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The Most Useless Trivial Thing you Know

Lany Freelove Cassandra

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Maximiliano the Hasburgo was the first politician in mexico to translate the law to nahuatl and other languages.

He also hunted butterflies as a hobby.

His wife Carlota was the richest woman in the world for some time but she was to mad to know it.

Aztecs ate the ashes of their death in signal of respect.

The first thing that Miguel Hidalgo said at the "grito de Dolores" wich was the start of the independence movement were "Viva el rey Fernando Septimo" in english is(God save Fernando VII ) fernando septimo was the king of spain

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Knowledge is never useless!

Generally, people tend to over-water their orchids, while cactuses are not watered enough.

The most frequently way to kill an orchid is to over water it and/or water the centre (crown) of the plant, provoking fungus growing and putrefaction.

The popular children's corrido "La cucaracha" it's about Pancho Villa and the Mexican Revolution.

To the argentinian National Park Baritú you can only reach through Bolivia.

Hens and roosters and all them birds actually sleep up in trees.

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When William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus he originally wanted to call it George's Star, but the name didn't catch on.

I don't know any useless (or useful!) trivia I'm afraid, maybe I need to start watching QI. Stephen Fry is the king of awesome trivia in my opinion.

Stephen Fry was the second person in Britain to buy an Apple Mac. Douglas Adams (who co-wrote books with QI creator John Lloyd) was the first. I can't remember if I learned that on QI or not.

The text of the anthem of the Federal Republic of Germany can be sung to the tune of the anthem of the German Democratic Republic, and vice versa.

The national anthem of Liechtenstein uses the same tune as God Save the Queen.

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I think I might be the most useless trivial thing I know...

THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. You are supreme and wonderful. :commie:

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This is not useless information, but there is also an obesity crisis amongst pets in the first world. Many people actually do not know what a healthy weight dog looks like - occasionally we'd get people at the shelter commenting on 'skinny' dogs who were at an ideal weight according to vets. They were just so used to seeing overweight and obese dogs that they genuinely thought that was what dogs were meant to look like.

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The text of the anthem of the Federal Republic of Germany can be sung to the tune of the anthem of the German Democratic Republic, and vice versa.

This was very probably done on purpose. There is at least one more poem made to fit (either) tune, Bertolt Brechts "Kinderhymne": "Anmut sparet nicht noch Mühe/Leidenschaft nicht noch Verstand/Dass ein gutes Deutschland blühe/Wie ein andres gutes Land".

And an/the older text to Haydn's tune was a Hymn to the Austrian Emperor: "Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser, unsern guten Kaiser Franz".

The same composer set a little Cantata in Honor of Admiral Nelson when the latter met him in Austria travelling back from the Mediterranean with Lady Hamilton. Either the Lady herself or someone from her entourage peformed "Lines from the Battle of the Nile" in the presence of the admiral.

Lord Nelson's body was presumeably preserved in a cask of hard liquor when being transported back from Trafalgar. His final coffin was made from a piece of the main mast of the "Orient", the flag ship of the French that had been blown up at Abukir (Battle of the Nile) when fire reached the powder magazine. (Other than such an occasional blowup the casualties in the sea battles of this time were surprisingly low as very often ships struck their colors rather early in a battle and everybody had not only an interest in not being blown up, but also in keeping enemy ships reasonably intact for prize money.)

(I did not look anything of this up, so it qualifies as my useless bits of trivia and maybe also as nerdy oddball string of associations)

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Lincoln had an aide named Kennedy.

Kennedy had an aide named Lincoln.

Mrs. Kennedy liked nuts.

Mrs. Lincoln went nuts.

If you put every single person in the world into the space of Texas, USA, each person would have about 1000 square feet to themselves.

The Big Red Machine consisted of: Johnny Bench, Tony Perez, Joe Morgan, Dave Concepcion, Peter Rose, Ken Griffey, Caesar Geronimo, and George Foster.

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When William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus he originally wanted to call it George's Star, but the name didn't catch on.

Stephen Fry was the second person in Britain to buy an Apple Mac. Douglas Adams (who co-wrote books with QI creator John Lloyd) was the first. I can't remember if I learned that on QI or not.

The national anthem of Liechtenstein uses the same tune as God Save the Queen.

Philip J Fry told the employee at the Apple store to "Shut up and take my money."

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