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  1. Past hour
  2. 5. Yes, it is female. Sorry, didn't want to break the rules.
  3. Hey, I'm waiting for an answer to this. "Is 'it' female?"
  4. Who is the most dangerous character in A Song of Ice and Fire? The one you trusted and betrayed you. The oathbreaker and the deserter is the most dangerous because he will do anything. Jon Snow. I am expecting Jon to make a pact with the Others in return they will help him save Arya.
  5. It says nothing about the Tower of Joy. Brienne will fight in a trial of seven though and some of this is foreshadowing for that, the Seven Swords one I hadn't picked up and is particularly nice.
  6. 4. Yes, it was alive during some point during the ASoIaF books. Isn't that not a yes/no question?
  7. Sure, the British colonies that became the first 13 states all bordered the Atlantic. That history has its own sad story afterwards. Point is British colonialism extended well beyond white people in the US, Canada, and Australia. And even there, of course, their efforts at least indirectly led to genocide.
  8. Montreal bagels are smaller, thinner, a bit sweet, and baked in a wood-fired oven. Very tasty!
  9. Today
  10. Admittedly I was thinking pretty narrowly about Independence. Was the USA really colonised by the British? British reach seemed to be limited to the East coast by the time the revolutionary war ended British colonial rule.
  11. I was just joking around on the password thing. I appreciate your attempts at IT advice, but it’s nothing I haven’t already done.
  12. It's harder to see it on your laptop and without knowing what you're using I can only give so much advice. But one thing that leaped out when I was struggling with the issue is that all of my devices had a ton of difficult links to see that were for this site, YT, streaming services etc. After consolidating and closing the duplicates the issue never came up again. Simply restarting/rebooting didn't get rid of it. I had to do it manually, but it only took a moment. Also I have worked for a few high end types with passwords like that. At least spell your great aunt/uncle's name backwards with a random number and a &/$ in it. People are so fucking lazy.
  13. She has zero redeeming traits. She's a terrible mother. She's sleeping with her brother. She doesn't care about said brother and only uses him. She's completely sociopathic, and has people tortured to death simply because they get to know her too well. She's paranoid in the extreme. She frames people for her own crimes. She's stupid. As for the wiki-entries that you're using as evidence....they aren't. The very idea that "evil-ness" can be ranked on a scale is silly. This isn't Dungeons and Dragons, it's A Song of Ice and Fire.
  14. I think it's the other way around. In the most successful British colonies (the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.), the native peoples were so devastated that what is happening now in New Caledonia is simply not possible.
  15. Turned 39 on Wednesday. My beard keeps getting more and more salt than pepper. Tried to allude to the war on terrorism today in lecture and the class which is otherwise great in terms of engagement just gave me blank stares because they were in diapers during the aughts. I’m old. It’s time to accept it.
  16. This shit is not okay. Generative AI is fucking theft and these shits think their theft is funny. It isn’t: https://www.abqjournal.com/business/scarlett-johansson-says-a-chatgpt-voice-is-eerily-similar-to-hers-and-openai-is-halting/article_11311d0b-988b-56c2-8446-174aae224472.html
  17. There in lies the problem. I don't want to live without pizza, but only having pizza would also be terrible. Donuts isn't a bad idea if we don't care about health, but I think I'd probably choose sandwiches if that allows me to cheat and have a little variety.
  18. I shut everything down and reload things every couple days as general practice. And again, that’s clearly not the issue. I’m posting this on my iPad in which I don’t do that shit at all. The site also works fine on my phone. It’s just my laptop for some reason.
  19. Honestly? If we're judging things primarily on looks, mince and dumplings is about the same level of sloppy and disgusting-looking as biscuits and gravy.
  20. You're too young to be so bitter. Who hurt you? Who wounded your heart?
  21. He'd probably be my second pick. And....if he's actually able to pull of what I think he's trying to pull off...he'll quickly shoot to #1. I'm not sure that's the direction the story is going to go though. I THINK he's being set up as the reincarnation of the Bloodstone Emperor, while Jon is being set up as the reincarnation of Azor Ahai....and Dany is either a red-herring or Nissa Nissa...or the myths are correct and there was more than one Azor Ahai. Bran...I think he's the last hero...he'll let everyone know how to win.
  22. Always. Keep. A. Matrix. Otherwise just make sure your luggage's password is 12345.
  23. If he warged Ghost, or another dangerous animal, yes, he definitely could. And the evidence is that he's used his warging ability at several key points....though none of them involved death, just influence. But he's essentially a corpse with a brain at this point, with his focus on helping other charactersj. As for Mel....She's kind of in the same boat. Physically very frail - the most direct action we've seen her take was to kill a bird....and I suspect that her shadow babies follow the will of the man who put them in her.....so, pretty as she may be, that ability depends entirely on seducing people who hate somebody she wants to eliminate. Not exactly a reliable method.
  24. Don't view it as open tabs then. Maybe there's a better technical term, but when I was struggling with the issue here I noticed there were so many unseeable tabs for here and elsewhere on my devices. Getting rid of them solved everything.
  25. Yeah I’m not doing that shit. Told my dean a couple weeks ago I’m not gonna clear cookies entirely. Set it at a week. Beyond that I’d need to remember passwords I’ve totally forgotten. If I’m not gonna do it to give students their grades, F that S. (TBC, all my students did get their grades, just saying.)
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