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Goodkind XXIII: I recommend you start drinking heavily


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Okay, lemmings, get to it!

No personal insults etc.

No feeding the Yeard.

Any breakers of these rules will be kicked in the jaw so hard their spines fall out, or something. I don't know, I'm wasted.

Have fun and play nice.

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OK, I'll get this one started. Enjoy!

Pinkmaiden Parody Productions presents,

A Brave and Beautiful film,


(with apologies to William Gibson)

The sky above Chib’hara was the color of an eight year old’s jaw, smashed in by a swift kick.

Ricase knew he was being followed the moment he stepped out of the bar. His raptor-like gaze gave him total panoramic view of the crowded streets, filled with a mass of people walking like centipedes, or communistic death-choosing lemmings; that is, they were all marching as one, and only Ricase had the moral celery to go his own way.

Knowing how his tail would be tracking him, Ricase turned left and ducked into a run down apartment building. His keen sense of smell told him which doors would open to occupied apartments and which wouldn’t, just by the smell. He found two unoccupied ones by this remarkable talent of his. He kicked down the door of one, and thought about doing something clever like hiding in the second until his tail went looking for him in the first one, but then decided he could take whoever was coming for him, anyways.

At the first sign of motion his hand shot out and ripped the spine out of the poor bastard that had the hatred of moral celery to wander past; he knew instinctively this was the wrong person, a person that meant him no harm, but wandering here had shielded the jackals of evil, and for that the man deserved to have his spine ripped out. But a spinectomy not being fatal, Ricase just sent the hapless lackwit on his way.

“Ricase,†came a voice of a beautiful, morally perfect female voice. Ricase turned to see the beautiful woman favor him with her special smile, the kind that she only gave him. “I’m Kaholly. I’ve been looking for you.â€

Ricase admired her sizable breasts, and knew he could trust her. “You’ve been following me.†It was not a question. Ricase knew this was who had been tracking him since he left the bar.

“Yes, and I’m sorry about that. But we need you. I need you. Only someone with your skills could accomplish what we need?â€

“And what would that be?â€

Kaholly just smiled her special smile again. “Come with me, I’ll introduce you to the big guy.â€

* * *

Zebbitage had the posture of someone who’d killed a lot of people in the name of celery; a veteran of some war or other, probably off killing commies, or those of another religion.

“Thank you for coming Ricase. I think I can make it worth you while.â€

“You’d better. I’m only here if you can offer me something.â€

“I think I can do that. Kaholly?â€

The well endowed female (still giving Ricase her special smile) handed Ricase a smooth, plastic case. Ricase took it up from her and opened it up. He removed a wondrous piece of technology. The Trutho-Sendei logo was emblazoned onto it, and it’s craftsmanship was remarkable. “Is this what I think it is?â€

“Yes. The legendary Cyberspace-Deck of Truth, the cyberspace deck of the Truth-Hacker.†A hacking cough took over Zedditage for a minute, *hack, hack*, before he continued. “We’ve also programmed into it a construct.â€

“A construct?â€

“It’s a beautiful device, let’s us get around a lot of things. It has the memories of all the past hackers to use the deck. Anything a past hacker has seen, been able to do, has hacked his way through, you’ll see, be able to do, be able to hack.â€

“Then why what’s the point of me? Can’t anyone just pick up that thing and become all powerful.â€

Zedditage frowned a bit. “Bytes!†he swore. “Best not to think about things like that. This is about human themes, not the magical technological devices that accomplish everything so that the protagonist is merely a conduit through which deus ex machina flows.â€

“Fair enough,†Ricase agreed. “So, as you’re obviously a morally celerous guy, you wouldn’t just give this to me out of the goodness of your heart. That’d be death choosing, almost as bad as letting someone cut you line –â€

“Not cutting in line!†Zedditage and Kaholly burst out simultaneously.

“Ok, maybe not that bad.†Ricase laughed. Kaholly laughed. Zedditage laughed. Everybody laughed. “So then, what’s the deal.â€

“I need you for a run, Ricase. Here’s the deal . . . “

* * *

“I don’t trust that Zedditage guy, Ricase.†Kaholly was tugging at her clothes, a pure white dress that was an obvious symbol of her purity, that some hack author thought was a subtle symbol thereof. She and Ricase were back in his apartment, planning the run.

“Huh? He seems like an upstanding person.â€

“Ricase, can’t you see he’s crazy? Totally batshit insane?â€

Ricase frowned, and folded his many arms across his busting, manly pectorals. “What?â€

“Doesn’t he have the look of a cold, heartless killer, the kind of guy who’d stoop to killing a diplomat just because he disagreed?â€

“That’s not crazy. That’s celerous.â€

Kaholly smiled her special smile again, and pressed her ample, bosoms against Ricase. “Tell me more about this concept of ‘celerous?’â€

Ricase went on and on for a dozen pages or so – he was feeling tired, not enough time for anything other than a quick introduction to the topic. Kaholly had fallen asleep by then, but that didn’t stop Ricase from removing her pure white dress and laying her on the bed. He was about to remove his traveling pants, but suddenly she woke up.

“That’s not a good idea, Ricase.â€

“Why not?â€

“I’ve had some, ah, enhancement put in.â€


“You know, down there.â€

Ricase frowned. “What kind of enhancement?â€

“It’s an advanced chemical sedative/mindwipe, that activates with orgasm. It makes the target love me.â€

Ricase laughed. “Love you? Seems like a pretty crappy enhancement.â€

Kaholly shook her head. “It wipes out their personality. It makes them my slave, doing whatever I tell them to do.â€

“That’s love? Whoever defined it that way must have a pretty fucked up concept of love. And you’re telling me you can’t control it, so that whenever you sleep with someone it goes off?â€


“That seems arbitrary.â€


“Never mind. So, how are we going to pull off this run?â€

Kaholly pulled out a map of a satellite station floating about the earth. Ricase walked over and squinted at it. “You call this a map? There’s no detail. There’s no scale. It’s just divided into three separate sections rather than any meaningful divisions. There could be whole countries out there that we wouldn’t know about until we needed to.â€


“No reason. OK, here’s the idea. We’re going after the Box of Tessier-Orden, [i[here.â€

Kaholly shook her head. “How do you know it’s there? The map is useless, and we have no intelligence about where in the complex the Box is.â€

“Don’t worry, I know a lot about representational designs involving representationality.â€


“Never mind. The box is guarded in two levels, in the real world, and in cyberspace. You’ll handle the first, I’ll use the Cyberspace-Deck of Truth to hack away any electronic defenses they have. I can obviously handle my part, but, as large as your breasts are, you’re still a women – that means you can fails easily. How do you expect to get past the two dozen guards that place has.â€

Kaholly favored him with her special smile. “I have my ways. Remember what I told you about my enhancement?â€

“You enslave people with your –â€

“Twenty-four guards, you say?†Kaholly licked her lips. “Sounds fun. When do we start?â€

They took the elevator out of his apartment, and started walking north. After a few minutes, Kaholly looked at the map one more time. “This place looks far away, how long will it take us to get there?â€

“We’re here.â€

* * *

Ricase’s finger flew across the keyboard of the Cyberspace-Deck of Truth like ten completely independent people whose work just happened to be collaborative, but unintentionally so because they weren’t commies. The infinite dimensions of cyberspace filled his vision, as if some thing that was infinitely long was in his vision. He could see the Computer Resistance Attack Programs (CRAP) arrayed before him, noting their positions. He saw them brutally raping helpless female computer programs, but if those programs weren’t strong enough to defend themselves, they deserved to be raped.

He flipped a switch on his cyberspace deck, and his changed vision to see what Kaholly was doing, and smiled as he did. She was going at it pretty hard with some security guard, as a few more watched, waiting their turn.

â€Good going girl,†he typed to her, keep it up. She switched positions on the guy, as if to acknowledge she’d heard.

He flipped back to cyberspace. The CRAP programs had taken a break from raping their hapless female programs to kill those programs, then went back to raping them. A righteous anger of moral celery hit Ricase like a piece of rebar on a little girl. His thing rose in him, like a thing that was in him and rose when he got pissed and the author needed a way to describe it.

The memories of old cyber cowboys entered Ricase’s brain, integrating into him. It was as if he was the one who had acquired the memories through his own actions, as if he should somehow have credit for the actions that came from them. He took all that knowledge and skill, and brought it to bear against the CRAP programs.

“Cyber-deck,†he said through clenched teeth, “be true this day.â€

Bringer of file deletions.

He tore through them like a psychotic maniac through a crowd of unarmed peace protesters. His fingers flew across the keyboard even faster than before. Programs were obliterated into thin 1’s and 0’s. CRAPs begged for mercy as he ripped out melon sized holes of programming language from their scripts.

It was over so fast he could barely believe it. “Damn, I’am good,†he congratulated himself. He flipped back his vision to see through Kaholly’s eyes again. He saw her doing some old dude with a single tooth, and scraggly hair. He caught site of a mop out of the corner of her eyes.

â€Kaholly,†he typed to her, â€that’s the janitor, isn’t it? Now you’re just indulging yourself. Focus on the guards. I’m through the first layer of cyber defense.â€

He flipped back to cyberspace, and saw he was surrounded by elite CRAPs, the kind that eat those earlier CRAP programs for breakfast. They were ready to kill him, so he did the only thing anyone could do. His cyberspace avatar pretended as if his real body was cracking its knuckles, then struck. Suddenly, a computer crash happened. He was ripped CRAPs apart even faster than before, which is not to diminish the way he was ripping them apart before. But this time they were so dead it was as if they had just vowed to accept death and died retroactively. He was kicking that much cyber-ass.

The minions of discord dispatched, he flipped back once again to see Kaholly.

It was almost like last time, but different, like two things that were sorta similar but when you look close you see they couldn’t be more dissimilar. There was still a naked guy in front of her, but this time she was struggling. Almost being raped.

She needed his help, but he was outside the compound. They had somehow gotten separated, which was, as he saw it now, a tactical disadvantage. He made a never note to not allow that to happen again. Only and idiot would make that mistake twice.

How to get into the compound to help her? Suddenly, and idea popped into his head.

* * *

Kaholly was running out of strength. Hidemmin Nass was overpowering her with his manly strength. He had bigger pectoral muscles than Ricase, and Ricase had bigger pectoral muscles than most men.

Just then, suddenly, exactly at the moment, Ricase burst through the wall. He was riding a red dragon that had smashed him into the compound.

“Hey, no fair,†Hidemmin Nass whined. “This isn’t a fantasy parody, you can’t use a dragon.â€

“Hogwash,†Ricase replied. “Are you asserting that dragons only appear in fantasy settings?â€

Hidemmin Nass laughed. Ricase laughed. Kaholly laughed. The red dragon laughed. All the guards and janitors that had had their personalities whipped out by having sex with Kaholly laughed. Everybody laughed. Then Hidemmin Nass went back to almost-raping Kaholly.

“Did you ever think of, um, letting him?†Ricase asked.

“Letting him rape me? Are you crazy?â€

“You just had consensual sex with twenty-three guards to get here, and a few janitors thrown in there for fun. What’s wrong with playing the same game here?â€

“That’s despicable.â€

“Ok, let’s have a vote.â€

Ricase, Hidemmin Nass, and the dragon voted for rape, and Kaholly voted against. Outmatched, Kaholly had no choice. Thus proving that democracy can only provide evil results, like rape.

After, they were hungry, so Kaholly got out a knife and slashed off Hidemmin Nass’ testicles, cracked them open over a skillet like eggs, and fried up some omelets. They all had a pleasant breakfast, and the dragon left, no longer being necessary to get them out of a jam.

“The Box of Tessier-Orden is right through that door, Ricase. Let’s go.â€

Inside the next room was a box on a pedestal, and a little girl. “Who in the name of Ayn Rand are you?†Ricase asked.

“I’m 2Violet,†said the little girl, “and you’re not getting my box because you need a special password to open it, and I’m not telling!†She stuck her tongue out at Ricase, like a red flag that said “kick me†on it.

Ricase’s thing rose up in him again, as if there was something in his stomach that wasn’t reacting well with the testicle omelets. His foot leapt out and connected with her jaw, and it shattered like a tiny, innocent piece of jaw of a young girl, being smashed by a maniac with antisocial tendencies.

2Violet was on the ground, her tongue cut off by her own teeth, bleeding out her blood, red like the commie bitch she was, living in a mansion and keeping her wealth for herself.

“Take your word, child abuser.â€

Ricase suddenly realized that he knew the word. He knew it because he was the Truth-Hacker, and if he didn’t know it, that wouldn’t allow the plot to resolve. His father had conveniently taught him the word as a youngster, which was a tribute to his celerousness. He spoke the word, and took the Box. They had won, and truly had chosen life. For good measure, they slit the throats of all the guards on the way out, and took the janitors for Kaholly’s amusement.

* * *

After giving the box to Zedditage, Ricase and Kaholly were back on his bed, fooling around.

“No, Ricase, I’m sorry, you know about my special nature, we can’t –â€

“Oh, I think we can.â€

“But how?â€

“Easy. So long as I say so, it won’t affect me.â€

“That doesn’t make any sense.â€

“You’re right, it doesn’t.â€

Ricase laughed. Kaholly laughed. The editor laughed, nervously, wondering if he should point out that resolution was idiotic. The author laughed, all the way to the bank. Everybody laughed.

It was the best Kaholly had ever had. She was in ecstasy. Afterwards, she laid her head on Ricase’s impressive pectorals and sighed. “That was truly great. I have to meet some people tomorrow morning so I can get out of contracts, and spend my life with you. Promise me you’ll call me at noon, oh please, we were meant to be together, won’t you call me tomorrow, promise you’ll call?â€

“I will.â€

He never did call her.

Thank you for those who made it to the bitter end. And once again, I apologize to William Gibson.

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OMG no time to read that now but I will I promise. Anyway thanks for starting the party early Wert (we still had 13 posts left) and using the least popular title. Well not least popular, I actually like it, but I liked the ayn rand one better.

Okay I'm going to go eat some celery be black later.

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Very nicely done, LPOP, that was fully of very important human themes, and worthy of praise. However this

And once again, I apologize to William Gibson.
leads me to believe that you may need to eat some moral celery, in order to get some moral fiber into your brain's colon, so it will not poop out anything so communistic as an apology...remember, your writing exists, therefore it deserved life, much like someone who was raped and deserved it, because it happened.

Post-emptive attempt at thread name:

Goodkind XXIII: Yeard Rhymes with Turd (sub: Coincedence or Fact?)

Goodkind XXIII: A Long List of Lemming Lecheries

Goodkind XXIII: A Spine Less Ripped Out

Goodkind XXIII: The Reason Tairy Doesn't Go To Fantasy Conventions (sub: It's because he doesn't write fantasy. Also, the fat virgin boys are too tempting)

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Wow, you guys are fast! You must all be working in concert, like some kind of horrible collectivist centipede.

I just want to say thanks for all the Atlas answers. It makes a bit more sense now, if you look at it in a completely...ahem...objective way, without letting, say, logic get in the way.

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Logic always gets in the way of Tairy's crap. Yet it's a favorite word amongst the Yeardites. If only they knew what it meant (though I should give credit, any one of them could copy and paste the definition much quicker than I could.)

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Fuck, the 28th Thread, and a serious essay in the last. You guys are GOOD!

WLU, believe it or not, for the Terry the Pope pic, I could only find two decent photos of the Yeard. It seems as if he only has two photos available in the net.

LPOP (I keep on imagining a lovely lollipop when I type that. No offense meant), that was great! Goodkind XXIX: Bringer of File Deletions!

Okay. This suddenly reminds me: What kind of interviewers are asking these questions? What the hell? If I asked that question to TG and he responded that he didn't know what "Arthuian legend" is, I'd have an immeadiate follow up with, "You don't know who King Arthur is? Are you living on Mars? You're supposed to be a writer." And then I'd insist my editor put that response in to. Or are all of Terry's interviewers just hand picked synchophants or Terry's?

I don't know much about how interviews are conduced out there, (pat or dylanfanatic would know better), but this is what I think:

Questions were emailed to the author/or his agent. Author then has freedom to choose which question he'd like to answer or not. The interviewer then has less/no chances of follow-up questions. If an interview was conducted in person, the follow-up question could be done.

Was the interview conducted in person, btw? Because if it was, I think I'd give a swift kick to the interviewer.

Also, it's possible there was a limited time on the interview, or that the interviewer had a pre-selected questions (the author chose which questions the interviewer could ask), and that the could interviewer could only ask questions from this list...or else...

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I know we've touched on this before, but I'd like to revisit it a little bit:

The "W" phenomenon here is interesting - there's way more here than just the 3 w's of will, WLU, and word. We have many others.

Here's the entire list that I can think of:




Wolf Maid


It may be that there are others. But the really interesting thing are the other regulars:

Mad Moose



Mad Monkey

They all start with "M." And what is an "m," if not an upside-down "w?" Mads Moose & Monkey get the double bonus for having the double-m. Tormund Midgetsbane gets half credit for sharing an initial. Hell, make that 3/4 credit since there's an m in his first name.

Apologies to the other regulars that don't fit this pattern. Perhaps we're all "w"annabees.

The real question is what does this all mean? Is there a secret hypnotic pattern to Tairy's work that compels those that read too much of him to use some variation of the W form in their names? Any other theories or suggestions?

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I love challenges. Makes me wish we had followers of the Yeard here, stir up the pot, add some fulsome discussion.

First of all, there's the rather hideous analogy - he could have chosen a less offensive description. This meshes with the Yeard's usual approach to writing though - the more base, the more vile, the more contemptible, the more simple, the better. It's a continuation of his tendency to, when writing, advance the plot through the most noisome means possible. Was namble-rape really necessary to point out that the Sisters of the Dark are evil? Could his magical transfer of magical ability perhaps not have involved something like eating a magic apple or something equally innocuous?

Second, it continues his obsession with rape, almost rape, namble rape, gang rape. It's an intimation of his already problematic relationship with healthy sexuality in general. I'm telling you, he's got the Bible on one side of his desk, and a stack of porn on the other. Rape-porn no doubt.

Third, it's such a gross, unflattering and disingenuous simplification of democracy. Like all of his arguments I've seen, he's using a straw man to make his weak arguments seem stronger, to choose the most polarized example possible to add a starkness (oh, message board appropriate pun!) to what is an ambiguous, grey, murky and complicated area. Democracy is not the best system of governance, it's the least bad. However, his alternative appears to be 'benevolent' rule by fascist dictatorship, by a ruler who in most cases would be considered profoundly disturbed. A most rare man, because he's so profoundly disturbed. He doesn't have a realistic alternative, he's only got his fucked-up-little-headspace-imaginary-not-fantasy-world alternative, which only works with the generous use of magic and complete control via narrative fiat. Richard, in the real world, is not a King Arthur, he's more of a Pol Pot. His comparison ignores the reality that yes, democracy is government by the majority and can lead to tyranny of the majority, but all realdemocratic states have checks and balances to prevent the majority from ruling tyrannically over the minority. In fact, the history of democracy is one of ever-increasing representation by minority groups to take themselves out of situations of shame, degredation and exploitation and grant them treatment equal to that of the majority (at least in theory and in courts). Slavery. Homosexuality. Women. Children. Animals. Languages. Racism. Religions. Serfs. Classes. Transexualism. Native Americans. Democracy works as a peaceful way of equalizing the rights of all citizens. This tends to piss people off, and those who are on top (notably white males) start yammering about minority rule, activist judges and start looking for their white sheets. I think Tairy has a candle burning deep within his chest for the good ol' days when a couple o' white boys could string up an uppity n-bomb and there'd be high-fives all 'round.

Like so many things, Tairy's portrayal of his subject is flawed, oversimplified and portrays a profound lack of historical understanding; further, his alternative is so profoundly disturbing to everyone but himself and his yeardites that the degree of hermeneutic isolation he must exist in frightens me. It's like the only channel he watches is Fox 'news', the only radio station he listens to is one that plays country music and Bill O'Reilly, and the only books he reads are Ann Coulter's. Fuck I hate her. Fucking 'abortion is its sacrement' God-pushing bitch. She should play fucking Klan in that God-damned mini-series. Anyway, his characterization is inflammatory, he's either the most fucking ignorant, simple-minded mouth-breather in the world, or he's doing it deliberately. That his seed carries a tiny fleck of something that could be interpreted as truth makes it all the worse 'cause he, and his followers, will keep referencing it as if it were the most fundamental principle of democracy and therefore the only truth. Yes, there is an element of majority rule in democracy, it is a fundamental principle, but within democracy minorities have a very strong influence, much more so than in any other system of government. Kings, dictatorships, monarchies, feudalism, they were systems of government where the minorities in power already had all the power. Under democracy, it is the underpowered or disempowered minorities that gain in power.

Plus, he's a douche.

Nice substantive post. Thanks!

I am curious about one thing, however. It seems to me that representative democracies flourish in societies that have many differences, resulting in a plurality of minority interests each cooperating and conflicting with each other as often as every news cycle. However, this is a very Western-centric view. In certain African states I could name (who have experimented with multi-party democracy en masse since the early 1990s), the only real difference separating the different peoples are tribes (as opposed to say, class or lifestyle choices, which only come about as a result of mass urbanisation and industrialisation). Politicians, with fuck all else to campaign on, mobilise this support by inciting racial hatred. The result has generally not been an advancement of minority interests.

My question is, if democracy took hold in Goodkind's world, what system of government might this take?* What might the main party stand for? What about the opposition party/ies? What minority interests, if any, might be advanced? I understand you believe democracy to be the least bad of all systems of governance. In my more ideological moments I believe the least bad of all systems is to do away with governance altogether. However, since libertarianism seems to have been discussed a lot lately in GC I don't think anyone would complain if we didn't pursue that talking point. Feel free to PM me though.

*IMHO systems of government generally serve to balance (and not resolve!) the historic conflict within a society, eg in the USA House of Reps and Senate (people and states, a political conflict) and in the UK House of Commons and House of Lords (duh, commoners and aristocracy, a class conflict).

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Hey, I only read Wizard's First Rule, and it was only because I needed to use it to ease myself into Game of Thrones.

Perhaps it's not a pattern in the work then. It was silly of me to imagine that the Yeard could be that clever.

Maybe those with the W (or in your case, M), have a strong sense of discord?

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The real question is what does this all mean? Is there a secret hypnotic pattern to Tairy's work that compels those that read too much of him to use some variation of the W form in their names? Any other theories or suggestions?

...I have no idea. I read Tairy before I'd heard of AGot, only because an acquaintance of mine recommended it to me.

Hey, I only read Wizard's First Rule, and it was only because I needed to use it to ease myself into Game of Thrones.

...'ease' yourself to AGot? I imagine you got more than you bargained for.

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Perhaps it's not a pattern in the work then. It was silly of me to imagine that the Yeard could be that clever.

Maybe those with the W (or in your case, M), have a strong sense of discord?


Or maybe there's nothing to it.

The Truthomancer parody didn't make sense in some parts. For example, why didn't the guards who were waiting to have sex with Kahlan er... Kaholly notice that the ones who already did have sex with her had been transformed into mindless puppets? Why did Kahlan agree to a vote on the rape? What the hell is a "female" computer program?

Oh, well done, Lord Piper! You managed to distill the raw incoherence of all 200 Terry Goodkind novels into one convenient short story. Congratulations.

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The real question is what does this all mean? Is there a secret hypnotic pattern to Tairy's work that compels those that read too much of him to use some variation of the W form in their names? Any other theories or suggestions?

I think I know the answer: "W" (and by extention "M") is in fact a double "U", negating any chance of individualism. As Tairy is the champion of individualism he puts the lie to our existance. Therefor we W's and M's have no choice but to fight him.

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