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Video Games 2015: The Death of the MMO


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You can get Hearthstone on the iPhone now?

It's on iOS and Android. It's not actually meant to work on phones, just tablets, but with the Android version at least there's a way to make it work on phones. There may be a way to get it to work on the iPhone too instead of just the iPad but I'm not sure.

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What's decent in iPhone gaming right now? iPhone specifically, not iPad. Most of my experiences with mobile gaming have been disappointing, brief, shallow ones, but it would be nice to have something fun to do when I'm unexpectedly stuck waiting somewhere.

I've been hitting the old school RPG's and have a lot of fun with those. I also like Mass Effect Infiltrator.

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What's decent in iPhone gaming right now? iPhone specifically, not iPad. Most of my experiences with mobile gaming have been disappointing, brief, shallow ones, but it would be nice to have something fun to do when I'm unexpectedly stuck waiting somewhere.

Grab Space Miner by Venan. It is an RPG Lite based on Asteroids gameplay, but with great presentation, witty writing, nice story and lots of ship upgrades. Very polished, very fun, and they have just released a huge upgrade, so it is optimized for the newest phones.

Otherwise, I am like Rhom, except that I have also gotten into PnC genre on iOS for the first time and played most of the notable ones.

Second 80 Days, a very fresh and engaging take on the "choose your own adventure". I'll note that while it is inspired by Verne, it actually takes place in a wholly steampunk world, so there are a lot of unexpected things happenning ;).

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For me, it would be between The Wither 3 and Bloodborne based one what I have seen.

Bloodborne is basically Souls in my favorite game setting- Some sort of pseudo-Victorian era with a Gothic vibe. The Witcher games have been some of my favorite last generation, and with the scope and ambition we have seen of the game so far, it stands to reason that the third installment will be even better.

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So what's going to be GotY? Bloodborne, The Witcher 3, or Uncharted 4?

I want it to be Pillars of Eternity, but it'll be a tossup between Bloodborne and Witcher 3. Who gets the nod will depend on how well W3 carries off its promises of being an open-world game that keeps the plot integrated well, rather than being a sandbox.

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All of you are talking out of your asses. It's fucking February.

Agreed. I will say though, if last year's AAA games are any indication, then GOTY for this year is going to be an indie game (at least for me it will be. I've really come around on indie games since going PC).

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure early in 2014, plenty of people were saying ''Destiny'' or ''Watch Dogs'' when asked for GOTY. We all know how that ended up. Let us calm ourselves and wait for the actual releases.

Not that I think CD Projeckt will botch TW3's release. But it seems people are putting this game on a massive pedestal before they even get to play it, which could be a recipe for disappointment.

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I've played waayyyyy too much Simpsons: Tapped Out on iPhone. Wouldn't recommend for when you're ''on the go'' because it requires internet, but man it's kind of addicting.

Premise: Springfield is destroyed - rebuild it.

I think the thing that's best about it is the humour. The down side is that some (but really only a few) characters/buildings require ''doughnuts'', which you can very rarely find and otherwise buy (with real money). It's basically like the Sims, though. And it's free.


God I'm glad to know someone else admits to this!!! :lol: I've been playing this for about three years now.

If you want to add me, my town ID is chirop1

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I've played waayyyyy too much Simpsons: Tapped Out on iPhone. Wouldn't recommend for when you're ''on the go'' because it requires internet, but man it's kind of addicting.

Premise: Springfield is destroyed - rebuild it.

I think the thing that's best about it is the humour. The down side is that some (but really only a few) characters/buildings require ''doughnuts'', which you can very rarely find and otherwise buy (with real money). It's basically like the Sims, though. And it's free.

But it is hardly " non-shallow". I tried it when it first came out and it was then a typical freemium builder, with dual currency, timers and otherwise virtually gameplay-free. I guess, you guys are huge fans of Simpsons and mainly enjoy it for the licence/atmosphere? Because not being one, I really didn't see any particular appeal in it.

Anyone here payed the iPad game The Room? Bloody fantastic game. The sequel was great too.

No, it's nothing to do with the film. :P

Oh, yea, and the is a version for phones too, isn't there? I have heard great things about the games and own the first one, but didn't yet play it. Something else for Inigima to try, definitely.

I have also forgotten to plug Tactics Maiden again, which is a very deep, if visually spartan, SRPG with neat writing. The first 8 missions are free, then there is a one-time full game unlock.

Some other games I have enjoyed (that are not RPGs or PnCs) and which worked well on phone-sized devices:

Spider - The Secret of Bryce Manor, where you control a spider and try to trap and eat as many insects as possible, all while slowly moving through a derelict manor and gradually uncovering it's past. It was a beautiful game with great music and very fresh gameplay (for me, at least). It is comparatively old, though, and I don't know if ot has been updated.

Perfect Cell - basically a 2D Splinter Cell-like game, where you play a blob of alien protoplasma trying to escape from an underground military research facility. Disclaimer as above.

With the older games you really have to check their state and latest customer reviews to know if they sill work/look decently on newer devices, though.

BTW, I finished my first journey around the world in 77 days! It was very entertaining and very tense. The way it handles the passage of time is nerve-wracking in a good way and all the adventures one can have are very amusing. My perfect "on the go" game for sure.

As to my hopes for a GOTY - I'd really love for Pillars of Eternity to turn out to be it, not just for myself, but for as many people as humanly possible!

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure early in 2014, plenty of people were saying ''Destiny'' or ''Watch Dogs'' when asked for GOTY. We all know how that ended up. Let us calm ourselves and wait for the actual releases.

Not that I think CD Projeckt will botch TW3's release. But it seems people are putting this game on a massive pedestal before they even get to play it, which could be a recipe for disappointment.

Eh, I joke about it, but I figure it will be no worse than Witcher 2. Some things about it will be merely okay, other parts will be pretty awesome.

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