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TTTNE 434 : Sorry ?


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Nobody in the CHAT today? :dunno:

I hate bureaucracy too. Lookit, another thing we agree on! :P

I do not mind giving lessons that much ... if you work as a researcher at a uni, this is included basically. I guess that is better than teaching primary school/high school, since at uni, there are actually people in the room that are interested in the field and are kind of adults, so you do not have to deal with disciplining them.

You are not an attention seeker at all. We all like to read everything that is written here, or if we do not, then we just do not read it. Do not feel guilty for writing things you feel here. :)

I agree, with Buckie :love:

This is a pretty cool place to discuss whatever you want, there isn't real pressure to share too much or too little, its whatever you decide.

Read at your own expense

beware of some unsolicited advice at times :devil:

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Meh...I'm not offering 'unsolicited advice'.

I am a 46 year old single woman that has learned how to take care of herself. I stand by your statement that your friend came in through the window...yes he is your friend and harmless. But if someone who means you no harm can get in, then what can an experienced person with intent for theft or worse do? This was an instructional lesson from the Universe. Protect yourself, younger sister!

Spend $50 and sleep better.

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Meh...I'm not offering 'unsolicited advice'.

I am a 46 year old single woman that has learned how to take care of herself. I stand by your statement that your friend came in through the window...yes he is your friend and harmless. But if someone who means you no harm can get in, then what can an experienced person with intent for theft or worse do? This was an instructional lesson from the Universe. Protect yourself, younger sister!

Spend $50 and sleep better.

:Lmao: not you!!!! Omg I just saw your post

I understand completely, and I truly appreciate it. I do.

I just..... I'm scared that's all, I mean this is the first time I'm living alone, my cousin went back to Texas, and I don't really want a roommate, at least not yet.

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We'll do it together KiD...I'm also going antibiotic, pesticide and hormone free :D

My first cooperative pickup is tomorrow night :ninja: Locally grown veggies, fruits, cheese and beef.

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Good luck Bex :)

My choice has little to do with health and a lot to do with just being sick of it though. I'll still have a drink on special occasions, but I'm done drinking every Friday and Saturday night just because there's nothing better to do. Just realized that I don't enjoy it anymore and I've only continued doing it because everyone else around me is.

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How was the exercising? I wish my natural instincts were to go out and exercise when I'm stressed - I seem to end up digging in my fridge and over indulging :blushing:

I dunno what to tell you about the situation you were in other than to say I hope it's better now and give you lots of :grouphug: and support :)

Did you happen to feel that earthquake in napa? We had teeny one here yesterday.

Also, I've had far too much birthday cake today. But it's really good :uhoh:

*looks at treadmill.... *

Aww :grouphug: spam mother I WISH I would be hungry when I'm stressed, however I usually just feel like running and doing pull ups, sit up, squats, ect.

I tried to eat but just felt sick.

I don't live in Napa, I live about two hours away, but yes we felt a few of them...

I usually sleep through earthquakes tbh :D

I bet if the world ended I'd sleep through that too.

Lol treadmills hurt, my cousin had one, and it killed me to use it smh :leaving:

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Lol omg I do the same thing xD I eat tons when I'm stressed.. I wish I had the instinct to go exercise instead, maybe I'd be a bit slimmer o_o

I'm wasting gym membership for no reason t_t

Cora: forgot to add this yesterday but basically I agree with what everyone else said, there's something called boundaries and personal space and your 'friend' (I don't think any real friend would breach your personal space without permission unless he was really drunk or high or something and considering he somehow got into your room, I doubt he was....) and I'm not one to question your friendship but still it was really creepy and wrong. My first reaction would be to punch his lights out 'cause I'd be freaked out. Also Bex is right, spend a bit more and sleep better! Get some better security :)

Right, breakfast and exam, here I come. It'll all be over come 12.15pm. :D

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Lol omg I do the same thing xD I eat tons when I'm stressed.. I wish I had the instinct to go exercise instead, maybe I'd be a bit slimmer o_o

I'm wasting gym membership for no reason t_t

Cora: forgot to add this yesterday but basically I agree with what everyone else said, there's something called boundaries and personal space and your 'friend' (I don't think any real friend would breach your personal space without permission unless he was really drunk or high or something and considering he somehow got into your room, I doubt he was....) and I'm not one to question your friendship but still it was really creepy and wrong. My first reaction would be to punch his lights out 'cause I'd be freaked out. Also Bex is right, spend a bit more and sleep better! Get some better security :)

Right, breakfast and exam, here I come. It'll all be over come 12.15pm. :D

Thanks, um and good luck on your exams and the rest of your day.

Morning Adara,

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I think what you wrote yesterday was one of the scariest things I've read at TTTNE.

I'm fine, still trying to wake up :lol: second cup of coffee will help I hope. My cat does the same thing :D Whenever I sit down he jumps into my lap, even when I thought he was asleep

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Lol omg I do the same thing xD I eat tons when I'm stressed.. I wish I had the instinct to go exercise instead, maybe I'd be a bit slimmer o_o

I'm wasting gym membership for no reason t_t

Cora: forgot to add this yesterday but basically I agree with what everyone else said, there's something called boundaries and personal space and your 'friend' (I don't think any real friend would breach your personal space without permission unless he was really drunk or high or something and considering he somehow got into your room, I doubt he was....) and I'm not one to question your friendship but still it was really creepy and wrong. My first reaction would be to punch his lights out 'cause I'd be freaked out. Also Bex is right, spend a bit more and sleep better! Get some better security :)

Right, breakfast and exam, here I come. It'll all be over come 12.15pm. :D

Good Luck!

I get so very stressed over exams. I broke down in tears during one of them (I told the Spamily about it, but you weren't around here then). Luckily I was allowed to go back into the exam hall when I had calmed down and finish up (I still had some time left on the paper). In my defence, It was what....4 and a bit hours of solid exams? :uhoh:

And when I get stressed, I'm like Cora. The need to exercise takes me. Boo me.

Good Morning Cora :D Your dog :wub: :wub: He's so lovely. My little pup is getting his hair cut next week, since his hair is no almost covering his eyes! It grows so fast, it must only be around 5-6 week since his last cut. I'm going to miss him when I move :( Enjoy your day at work! (You said yesterday was your only day off, right?)

Morning Adara! Coffee is a wonderful thing. Hope you wake up soon. My pup will snuggle up if I am watching TV. But he likes being in the car the most, he will just put his head on my knee and sleep, no matter how long the journey is. :p

KiD, giving up regular drinking sounds like a good idea. It will save you money, work wonders on your health and make you feel better all around :)

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Hey Helena :) Do you leave your puppy with your family?

Hello your grace. Yes, it didn't stop raining since yesterday early afternoon. I wonder if we're going to get floodings again.

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Morning my lovelies :kiss:

watched the Emmy's last night. Best part was Weird Al (does words to opening music, including GoT)

Well, this part isn't bad either

I think I've decided to quit drinking. For the most part anyway. Weird

A sure sign of maturity

DreamSongs, on 25 Aug 2014 - 10:06 PM, said:

We'll do it together KiD...I'm also going antibiotic, pesticide and hormone free :D

My first cooperative pickup is tomorrow night :ninja: Locally grown veggies, fruits, cheese and beef.

very nice

Good luck Bex :)

My choice has little to do with health and a lot to do with just being sick of it though. I'll still have a drink on special occasions, but I'm done drinking every Friday and Saturday night just because there's nothing better to do. Just realized that I don't enjoy it anymore and I've only continued doing it because everyone else around me is.

While I have done it for health reasons, I do still have a few drinks every once in a while on special occasions (like the con I attended with Maid). Like they say "everything in moderation"

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Hey Helena :) Do you leave your puppy with your family?

Hello your grace. Yes, it didn't stop raining since yesterday early afternoon. I wonder if we're going to get floodings again.

Yeah, the Halls of Residence doesn't allow pets. And even if they did, there would not be room for him in my room, and I wouldn't be able to give him the time he needs to be looked after. So even though its the best for.him anyway, I will still miss hin.

I've been shopping this morning. Bought two new tops and a pair of jeans. Then I bought some fruit from a market stall because it was cheap. Then I went and looked in Waterstones. I never realised just how big some of the books I've read are. It makes me glad I have an e-reader so I don't need to carry them around with me. I mean, I saw the Hardback edition of Fool's Assassin (which looked so lovely I nearly bought it, even though I have the ebook) and woah! Could you do some damage with that thing. Its practically bigger than my head :dunno: :shocked: Talk about doorstop books! :p Anyway, now I am having a quiet Costa coffee before I go and get the bus. Oh, and I'll call and get some birthday cards too.

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