.  Harrenhall is a big fortification, as such it's going to have a big garrison and you really don't need that sitting so close to the Capitol.  The other major move would be to secure the Twins, expel the Freys, after all they have been on both sides in this war, and make the Twins Crown property, there is no sense in allowing such a strategic location belong to a family of questionable loyalty.

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On 9/1/2016 at 3:49 PM, Runaway Penguin said:

Harrenhall is not on Trident. If you want new city, found a new one at Salptpans. If Harrenhall was good for trade, there would already be a city.

Harrenhal is already the size of a city...

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Why this obsession with Harrenhal? What's special there, other than unproven magic and a failed attempt at ruling the Riverlands?

Byfort of Corfe made a good job on talking practicalities of an urban seat of power in Westeros' east coast.
Urban alternatives could be Oldtown (less participation on the Narrow Sea traffic but you would divide the Reach) Lannisport (until the mines are out) and White Harbor (to "normalize" the North's east coast while seizing the moment to divide another strong, isolated actor).

Would an itinerant monarchy be viable? I'd say no, in absence of direct, personal ties between the territories and the crown, too deeply dependant on feudal ties with (too powerful) vassals.

"Divide et impera", I'd say, even more important then where you do establish your new powerbase.

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On 1 september 2016 at 9:49 PM, Runaway Penguin said:

Harrenhall is not on Trident. If you want new city, found a new one at Salptpans. If Harrenhall was good for trade, there would already be a city.

Agreed! Other good alternatives that are geographically suited (east-coast, harbor and situated on a big river) would be Wyl of the Stormlands, White Harbor in the North, but as they are a bit too far south and north they'd loose visitors to each other and Saltpans most likely... 

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I could see it going either way. I can see Daenerys/whoever rebuilding the castle around the Iron Throne, which I assume would remain standing in a fire. 

But then I can also just see her going "fuck it" and going to Dragonstone. 

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