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GRRM: Some fans "have correctly predicted the ending"

Ser Ma'am

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I think you're right ... the War for the Dawn. And so much more.

He didn't say anything about people guessing the ending. The title of the thread contains an unsupported assumption. All he said is that some people in the late 1990s guessed something that he thought put only "obscure" and "subtle" clues for.

I'm guessing he means R+L=J, since GRRM doesn't go to online forums and isn't aware that "one or two people" means "pretty much everyone" and tends to greatly exaggerate the "subtlety" of his clues and hints.

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He didn't say anything about people guessing the ending. The title of the thread contains an unsupported assumption. All he said is that some people in the late 1990s guessed something that he thought put only "obscure" and "subtle" clues for.

I'm guessing he means R+L=J, since GRRM doesn't go to online forums and isn't aware that "one or two people" means "pretty much everyone" and tends to greatly exaggerate the "subtlety" of his clues and hints.

I agree, but I think when he said one or two people, he meant one or two people at the time he was on the boards in the late 90s, which was probably true as of that time. I think he knows by now how wide spread his "secret" has become. But he is cagey enough to put it that way.

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If GRRM just spent less time on reading reader's "theory" and spend on writing his book, then all of us will be much happier men

Of course he has time to read it, when he IS NOT WRITING HIS NOVEL!!!

This really annoys me! He does not owe you anything! You like reading his books and he likes to take his time writing to create the best story for YOU to enjoy and you have the cheek to complain about how he is doing things?! This is simply ridiculous and you should be ashamed.

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It wouldn't surprise me if he reads these forums just to see what everyone wants him to do, and then do the exact opposite to piss us off.

He does not, nor does he change his story to "piss us off". You're greatly exaggerating our importance, and greatly devaluing Martin's skill as a writer.

Edit: In any case, good luck finding out what "everyone" wants him to do, since there's not a single thing everyone agrees on, hell even people like Ramsay and Gregor have fans around here, strange as that may seem to most of us.

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He does not, nor does he change his story to "piss us off". You're greatly exaggerating our importance, and greatly devaluing Martin's skill as a writer.

Edit: In any case, good luck finding out what "everyone" wants him to do, since there's not a single thing everyone agrees on, hell even people like Ramsay and Gregor have fans around here, strange as that may seem to most of us.

R+L=J is a pretty popular theory, if this was his plan, it would surprise me if he had other people as Jons parents as he never does what people are expecting. And kills off the most popular characters. Which in turn does piss people off.

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R+L=J is a pretty popular theory, if this was his plan, it would surprise me if he had other people as Jons parents as he never does what people are expecting. And kills off the most popular characters. Which in turn does piss people off.

He will not change his story just because someone has figured some things out, and contrary to popular opinion he does not kill characters or change things around just because people don't expect it. I'm sure someone can find a quote for you, personally I don't have the time :)

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R+L=J is a pretty popular theory, if this was his plan, it would surprise me if he had other people as Jons parents as he never does what people are expecting. And kills off the most popular characters. Which in turn does piss people off.

He won't change his story simply because some people put clues together:

“So what do I do then? Do I change it?” Martin mused. “I wrestled with that issue and I came to the conclusion that changing it would be a disaster, because the clues were there… so I’m just going to go ahead.”


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There are many theories on how this book ends, surly one of them is right. I imagine that the clue that was figured out is R+L=J. But honestly that would not have been figured out by very many readers in the first read through. It took message boards and many re-readings for that theory to become mostly cannon. And Martin is right, it would be a disaster if he changed it just because people figured it out (through many readings and debates of his book).

In my opinion, if we are coming up on the last two books and entering the ending phase, then the end is going to become more and more clear and the series is going to rely more on Martin's execution and prose of the ending more than any surprise twists. Though, I do think there will be some twists that none of us see happening even if we have the end result right.

If Jon indeed becomes king, there are still many different ways of us getting there. If Dany becomes Queen, there are many different ways to get there. Etc.

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He didn't say anything about people guessing the ending. The title of the thread contains an unsupported assumption. All he said is that some people in the late 1990s guessed something that he thought put only "obscure" and "subtle" clues for.

I'm guessing he means R+L=J, since GRRM doesn't go to online forums and isn't aware that "one or two people" means "pretty much everyone" and tends to greatly exaggerate the "subtlety" of his clues and hints.

Not everyone figured it out till they got to message boards lol.

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Thinking up theories and reading them is great pleasure of mine, even if they spoil what happens. But they won't, you can know the ending and answer to some mysteries but you can always enjoy writing and details.

If you don't read them you only know the story that was written in the end, this way you get to experience all the stories that could have been and be surprised thousand times over.

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For my part, it's the "extremely subtle and obscure clues" bit that sticks out to me. Granted, his idea of such clues might differ from mine, but I have long said that it's a mistake to assume that the bluntest, most obvious, loudest, etc. solutions are necessarily the accurate ones.

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An article today suggests that GRRM was really referring to the "ending" that was posted on reddit (and I have seen variations here) which theorizes that the Others are coming south because man keeps going further north of the wall, in violation of the original treaty that separated Others from Man (and that the Others were the ones who built the Wall). This theory seems to state that Dany will be sacrificed and Jon will negotiate a new treaty perhaps involving him marrying an Other (like the Night King did), and Jon will remain at the wall the hold the truce (here is the link -- http://www.businessinsider.com/fans-guess-game-of-thrones-ending-2014-8).

I am not sure I buy this theory, but maybe.

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