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GRRM confirms: TWOW not done yet

Hagen of Tronje

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The moment the show overtakes the books it is time to leave the internet to avoid being spoiled. I, for instance, will only start watching the tv serie after I have read all books...

I am 100% with you. I have been reading the books since A Clash of Kings came out, no way will I allow the show to spoil the books for me. I will gladly watch the show after Martin gets back ahead or finishes.

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I probably will if the show finishes way before the books, but whatever. The show is kinda "meh". I just won't be able to hold out for years. I'm sure the book version will be way better whenever that does happen.

For me, I'm heartened. Yeah I've been a reader from the beginning. But his struggles with the last two books were well documented much of that time. At least not saying he's struggling is good news. I can remember worse news.

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OK, let me point out something to all of you who were introduced to GRRM's work via TV show...

When you watched the TV show and after Season 1, 2 or even 3 became interested in that universe, you found out the TV show is based upon the series of books. So you went to the libraries, book stores, amazon, whatever and got those books. Now, the question is: where did you start reading from? Well, I imagine most of us have read since page 1 of AGOT even though we have seen it from the show. So, even though we see the end by TV show, we will certainly return to the books and see how it truly ends...

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OK, let me point out something to all of you who were introduced to GRRM's work via TV show...

When you watched the TV show and after Season 1, 2 or even 3 became interested in that universe, you found out the TV show is based upon the series of books. So you went to the libraries, book stores, amazon, whatever and got those books. Now, the question is: where did you start reading from? Well, I imagine most of us have read since page 1 of AGOT even though we have seen it from the show. So, even though we see the end by TV show, we will certainly return to the books and see how it truly ends...

This is true, but we would have enjoyed the books more if we didn't already know what was going to happen. It's going to be a long time before I read the rest of the books, and I want to get the most enjoyment possible out of them.
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This is true, but we would have enjoyed the books more if we didn't already know what was going to happen. It's going to be a long time before I read the rest of the books, and I want to get the most enjoyment possible out of them.

But, my point is that when we read the books after watching, for instance first season, we had read something we knew what's going to happen. Plus, by the time of seventh season/seventh book, the two universes will be so different. Not to mention the fact that show can just say us the destination, even itinerary of the road, but hell they can't say us what's the trip going to be... I mean, the only one that can do that is GRRM... So, everyone sit and enjoy... If the series overtake the books, then we will see it on the show (I can only imagine how painful it will be to veteran fans). But then books will come and we will go, buy those books and see what we missed. Never forget that GOT is nothing more than ASOIAF through the eyes of two guys... I want the whole deal and by God, I will have it...

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It fills me with abject terror that one day I could possibly hear the "ending" talked about at the water cooler at work by my coworkers who only have watched the HBO series. These are the sort of people who can hardly keep up with the plot or characters, but would love to make a grey blooded Stark lover like me cry by dropping a spoiler on me...

I've been reading, re-reading, listening and re-listening to ASoIaF since a few months after the book AGoT was released and I'll go Seven ways of Arys Targaryen on anyone who spoils me on the ending!

The sad thing is that spoilers will be all over magazines, radio shows, TV shows, web pages and the like! I'll have to go off the grid....

God Speed GRRM, God Speed...

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But, my point is that when we read the books after watching, for instance first season, we had read something we knew what's going to happen. Plus, by the time of seventh season/seventh book, the two universes will be so different. Not to mention the fact that show can just say us the destination, even itinerary of the road, but hell they can't say us what's the trip going to be... I mean, the only one that can do that is GRRM... So, everyone sit and enjoy... If the series overtake the books, then we will see it on the show (I can only imagine how painful it will be to veteran fans). But then books will come and we will go, buy those books and see what we missed. Never forget that GOT is nothing more than ASOIAF through the eyes of two guys... I want the whole deal and by God, I will have it...

Even so, I intend to avoid the show like the plague after season 5.

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Almost every single mention of turtles in ADWD takes place on the same, one page. One page out of a thousand. It it is a really useless argument to say, "ADWD is bad because of turtles, somehow" when it takes up such a miniscule part of the book.

On the other hand, Tyrion forming a vital political alliance with Magister Illyrio and the Golden Company, thus spurring the Golden Company to invade Westeros; helping save Aegon on the deck of the river boat; and forming another vital alliance with the Second Sons and starting to convince them to swap sides again to support Dany are all rather larger and more vitally important plot points for both ADWD and the over-arcing storyline of the series. Funny how those things are never mentioned, because it's funnier to say that all Tyrion achieved was looking at turtles.

The turtle comment was a joke my friend, one to help you understand how very little happened in Tyrion's story arc in A Dance with Dragons. If anything his biggest contribution to the story is his chess game with Young Griff and even that story get's taken over by Jon Connington in the very next chapter. We're teased at the start of the book that Tyrion is going to be doing something awesome in A Dance with Dragons; meet Dany, but this never happens. We're also teased that The Other's are on their way and Jon needs to get The Wall prepared for battle ASAP, this never happens. We're teased that Stannis and Bolton are going to have a major battle at Winterfell, this never happens. Are you starting to see my problem with the book, it simply sets things up, but delivers nothing.

Tyrion never even meets the Golden Company, that entire story arc get's taken over by Jon Coonington midway through the book. Like I said everything after Tyrion get's captured by Jorah is very boring, IMO. The only decent thing is the one sample chapter we got last week seems to imply Tyrion is on his way to being awesome again, along with Ser Jorah too.

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Even so, I intend to show like the plague after season 5.

Tell me, is the ending so important? Your favorite character is Stannis, and we all know what they have done to poor character in the show. You work with me on Davos reread thread and you know how many great things there are about Stannis. Does the show version of Stannis equals the book version that you would have no need of reading the books after watching the show? Also remember guys, GRRM gave producers outline of how ASOIAF will end, he didn't give them all the lines characters will say, all the internal jokes, all those small things we grew to love. How many quotes will there be in the books that TV producers will be oblivious to? You have to realize that D&D's characters are just "shadows on the wall" of the real deal characters we love...

edit: grammar

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In my opinion, it's easy:

If you don't want to be spoiled, spoilers are not that hard to avoid. Don't watch the show, and avoid some parts of the internet. And even if some elements are spoiled, can it be that bad? There are numerous characters and subplots in ASOIAF, and the journey matters as much as the outcome. You would really have to be talented to spoil all of the books.

And if you don't care enough to avoid spoilers and the show, rejoice! You won't have to wait years to know what happens.

There is always a bright side. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jHPOzQzk9Qo

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Tell me, is the ending so important? Your favorite character is Stannis

Actually my favourite is Davos.

and we all know what they have done to poor character in the show. You work with me on Davos reread thread and you know how many great things there are about Stannis. Does the show version of Stannis equals the book version that you would have no need of reading the books after watching the show? Also remember guys, GRRM gave producers outline of how ASOIAF will end, he didn't gave them all the lines characters will say, all the internal jokes, all those small things we grew to love. How many quotes will there be in the books that TV producers will be oblivious to? You have to realize that D&D's characters are just "shadows on the wall" of the real deal characters we love...

Of course I would read and love the books even if I watched the end of the show first. My point is that I would enjoy the books more if I didn't know what was going to happen.

Knowing what happens is by no means my only objective in reading the books, which is why I'm fiecely opposed to the notion that you can start the books on ASOS if you've watched the show so far, but I want to have that suspense while I read.

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In my opinion, it's easy:

If you don't want to be spoiled, spoilers are not that hard to avoid. Don't watch the show, and avoid some parts of the internet. And even if some elements are spoiled, can it be that bad? There are numerous characters and subplots in ASOIAF, and the journey matters as much as the outcome. You would really have to be talented to spoil all of the books.

And if you don't care enough to avoid spoilers and the show, rejoice! You won't have to wait years to know what happens.

There is always a bright side. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jHPOzQzk9Qo

I completely agree. People forget that any spoilers you're likely to hear will just be along the lines of "Jon becomes king" or "Tyrion dies" which at the end of the day shouldn't ruin the books for you. The ending of the books will probably be so action-packed and complex that the vast majority of it will be a surprise.

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In my opinion, it's easy:

If you don't want to be spoiled, spoilers are not that hard to avoid. Don't watch the show, and avoid some parts of the internet. And even if some elements are spoiled, can it be that bad? There are numerous characters and subplots in ASOIAF, and the journey matters as much as the outcome. You would really have to be talented to spoil all of the books.

And if you don't care enough to avoid spoilers and the show, rejoice! You won't have to wait years to know what happens. There is always a bright side. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jHPOzQzk9Qo

Tell me, how exactly will we be able to avoid the spoilers? Every single site dedicated to epic fantasy, every TV site, half the book sites will be speaking about this... We know how difficult it was to hide RW and spoilers for that were all over the internet. So, unless you cage yourself in an igloo in mid Siberia, I doubt anyone would remain unspoiled. If show overtakes the books, trust me it will be a huge deal...

Actually my favourite is Davos.

And that's why I are one of the best friends on the boards :)

Of course I would read and love the books even if I watched the end of the show first. My point is that I would enjoy the books more if I didn't know what was going to happen.

Knowing what happens is by no means my only objective in reading the books, which is why I'm fiecely opposed to the notion that you can start the books on ASOS if you've watched the show so far, but I want to have that suspense while I read.

We all want that, but if we can't have it, the best thing is to make our peace and enjoy the ride... I think people are being way too obsessed with this...

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As much as I hate to admit it, I am one of those people who are predisposed to instant-gratification and I won't hesitate if it comes to the show catching up with the books.

I pretty much spoiled myself to the major plot points of the books before reading because I want to learn as much as I can in the shortest time possible, that has been always my habit.

So I will watch the show if it comes first, even though I hate their handling of certain storylines and characters. I promised myself to read the last two books before reading up summaries though, I promised as much to myself as a longtime fan.

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We all want that, but if we can't have it, the best thing is to make our peace and enjoy the ride... I think people are being way too obsessed with this...

I'm completely with you, Mladen.

I first read AGoT in late 1997 and/or early 1998 (I don't remember exactly) and I'm entirely at peace with however things turn out. For me, the show is not the books and the books are not the show. I have no problem completely enjoying both for what they are. Nothing about ASoIaF can ever be "spoiled" for me because that's simply not how I approach it or enjoy it ;)

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Tell me, how exactly will we be able to avoid the spoilers? Every single site dedicated to epic fantasy, every TV site, half the book sites will be speaking about this... We know how difficult it was to hide RW and spoilers for that were all over the internet. So, unless you cage yourself in an igloo in mid Siberia, I doubt anyone would remain unspoiled. If show overtakes the books, trust me it will be a huge deal...

Generally, you can tell which articles are safe just by looking at the title. I'm still unspoiled about breaking bad despite the fact that almost every website I visit had articles on it, and despite the fact that many of my friends have watched it and burn to talk about its finale. People simply overstate how hard it is to get through. And as I said, even if I might get some parts spoiled, the story is huge. I might get some spoilers, but the ending being completely ruined would require incompetence without bounds on my part. Also, the how and when are quite important for the spoilers to actually ruin. Lets say I learn Tyrion dies. My first reaction will be 'shit, spoiler!'. Then I'll be like 'well, I kinda suspected it, anyways.' Finally, I'll ask myself 'but how? when? by whom?' and the knowledge that he dies will create a different kind of tension, that is 'omg! This is dangerous! Is this where he dies? omgomg... he lives! But for how long?'.

Finally, it depends of how important the internet is in your life. The internet gives the impression everybody knows and talks about it, but in truth a large portion of the fans just don't come to these places, and remain unspoiled. Do if the show overtaking the books help cure internet addiction, the more the better.

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Listen, if you want to remain unspoiled, then I imagine somehow you will manage to do it. But, that will be incredibly difficult. GoT isn't just a TV show, it is actually worldwide cultural phenomenon. I live in Serbia, half the world away from the USA and Martin himself, and the flow of information regarding GOT is amazing. HBO Serbia is even advertising it on posters all around Belgrade... Not to mention, dozens of analysts speaking about this, the debates that will be opened about this, for this will be the first time that adaptation overtakes the series... It will be huge worldwide phenomenon, and people will talk and spoil all over the internet, from Facebook, twitter, the fan sites, HBO site and so on, and on and on... As I said, igloo in Syberia and you will remain unspoiled :)

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