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Everything posted by maarsen

  1. If you think AI will help humanity check out the Computerphile channel on YT. The latest video that just dropped shows just effective massive investments in training turn out. Not an exponential curve but a logarithmic curve.
  2. I had to laugh when you mentioned pork in the can. Canned pork and beans, when being made, apparently had a piece of pork fat waved over the vat as they seemed to be uncontaminated with pork once the can was opened.
  3. Aren't medical records private and protected, and since when do Texas laws apply to Colorado? This should be tossed out asap.
  4. The Republicans won that election and then escalated the war in Vietnam to Laos and Cambodia. If more protestors had worked to get out the youth vote McGovern, who was antiwar, would have done much better. Getting involved and doing the work does more than yelling at the sidelines. If you want to protest and do the hard organizing work, all the better.
  5. I grew up in the 60s. Protests such as this were as common as dirt and huge numbers of students were active. Who won the election in 1968? Nixon in a landslide.
  6. All countries interfere in other countries issues. This has been done since city states and countries existed. All of recorded history is a litany of one group interfering with another group just because they could. This is people being people.
  7. This came out in Canada a while back when a Sikh community leader was killed in Vancouver. We had issues in the last election with Chinese government interference but killing people is even worse.
  8. That is a life lesson. There is always some creepy guy interrupting you when things start to become interesting. I will bet anything the woman feels the same as you and is waiting to reconnect. Good luck.
  9. Try reading Godel Escher and Bach An Eternal Golden Braid. By Douglas Hofstadter. I found this the most easily understood explanation. If you take it slowly, you can follow the math.
  10. Computer programming is limited by Godel's Incompleteness theorem not to mention Turing's Halting problem. Human cognition seems to have bypassed these limitations so we can definitely say humans are not replicable by computers.
  11. Anybody looking to enforce their viewpoint onto the rest of the community because the rest of the community is WRONG! in believing in something different, whether it is religion, the books they read, how they dress, or even what they put on a tuna sandwich.
  12. Reny I have been on both sides of the problem you are now facing. Yes, it really sucks no matter how you look at it. There are people I have felt so much for, and some who have felt the same for me but nothing was ever going to come of it. Years later all I can say is yes I still think of them but there is more than that person in the world. Moving on is hard but it is what you need to do. We do have the ability to love more than one or more than once. Good luck.
  13. There is so much bad art out there that any addition to the volume of such art by AI will be like me hoping to raise the oceans by peeing into it. People seem to like bad art or even mediocre art. How else to explain the amount of it? Lets look at fiction books. Whenever I go to the local library I am astonished at the shelf space given to authors, who having read once I will never ever read again. Who does read that crap? If AI does manage to push out some of the drivel that passes for art in our culture then I will not complain. If all it does is add to the drivel and mediocrity, well there seems to be a ready audience for it. Even if an AI created a work of staggering brilliance, the audience is small enough that the hours of computing time used to create it will never be paid for by the limited number of people in the audience for it. The problem solves itself.
  14. This wasn't just a bit of fix up around the house. Check out Acme -Gridley screw machines on YT. I used to repair those for a few years. 88
  15. Spocky I have been working as a millwright/ industrial mechanic for almost 40 years before retiring and I still will not buy a cordless drill. Or a laser level. I have always found that a corded drill never has a dead battery and a string line never fails either.
  16. When Britain entered the Great War in 1914, a huge number of men were called up and tried to enter the armed services. The problem was that at least half of them were so sickly and/ or malnourished that they were not even useful as cannon fodder. The Germans even noticed how small and stunted the British soldiers were compared to themselves.
  17. So would I as I would see it as a way for him trying to get back the money he was forced to spend on Twitter.
  18. Are citing sanctions an excuse to not say Russian armaments are not really that good?
  19. How about Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels?
  20. I have had this on occasion. I have had it while wide awake too.
  21. I subscribe to her channel and yes she was very brave. It did need saying though.
  22. True genius lies in leaving stuff the fuck alone. The fake genius not so much.
  23. Think of space as the oceans on our planet. We have basically sampled a glass of water from the seashore. I would hesitate to say no fish live in the ocean because we found none in our glass. I got this analogy from Neil Degrasse Tyson. Space is immensely big and distances are really really immense. The surprise would be if we did find life.
  24. I think the target of the scam is Trump. The easiest scammed person is a scammer.
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