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Roy Dotrice, GOT audiobook narrator, says George R. R. Martin has told him he's got another book nearly ready

Mark Antony

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These dates aren't reliable, but Amazon.co.uk is saying August 2015, too. I think it is possible that The Winds of Winter will be published in Summer 2014, and that is the reason for AKotSK delay.

If I were to speculate, I'd say that there's no reason for delaying the D&E compilation unless they plan on including the 4th novella, which has the working title we know it by <The She-wolves of Winterfell> but it appears that GRRM isn't satisfied by the sound of it.

Maybe they don't want to spoil us - both the WotIaF and the collection in the same year. Or the presence of any type of publishing snags, over which, of course, we can't even argue.

There's is also that tiny bit of information where it is said that the 4th novella has the publication date but not the title, unlike TWoW. If we take into account that GRRM said that 4th D&E is after TWoW, and if indeed 4th D&E has a publication date - doesn't that imply that TWoW has one as well? If anything, that could imply a positive feeling about the writing process by the author himself, which is always good to hear.

With Roy Dotrice's slip of the tongue, we stand at the most impressive grand total of 2 rumours, including the actor who plays Davos. :)

In any case, I think that summer 2014 (even if it fits GRRM's original speculation that he'd need 3 years for the book 6) is wildly optimistic. Actually, we need a stronger word than "optimistic". :) Like, unrealistic. :)

I couldn't help but being impressed by the very poised and quick Mr. Dotrice - you can't really read him. Did he make a mistake? Or did he elegantly find a way out of the situation?

GRRM does seem to be cordial and forthcoming with the actors, so I wouldn't discard lightly anything that comes from the TV show team/the associated acts regarding the books. Remember Alfie and The Star Wars bit? It's possible for them to blabber. :)

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Why is Summer 2014 unrealistic? On the Conan show back in the summer he said he was "writing very fast", we have Liam Cunningham's "halfway" comment, and now this. It's optimistic, yes, but not out of the question. You might say "we'd know if it was coming out this summer" but ADWD's release date was announced on March 3, 2011 so four months and nine days in advance, so we may get a similar announcement around that time for TWOW. I do believe it will be out by the end of 2014 in any case so if not this summer then around Christmas.

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I'll find the link, but reading about GRRM's editor, she was quoted as saying she lobbied for cutting 10 chapters from ADWD, and GRRM wanted only 2. They settled on 6, and she named them specifically in the quote, and 2 of the 3 chapters that have been issued already as teasers were among them. She listed a "Sansa" POV chapter as one that had been cut, so I agree with others here that this will be the next and possibly final chapter that GRRM gives us a peak at.

I'm actually really starting to like Sansa's POV and her character, after nearly skipping everything about her in the first few books out of spite. Go team Sansa!

The two character POVs that I'm dying to hear from are Sansa and Jon (of course, GRRM giving a Jon/Ghost POV would kill the suspense of whether-Jon-is-dead-or-not). I really don't care for of the POV character chapters that he's released outside of Theon's; I'm not a huge fan of the non-Arya Essos plot and Arianne's chapters haven't revealed all that much yet.

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I think Winter 2014 isn't out of the question.

Same here; I think that next December (December 2014) is likely, as well as sometime during Spring 2015 (to coincide with Season 5 of the TV show).

I also think that some fans forget that he had around 12?-ish chapters from ADWD already completed that were moved to TWoW; and if Liam Cunningham was right from that interview last March about George being halfway done, I'm thinking he's closer to being finished than not. That interview was 9 months ago, and George isn't doing any more traveling/conferences until late May/early June, so he'll be home in New Mexico for 5 more months. It's likely that he's closer to 75% completion; plus he's stated numerous times that he doesn't want the show to pass him up. GRRM has stated in interviews that he's had the ending of the series planned in his mind since the early 90s. Therefore, GRRM writing the last 2 books won't be as difficult for him as writing the books that were in-between (AFFC and ADWD). It's the journey in-between that's hard to write, not the destination/conclusion.

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Same here; I think that next December (December 2014) is likely, as well as sometime during Spring 2015 (to coincide with Season 5 of the TV show).

I also think that some fans forget that he had around 12?-ish chapters from ADWD already completed that were moved to TWoW; and if Liam Cunningham was right from that interview last March about George being halfway done, I'm thinking he's closer to being finished than not. That interview was 9 months ago, and George isn't doing any more traveling/conferences until late May/early June, so he'll be home in New Mexico for 5 more months. It's likely that he's closer to 75% completion; plus he's stated numerous times that he doesn't want the show to pass him up. GRRM has stated in interviews that he's had the ending of the series planned in his mind since the early 90s. Therefore, GRRM writing the last 2 books won't be as difficult for him as writing the books that were in-between (AFFC and ADWD). It's the journey in-between that's hard to write, not the destination/conclusion.

Also when the story is faster paced (as seems very likely to occur in Winds and Dream) the writing will probably progress at a faster pace; I know when I have been writing letters to tell people about whats gone on lately the "exciting" stuff gets written faster than the in between bits as its easier to ramble. I imagine it is somewhat similar with writing a novel

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If the book is coming out in 2014 I would expect an announcement of a release date coinciding with the Season 4 finale. I feel that if it is released in 2014 I would look for a Christmas release like December 21 first day of Winter to go along with the title The Winds of Winter.

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GRRM handed the final manuscript for ADWD on April 27, 2011. The book came out on July 12. That's around two and a half months in between, not a year. They announced the release date in the beginning of March IIRC

I hope they do a better job with the editing of TWOW than they did with the editing of ADWD though...

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