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Walking Dead Season 5 (No Comic Spoilers) Part 4

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I'm not criticizing Rick because I think Deanna is right. Deanna is living in a fantasy land. She is not the benchmark for leadership in the Zombie Apocalypse.

But I think all these examples of ordinary people ending up as leaders in the Apocalypse are a bit ridiculous. The Governor was a pen pusher in an office. Rick is a sensitive soul who cannot handle the reality of the world gone to hell. Gareth from Terminus was hipster nerd-material.

Where are the ex-military men? The Seal Team 6 survivors? The backwoods survivalists in their fortified compounds, with massive ammo stashes and canned food to last 3 years? Where are the militias?

These are the guys that would emerge in this world. Not randomly left over normal guys that suddenly become Governors and Rick-types. Or rather, they would be there, but not last long.

It's not about aggression and psycho mentality, that Rick has ventured into. It is about being cool-headed, military focused, resolute and in steadily in charge, like in a war zone.

For that, you need military men in charge.

Ahh I wasn't disagreeing with you in particular my friend, I've been seeing an overwhelming amount of "Rick is turning into Governor" or "Rick is turning into Shane" and I just don't understand that concept since he is NOTHING like them.

I agree, realistically though the world wouldn't have fallen to a Zombie Apocalypse. We'd actually beat it pretty quickly assuming it wasn't air born.

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Anyway. So now Rick is probably in detention while his fate is decided.

I find it quite rushed and ham fisted, how they have suddenly become subject to the "justice system" of Alexandria. Which threat of force does Deanna have to make our group obey her wishes?

It is a bit like the Chief Justice of the United States telling Superman he will now be exiled from earth, or imprisoned. It is an un-enforcible command.

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Well, Rick's character assassination is complete.

And done in such a hamfisted way. Totally ridiculous. He can die now. They've succeeded in making him unlikeable. Well done, dickwads.

Oh, and Rick STILL can't fight. That would be cool, if he didn't walk around acting as if he can. If you were a gunfigther in the Old West, you didn't walk around challenging guys bigger than you to fistfights. Similarly, it is unrealistic to expect Rick to be Wild Bill Hickock and Jean Claude van Damme. It is totally cool that he is Wild Bill Hickock only. But then he should be doing everything he can to avoid fights that don't involve a shootout. Else he is just stupid, and not much of a survivor. As it turns out, he gets the shit beaten out of him in pretty much every fight he engages in. What a joker.

Anyway, I don't care anymore, because he has become a Dickturd.

I think your real problem is that you have groups of people you perceive as weak, and thus inferior joker dickturds who ought to die for their weakness. It seems to be your running theme when it comes, at the least, to this show.

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Thank fuck for Michonne! I couldn't decide whether to gasp, laugh or cringe when Rick had his meltdown (although the way the actor delivered this line: you mean me? ME?!!' was amazing in its batshit incredulity).

I can see where Rick is coming from, but that was poorly handled. In fact, from the first when he got all up in Deanna's face about Pete, I knew he'd fuck it all up. She'd just lost a son in 'suspicious' circumstances (and Rick's crew were involved), so it was dumb of Rick to not try some damage control there. He pretty much raised her suspicions in the grave scene.

Also, when he pushed CORAL exactly the way Pete did Jessie, I lold. Well done, Rick. Sigh.

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Meh, that is not something on my list of concerns, to be honest. Besides, is being tough about physical strength alone? I'd say 1 key aspect of Rick's group is how emotionally hard they've become, something absent from Alexandria.

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Agree'd. It was the right idea, executed poorly and at the wrong time.

Of course it looked like that, when you get punched in the face by a grown man, especially one larger than you, your face is in reality fucked up. If you've ever been hit in the face or hit someone in the face before, you'd know that. lol.

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It was pathetically handled.

What got me most was the extent to which Rick felt he had to justify himself to Deanna and her group. If he really despises them so much, he should not be taking it so personally when they disagree with his methods. He should just nod quietly and ignore them. If they try to stop him, take care of the problem.

But don't go all theatrical and outraged in batshit crazy mode. That is just embarrassing.

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Embarrassing? Embarrassing is letting a woman beater beat a kid and his wife for months without doing anything.

He let his emotions get the best of him, a lot of shit was going on through his head. Everyone is in the wrong there, Rick just has to take the fall for it like always.

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Rick started the fight in officer-mode. He tried to prevent it from happening at all, continued trying to de-escalate even after it happened, and only began trying to actually hurt Pete when all hell had broken loose. Starting a fight late is a great way to get beat up, even if you win in the end.

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I don't claim that Rick has to be a supreme physical fighter to be a leader. It is perfectly OK if his skill set resides with guns and super decisive leadership, rather than with his fists. But then he shouldn't go around making threats and carrying on as if he is some badass physical fighter. He clearly isn't. I've said so since the Governer beat him him up.

Imagine the embarrassment if after all the chest thumping threats to Pete, if Jessie hadn't grabbed Pete while he was strangling Rick. Pete would have beaten Rick, and what a lot of egg on his face that would have been.

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Rick started the fight in officer-mode. He tried to prevent it from happening at all, continued trying to de-escalate even after it happened, and only began trying to actually hurt Pete when all hell had broken loose. Starting a fight late is a great way to get beat up, even if you win in the end.

Exactly. Also in a real fight in real life, you don't get punched twelve times in the face and be okay.

I don't claim that Rick has to be a supreme physical fighter to be a leader. It is perfectly OK if his skill set resides with guns and super decisive leadership, rather than with his fists. But then he shouldn't go around making threats and carrying on as if he is some badass physical fighter. He clearly isn't. I've said so since the Governer beat him him up.

Imagine the embarrassment if after all the chest thumping threats to Pete, if Jessie hadn't grabbed Pete while he was strangling Rick. Pete would have beaten Rick, and what a lot of egg on his face that would have been.

I'm positive you've never been in a real fight before, now.

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Come on Dronuspk.

Have a look at Rick's demanour. His expression. He is on the verge of jumpie Jessie right there in her house, when Pete walks in. Pete being an abuser is just a convenient excuse for what he wants to do in any case.

He was like a stag facing a rival male whenever he was in Pete's company, long before Carol told him her suspicions.

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If you're around it enough you start to pick up on cues of domestic violence without necessarily being conscious of them. There's certainly a heavy dose of White Knight Syndrome is Rick's attraction to Jessie and his motivation for disliking Pete, but there's also a huge amount of his desire to be a cop again - in a world that actually needs one - driving his choices. We see that going all the way back to him shooting the guy from Terriers a few seasons ago in the bar. Cops in this Mad Max version of the world just have different choices to make than he used to.

And he's crazy.

Reference the fight, I think those were pretty realistic depictions of a person who is incredibly tough, and because of that chose to go 1-on-1 against people he was giving 5 and 6" up to, respectively. Real life contains very few untouchable ninjas, and when the other guy knows how to handle himself at all, everyone's going to wind up hurt.

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