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Cersei is just as 'Mad' as any Targaryen has ever been

Suzanna Stormborn

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Cersei is just as mad as any Targaryen. (anything Bolded is a direct quote from the books)

Early life of this delicate flower.

She plays at lovers with her twin brother at a very young age.

She switches clothes with Jaime and shows early signs of duality and gender confusion, many times later in her life, wishing she had been born a man.

She tortures and abuses her dwarf little brother, pinching his privates until he screams and cries when he has just been born.

Even at the age of nine she is already a sociopath, feeling no remorse for the pain or hurt she causes others.

She possibly killed her friend Melara down that well. She mentions hearing the girl scream and doing nothing about it during FFC.

She is rebuked at the age of ten by the Targaryens, although she had her heart set on marrying Rhaegar, an early defeat which sowed seeds of anger and resentment.

She has her fortune read, told she will have far less children than her husband and that she will be killed by a volanquar, giving her reason to be wary of Tyrion the rest of her life. (even though she has 2 brothers)

Cersei convinces Aerys to name Jaime to the kingsguard, she doesn’t care that her father nor brother really want it, all that matters is what she wants.

She marries Robert, he says Lyanna’s name, she despises him forever for it. (maybe a slight overreaction?)

She gets pregnant with the kings son, good for the realm, good for the family. But of course she doesn’t see all that and aborts the baby. KINSLAYING, KINGSLAYING, HIGH TREASON. (no care for anyone but herself, just think about it, this is Roberts true son and heir to the throne, would have been older then Joffrey, WOT5K never happens)

She kills some of Roberts bastards, and sells one mother in slavery. (outlawed in westeros)

She continuously cuckolds the king with her twin brother, who fathers all 3 of her children. Yet she lets them carry on under the Baratheon name, committing high treason hundreds of times.

When Joffrey is young he slices open a live cat to pull out the unborn kittens, and Robert punishes Joffrey, Cersei of course thinks there is nothing wrong with this behavior. She raises her son, the future king, to be a psychotic monster with no moral code. She is fine with this.

Cersei is ‘delighted’ when Jon Arryn dies as he was investigating her secret.

She goes with Robert to WF to ask Ned to be Hand. They go hunting one day and her and Jaime stay behind to commit some more incest, Bran sees them and she is fine with Jaime killing him by pushing him out the window. No remorse.

Cersei demands the death of one of the direwolves, even though her rotten, cowardly son is actually the one to blame.

After Ned figures out the twincest, Cersei does not retreat and escape as she should, instead what does she do? Plots the Kings, her husbands, death, no remorse.

The son she has raised kills Ned instead of letting him take the black, starting the WOT5K. Because JOffrey is a headstrong idiot and Cersei never told him ‘No’ growing up. This is what comes of that.

Tywin does not think Cersei is fit to rule, so sends Tyrion to be acting hand. (her own father has no confidence in her)

She continually plots against Tyrion who is actually trying to help the city and do his job, of course his plans are not as selfish as hers. She thinks nothing at all of the kingdom she is running and only of herself and her personal gain.

She hires the Kettlebecks into her employ, thinking they are so great and she is so smart to do it, of course these are actually LF’s men and loyal to him and not Cersei. She has no idea, she has zero friends of her own, having lived her entire life as a selfish bitch, it stands to reason she would have no friends.

After the battle of Blackwater, Tywin is at KL, he ‘is unimpressed by his daughter’s decisions as Regent and quickly marginalizes her role as Joffrey’s advisor’ (good idea Tywin)

Tywin wants her to remarry, which makes her furious, all she wants is simply to be in control of the kingdom, with no one helping her, with no husband, and just to be left alone to continue to fuck up the 7 kingdoms as she has already been doing for years.

She accuses Tyrion of Joff’s murder, despite any evidence that might actually explain what happened. She fixes the trial to go the way she wants.

Tyrion kills her father and finally gives her what she wants, undisputed rule over everything. But she is still not happy. This is the point where she switches gears from a murdering sociopath to a delusional, paranoid tyrant. (just as bad as any ‘Mad’ Targaryen ever)

She has sex with her twin brother in their dead son's tomb room. (how could I have left this one out)

FFC-“Who can say what that vile dwarf may have told, or to whom? Uncle Kevan is the least of it. The High Septon…Tyrion raised him to the crown, when the fat one died. He may know as well. You must be Tommen’s hand. I do nto trust Mace Tyrell. What if he had a hand in Father’s death? He may have been conspiring with Tyrion. The imp could be on his way to Highgarden…Be my hand and we’ll rule the seven kingdoms together, like a king and queen.”

She puts a bounty on Tyrions head, which causes the deaths of countless Dwarves in Westeros and Essos. She is brought the dead dwarves to view, none of them are Tyrion. She doesn’t care, the bounty stands. She has zero remorse for all these dead innocents, she gets more upset about a fly that bothers her than she does about countless dead humans at her hands.

“You have wasted my time and slain an innocent man. I should have your heads off.” But if she did, the next man might hesitate and let the imp slip the net. She would pile dead dwarfs ten feet high before she let that happen. (she admits that she does not care how many innocent dwarves die to get what she wants, this is just as heinous an act as any we have seen throughout the novels. She doesn’t even reprimand them in fear that others will stop killing dwarves as freely.)

“You assume he left KL. He could be hiding in Baelor’s Sept for all we know, swinging on the bell ropes to make that awful din.” (hey now there is a clever suggestion Cersei, I’m sure that’s exactly where Tyrion is, hanging from the bell ropes…….)

She does not grieve for her brother/lover/twin/husband when he gets one of his hands cut off, in fact she is more upset about how it will affect her than anything.

She cannot understand why Jaime or her uncle Kevan do not want to be the kings hand. As if it isn’t obvious.

She threatens her family and anyone with bribes, tricks, plots, violence against anyone who does not do exactly what she wants when she wants it. She looses all sense of reality and becomes beyond paranoid.

On Tommens wedding day she explains all the precautions to prevent him being poisoned, which are extensive, then says “Tyrion will not kill the same way twice. He is too cunning for that. He could be under the floor even now, listening to every word we say and making plans to open Tommen’s throat.”—If this statement is not as paranoid and delusional as anything Aerys ever said I would be surprised. But I believe when she is having to do with Tyrion is when she is most ridiculous and paranoid.

FFC--“Do you still mean to go ahead and burn the Tower of the Hand?”

“After the Feast.” It was the only part of the days festivities that Cersei thought she might enjoy. “Our lord father was murdered in that tower. I cannot bear to look at it. If the gods are good, the fire may smoke a few rats from the rubble.” (remind anyone of Aerys?)

Jaime rolled his eyes. “Tyrion, you mean.”

“Him, and Lord Varys, and this goaler.”

“If any of them were hiding in the tower, we would have found them. Ive had a small army going at it with picks and hammers. We’ve knocked through walls and ripped up floors and uncovered half a hundred secret passages.”

“And for all you know there may be half a hundred more.”

So Jaime thinks she’s nuts, he is rolling his eyes at her. OH yeah Cersei, I am sure 3 people have been living in these tunnels for weeks, with no light and no food or water, you are a totally sane woman.

“Two guardsmen vanished exploring a side tunnel.” (never found) “The Imp is small and cunning. He may still be in the walls. If he is, the fire will smoke him out.”

“Even if Tyrion were still hiding in the castle, he won’t be in the tower of the hand. We’ve reduced it to a shell.”

“Would that we could do the same to rest of this foul castle, after the war I mean to build a new palace beyond the river. This city is a cesspit. For half a groat I would move the court to Lannisport and rule the realm from Casterly Rock.”

“That would be an even greater folly then burning the tower of the hand.”

But it doesn’t matter, she is beyond reasoning with or listening to anyones advice. All that matters is what Cersei wants, oh and btw, how do you plan on paying for this brand new castle after you burn this entire one down? Oh and is there anyone else in ASOIAF who also wanted to burn down all of KL?? It just goes on and on. I could literally put in every single line Cersei says from here until the end of DwD as evidence of her being the maddest person we have ever seen.

“If these flames spread beyond the tower, you may end up burning down the castle whether you mean to or not. Wildfire is treacherous.”

“Lord Hallyne has assured me that his pyromancers can control the fire. Let all of King’s Landing see the flames. It will be a lesson to our enemies.”

“Now you sound like Aerys”

She threatens Kevan with treason (that’s rich) and he counters her and says he has his own wealth, arms and friends, and he knows her and Jaime fathered her children.

She sees enemies everywhere, but never stops for one second to think that maybe she has brought all this on herself, and possibly there are ways to fix things or make amends. Hell, in all her FFC chapters I don’t remember her ever making one decision that benefited the kingdom she is supposed to be ruling or a decision that benefited anyone besides herself. She is the worst ruler ever.

She fills the small council with inept, freshmen, idiots, she does not care at all If the people she appoints actually know anything about the job they are doing, In fact the only qualifications she cares about is that they are not Tyrell men. As she thinks the Tyrells are out to get her, even though they married Maragrey to her son the king. They need the relationship to work as much as she does. Cersei doesn’t care about alliances or rationality only about herself and who is out to get her. She also never once thinks that maybe she brought all this on herself, which would be a reasonable thought. Here is quote which shows her choosing her council not based on merit at all, but on where she believes loyalties lie. Who cares is anyone if good at their job? Who cares about the kingdom?

My councillors. Cersei had uprooted every rose, and all those beholden to her uncle and her brothers. In their places were men whose loyalty would be to her. She had given them new styles, borrowed from the Free Cities; the queen would have no “masters” at court beside herself………Aurane Waters seemed as bored as Cersei by all this prattle about Septons. (ohhh, excuse the council for discussing important matters that bore you, we wouldn’t want you or your Rhaegar wannabe to be bored Cersei)

She is jealous of Margarey’s youth, beauty and popularity, constantly comparing herself to the younger woman. She never shuts up about how she is the more beautiful of the 2, like that even matters.

“She is pretty enough, she had to admit, but most of that is youth. Even peasant girls are pretty at a certain age, when they are still fresh and innocent and unspoiled, and most of them have the same brown hair and brown eyes as she does. Only a fool would ever claim she was more beautiful than I.”

Cersei thinks Tommen chokes at his wedding, but it’s just a cough, she goes in the hall to cry…”Your grace?” Said a voice behind her. “Do I intrude?”

It was a woman’s voice, flavored with accents of the east. For an instant she feared that Maggy the Frog was speaking to her from the grave.’

She is delusional, it keeps getting worse, she thinks every shadow is after her, ghosts are coming to get her. And the interesting thing is. Aerys at least had Varys whispering in his ear constantly and filling his head with plots, lies and paranoia, Cersei has no such person, she basically conjures all this up straight out of her own demon brain. “If what you say is true, you will be rewarded.” And if you’ve lied to me, I’ll have your tongue, and your lord husband’s land and gold as well. –Yikes, relax Mrs. Bi-polar.

“Fool. No one who wears a crown is ever safe.” She looked about the hall. Mace Tyrell laughed amongst his knights. Lord Redwyne and Rowan were talking furtively. Ser Kevan sat brooding over his wine at the back of the hall, whilst Lancel whispered something to a septon. Senelle was moving down the table, filling the cups of the bride’s cousins with wine as red as blood. Grand Maester Pycelle had fallen asleep. There is no one I can rely upon, not even Jaime, she realized grimly. I will need to sweep them all away and surround the king with mine own people. –She continues to isolate herself above everyone else, and who are these ‘my people’ she is even talking about?? She has no friends, and no people, completely delusional.

They will have him stumbling and shuffling like a fool by the time they’re done, Cersei thought resentfully as she watched. Half the court will be laughing at him behind his back.—S he is actually spending time at her sons wedding thinking about how people will laugh at the way Tomen dances. Then thinks A ripe crop of pimples would teach them some humility. About Loras and Margarey, this is what would make Cersei happy, anyone around her having misery or problems, that what she wants, misery for others.

Cersei refused Mace Tyrell as well, and later Lancel. The others took the hint, and no one else approached her. (Gods forbid she looks happy or dances at her sons wedding) Our fast friends and loyal lords. She could not even trust the westermen, her father’s sworn swords and bannermen. Not if her own uncle was conspiring with her enemies…. ( Which he is not you paranoid nut)

When Senelle appeared to fill her wine cup, the queen had to resist an urge to take her by the throat and throttle her. Do not presume to smile at me, you treacherous little bitch. You will be begging me for mercy before I’m done with you. So this girl may actually be reporting on Cersei, she has heard this from Taena, of course Cersei has spies on everyone, but if someone does it to her she will throttle them? Could you possibly just take it down a notch? Stop being so insanely hostile to everyone maybe?

Now we burn the Tower of the hand as part of the wedding fun? Who is it fun for exactly? You alone Cersei? That’s great, a giant fire is great fun for a wedding……

The queen could feel the heat of those green flames. The pyromancers said that only three things burned hotter than their substance: dragonflame, the fires beneath the Earth, and the summer sun. Some of the ladies gasped when the first flames appeared in the windows, licking up the outer walls like long green tongues. Others cheered, and made toasts.

It is beautiful she thought, as beautiful as Joffrey, when they laid him in my arms. NO man had ever made her feel so good as she had felt when he took her nipple in his mouth to nurse.

Why is this burning tower as beautiful as your first born baby when he nursed for the first time? What is the connection here? That destruction and irrational acts remind you of your beloved evil son?

Cersei thought of all the King’s Hands that she had known through the years: Owen Merryweather, Jon Connington, Qarlton Chelsted, Jon Arryn, Eddard Stark, her brother Tyrion. And her father, Lord Tywin Lannister, her father most of all. All of them are burning now, she told herself, savoring the thought. They are dead and burning, every one, with all their pots and schemes and betrayals. It is my day now. It is my castle and my kingdom. (delusional, delusions of grandeur, ‘they are all burning now’? what is she even talking about? Most of those people have been dead a long time, and in life they had nothing to do with you, but glad to see you still want them to metaphorically ‘burn’ tonight.)

“No need.” Cersei felt too alive for sleep. The wildfire was cleansing her, burning away all her rage and fear, filling her with resolve. “The flames are so pretty. I want to watch them for a while.” (this is an odd statement, Cersei is not a Targaryen. We know Dany had a dragon dream similar to this statement in GOT, of course Dany’s dream was unbidden, and it was Drogon reaching out to her with his bond and dragonsong. But here we have Cersei, a Lannister, feeling cleansed by the fire and destruction. She is completely mad in all sense of the word, and she doesn’t even have the Targ genes to blame it on, which proves that she is even crazier than any of them are.

She has Taena and the Kettlebecks spying on Margarey….and for what really?? What does Margarey do that requires being spied on?? I mean nothing of any importance in the big picture, there are literally 1 million things more important for Cersei to be worried about, but does she? Of course not, she is a Mad queen.

So then, another awesome decision, she takes Qyburn into her confidence, a Maester disgraced with no chain because he liked to cut living people open and see what happens on their insides (a really sweet guy). After Gregor is poisoned by Oberyn she allows Qyburn to take him to the dungeons and do Frankenstein-esque experiments on the dying man. Who cares that Gregor has served her family loyally her whole life, just let him be tortured and cut up with his last agonizing days of life, doesn’t bother Cersei at all. And not just him, she allows Qyburn plenty of victims (whoever displeases her) to work on and do terrible experiments with, no sweat off her back right?

She tried to have Bronn killed, since he was once in Tyrions employ (and has nothing to do with him now). Of course Tyrion is long gone at this point, but it is a good way for the queen to spend her time, plotting the deaths of people who are no threat to her.

She persuades herself that Margaery is to blame for the fact that she had to torture the Blue Bard. And then, she prays to the Mother that she won't get nightmares, from witnessing his torture.

She has Osney Kettlebeck kill the High Septon, another act against the gods, no remorse. Then she sleeps with him as a reward. Lucky him! Then she gets him to try and seduce Margarey, because all her hours and hours spent sending spies to Maragrey have turned up nothing, so now she wants to just fabricate scenarios which will make Margarey look bad, time well spent to be sure. Anyway, Osney is unsuccessful in seducing Maragrey, so Cersei just tells him to confess it anyway, because ya know, anything to get her way.

She also has several other men prepare fake confessions all in an effort to shame Margarey, still not a spare second for her kingdom.

She also has no care at all for the wealth of her country or her crown. She negotiates with the new High septon, and he forgives the very large debt of the crown and in return she allows him to reinstate the military orders of the Faith. She doesn’t think ahead at all, ever. As long as she gets what she wants in the moment she wants it, then she does not consider any future consequences.

Then of course, it all goes downhill from there. Cersei names her Frankenstein monster to the Kingsguard, and breaks with her uncle Kevan. Jaime abandons her, because even he can see what she really is now.

Anyway there are a shit-ton more ‘mad’, delusional, sociopathic, murderous quotes from Cersei’s POV’s but this post is long enough.

I just want to conclude by saying that I think anyone would be hard pressed to find any other Targaryen ruler who did more damage, or was more paranoid or ‘mad’ than Cersei. She is one of, if not the worst person in the entire series. I know I will get countered with Aerion Brghtflame was madder because he drank wildfire. Ok but when he did that, who all is he really hurting besides himself? No one, and he was never king so he had no chance to do nearly as much damage to the citizens and country as Cersei has. He was exiled after he brought about Bittersteel’s death and he never ruled the 7K. I challenge anyone to prove there has been a ruler in Westeros that is more ‘Mad’, paranoid, destructive, murderous or crazier than Cersei. My thoughts are that Aerys and her are very close on the evil range, and if anyone is ‘madder’ than her he is the only one. But I think this at least proves that the Targ ‘madness’ is not as bad as her random occurrence of ‘madness’ that can happen in any family at any time. My point is that anyone can be ‘mad’, not just the Targs, and 99% of the ‘mad’ Targs are still not as ‘mad’ as Cersei.

Sorry for any editing mistakes.

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We can't know if Cersei's madness is truly on par with all the other Targs until she starts yammering on about fire and illness immunities. Though, Myrish swamps are kind of hot, so clearly she has some heat resistance. Still, she needs to acknowledge this resistance/immunity in order to be 'just as mad as any Targ has ever been'.

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We can't know if Cersei's madness is truly on par with all the other Targs until she starts yammering on about fire and illness immunities. Though, Myrish swamps are kind of hot, so clearly she has some heat resistance. Still, she needs to acknowledge this resistance/immunity in order to be 'just as mad as any Targ has ever been'.

OH are you referring to the heat tolerance that GRRM himself confirms as well as the wiki and the novels?? I dont understand what that has to do with my post anyway. Seems like you only said that as a smart-ass remark and didnt really want any discussion to come from it. Even if some of the Targs believe they can withstand fire, how does that make them more mad than Cersei? you could actually respond to points in my post if you want.

Shaw: Are all the Targaryans immune to fire?

Martin: No, no Targaryans are immune to fire. The thing with Dany and the dragons, that was just a one-time magical event, very special and unique. The Targaryans can tolerate a bit more heat than most ordinary people, they like really hot baths and things like that, but that doesn't mean they're totally immune to fire, no. Dragons, on the other hand, are pretty much immune to fire.

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Yes, Cersei is crazy as they come. Even without thinking she's immune to disease or she's fireproof, she definitely thinks she's immune to mistakes or people plotting against her.

I think her bat shit craziness is why people believe she's the daughter of Aerys (I don't particularly believe it, but I believe it a whole lot more than Tyrion being his son). I think her not being a secret Targ yet being as bat shit crazy as some of them would be a better story. I find it hard to believe that Targs are there only family with mental illness.

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Yes, Cersei is crazy as they come. Even without thinking she's immune to disease or she's fireproof, she definitely thinks she's immune to mistakes or people plotting against her.

I think her bat shit craziness is why people believe she's the daughter of Aerys (I don't particularly believe it, but I believe it a whole lot more than Tyrion being his son). I think her not being a secret Targ yet being as bat shit crazy as some of them would be a better story. I find it hard to believe that Targs are there only family with mental illness.

Yeah Cersei is fucking crazy. Her being the daughter of Aerys though, i'm not sure, both Rhaegar and Viserys went quite mad and Daenerys is becoming a bit mad too. If Cersei is Aerys' daughter then that would mean Jaime is too and Jaime is the best person among all the main Lannisters. Would be weird for him to be the only one of Aerys' kids to be normal lol. For the Rhaegar fangirls who will say he wasn't crazy, do you think a sane person would start a war only to fuck/rape/whatever a she-wolf ?

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Actually, your post makes the Targaryen looks quite sane compared to her :lol:

Even at the age of nine she is already a sociopath, feeling no remorse for the pain of hurt she causes others.

I wouldn't call her a sociopath, but a girl whose father has taught her that she's better than anybody else and others' live aren't as important or valuable as hers because they're lions while others are sheep or some nonsense like that.

I think Cersei is exactly what she is: Tywin's daughter. But Tywin had wanted to emulate being a Targaryen, and even being one himself via marriage, because the Targaryen were not only the royal family but in some points, were seen as superior. They married each other because they kept "pure" the blood of the dragon, and Tywin marrying Joanna might be an indication that, despite any love he could have felt for her, he saw her, another Lannister, as the only worthy thing for him. All that talking about how the Lannisters were a better bunch, imo, contribute to the incest, making Cersei believe how only a Lannister was better for another Lannister. And he told Cersei she would be Rhaegar's Queen, making her think since she was very young that she was meant to be better and special, which was something Aerys didn't think. It would be quite ironic that Tywin himself caused her own daughter to be as crazy as Aerys by planting those ideas since childhood

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Yes, Cersei is crazy as they come. Even without thinking she's immune to disease or she's fireproof, she definitely thinks she's immune to mistakes or people plotting against her.

I think her bat shit craziness is why people believe she's the daughter of Aerys (I don't particularly believe it, but I believe it a whole lot more than Tyrion being his son). I think her not being a secret Targ yet being as bat shit crazy as some of them would be a better story. I find it hard to believe that Targs are there only family with mental illness.

Yeah Cersei is fucking crazy. Her being the daughter of Aerys though, i'm not sure, both Rhaegar and Viserys went quite mad and Daenerys is becoming a bit mad too. If Cersei is Aerys' daughter then that would mean Jaime is too and Jaime is the best person among all the main Lannisters. Would be weird for him to be the only one of Aerys' kids to be normal lol. For the Rhaegar fangirls who will say he wasn't crazy, do you think a sane person would start a war only to fuck/rape/whatever a she-wolf ?

I'm glad you both agree. That's why I was starting this, to show that Madness is not specific to the targaryens. I think it is arguable that she is worse than any Targs have ever been. I'm definitely not trying to say she is Aery's daughter, simply that she is totally Mad on her own, without having Targ blood. And while Jaime has his faults, we could hardly call him "mad' like her or Aerys.

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Actually, your post makes the Targaryen looks quite sane compared to her :lol:

I wouldn't call her a sociopath, but a girl whose father has taught her that she's better than anybody else and others' live aren't as important or valuable as hers because they're lions while others are sheep or some nonsense like that.

I think Cersei is exactly what she is: Tywin's daughter. But Tywin had wanted to emulate being a Targaryen, and even being one himself via marriage, because the Targaryen were not only the royal family but in some points, were seen as superior. They married each other because they kept "pure" the blood of the dragon, and Tywin marrying Joanna might be an indication that, despite any love he could have felt for her, he saw her, another Lannister, as the only worthy thing for him. All that talking about how the Lannisters were a better bunch, imo, contribute to the incest, making Cersei believe how only a Lannister was better for another Lannister. And he told Cersei she would be Rhaegar's Queen, making her think since she was very young that she was meant to be better and special, which was something Aerys didn't think. It would be quite ironic that Tywin himself caused her own daughter to be as crazy as Aerys by planting those ideas since childhood


Yes I also believe that a lot of this was Tywin's doing for sure. What I also find interesting is that, ok some of the Targs (mainly just Viserys) think that they are gods, above the petty commoners. BUt does his thinking that make him worse than Cersei? He is not responsible for nearly as many deaths as her, he doesnt run a country, so if he is mad the only person it was really affecting was Dany and she was tougher than he was.

I guess the best comparisons would be to the 17 previous Targ kings, and how much damage they caused due solely to their paranoia and madness. Like she has.

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You could also add that she persuades herself that Margaery is to blame for the fact that she had to torture the Blue Bard. And then, she prays to the Mother that she won't get nightmares, from witnessing his torture.

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You could also add that she persuades herself that Margaery is to blame for the fact that she had to torture the Blue Bard. And then, she prays to the Mother that she won't get nightmares, from witnessing his torture.

Yes there was about 50 more pages I could have added. Almost all the quotes are from FFC, only a few of her and Jaime's chapters. There is waaaaayyyyyy too much evidence of her madness to actually write it all down. LOL it would basically be just copying and pasting every word of all her chapters. There is a ton of stuff in DwD as well, but like I said the post was already too long. Ill add this in though :) Thank you sir :)

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well that was a worthy enumeration and analysis of Cersei's madness.. I am more frightened of what she has become now that she had her walk of shame she is smiling too much and is too meek that alone should spread fear in anyone who has relations with her in any way...

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Yeah Cersei is fucking crazy. Her being the daughter of Aerys though, i'm not sure, both Rhaegar and Viserys went quite mad and Daenerys is becoming a bit mad too. If Cersei is Aerys' daughter then that would mean Jaime is too and Jaime is the best person among all the main Lannisters. Would be weird for him to be the only one of Aerys' kids to be normal lol. For the Rhaegar fangirls who will say he wasn't crazy, do you think a sane person would start a war only to fuck/rape/whatever a she-wolf ?

Ya, I don't really believe she's a Targ at all either, just if we're going to get a LannisTarg, I'd put money on the twins over Tyrion. They kind of perfectly show that whole, "the Gods flip a coin each time a Targ is born" theory.

And Dany isn't crazy. She's currently trippin balls out on the Dothraki Sea, but she's not crazy. And if she was going to go crazy, she'd have done it by now.

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What your post definitely argues is that Jaime will be the volanquar that kills her. He will see her making some genocidal decision and see the Mad King all over again. Interestingly this will allow us to see the dynamic of that initial regicide and thus him (Jaime) in his most tragically noble hour.

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