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[BOOK SPOILERS] Rant and Rave Without Repercussion

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I'm going to have to watch that again and pay more attention - I didn't even notice how it was depicted.

It is a risk introducing a whole new place this late in a story, as it is always going to feel like the story is trying too hard to expand beyond what has been set up in the first act. Yes, Dorne was mentioned way back in the early books and seasons, but it might seem like an afterthought or filler to a casual viewer however it is presented.

The odd thing was that it zoomed in on a clockwork city, much like the other parts of the opening, except it just said "Dorne." Not "Sunspear" or "The Water Gardens" or "Hellholt" or any of the actual cities in Dorne, but just the name of the kingdom itself. I want to be charitable and say that this is because none of the scenes actually took place in a city, but really I just think it's a weird mistake. The credits don't say "The North" on Winterfell or "The Crownlands" on King's Landing, so it's oddly generic. Maybe it will change in future episodes.

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Contesting this. Barristan went down realistically. The idea that he could have got out of that unscathed is the next thing to magical thinking, and the book encourages the idea that Barristan is still one of the most skilled fighters in the world, which, at his age, he could not possibly be. The show did it better IMO, showing that he's still incredibly strong (I counted, he cut down 14 Harpy's Sons), but didn't have a chance of coming out of that unscathed once they surrounded him.

This kind of reminds me of the argument that the Marg/Tommen thing is okay because it’s realistic that a 13-year-old would be expected to consummate his marriage.

Yes, within the dumbass situation they’ve created it makes sense, but that doesn’t mean they deserve a free pass for creating the dumbass situation to begin with.

It makes no sense that either Grey Worm or Barry were there. Good point about the badass fighters who, six months ago, probably had slaves to tie their shoes for them.

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Mel & her boobs. Come on. She could be telling Jon about her (f)Arya vision but apparently that was not as important as seeing her boobs. Again. The show is missing all of the subtleness of the books. Yes its hinted to that Mel may be flirting with Jon, the show has her whip out her tits & straddle him?!

Cersei talks to the very reasonable, logical High Sparrow about arming the faith, next scene we have these psycho goons running around killing gay people, cutting open wine casks, ripping people out of brothels... How does this fit? We are meant to believe HS backs all that?

Loras - supposed to be a badass goes meekly along with some religious fanatics that haven't even been trained to fight? Yeah. Right.

Barristan - so... Is he dead? If so wtf was the point of him being in the show? He hasn't played out his book part, hasn't played out any part in the show. He kicked some Sons of the Harpy ass only to die? If he isn't dead what was the point of the whole episode in Mereen? It was all a tribute to Barry of sorts. Make us love him, kill him off. That's how it works right?

Unsullied - these are supposed to be fearless, fighting machines. Warriors like no other. They got their ass handed to them while they cried out in pain every time one of the Sons bumped into them. The Sons killed every one of them except Greyworm who only escaped, grievously injured, when Barristan came in to help him. Ridiculous.

I actually enjoyed this episode :lol: but those things really bothered me.

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Have to say that the Mel and Jon scene was the absolute worse for me in how its purpose seems to have been only to show boobs while making absolutely no sense like the Mel bath scene last season.

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I liked the episode a lot. But I'll nit pick a bit...

- The faith militant storyline was really over the top. I'm sure it will get better but the lunatic fanatics part was my least favorite story tonight.

- I thought, arguably, the Sand Snakes scene was one of the weakest. Okay they are torturing that guy before killing him. We are told again that Ellaria wants revenge as opposed to Doran. All it was was an introduction. I didn't care for how it was done.

Other than that there may have been a few minor things but nothing significant. I thought the story over in Mereen was the best part of the episode. The Harpies creep me out with their masks. I'm not surprised they managed to kill all of the Unsullied minus Greyworm. Of course it took all of them but the Unsullied were heavily out numbered. With Barristan dead I am excited to see what happens next. Dany is in some real trouble. She doesn't exactly have any mentor now. Looking forward to an eventual meeting between Tyrion and Daenerys.

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Oh the humanity.

The High Sparrow is portrayed as a kindly old man who values Justice, but somehow his followers are all lunatics he apparently does not control. And boy, if we didn't get they hate gays more than anything, they sure made that extra clear.

Mace is an idiot instead of High Lord of the 2nd most powerful house in Westeros. And why Trant with him? Just for Arya?

Cersie simply volunteers the Faith Militant for what?

Bronn and Jaime or Martin and Lewis? I can't row, I have one hand (laugh track ). I can take one....if he's slow (laugh track). He should be slow enough (laugh track). I have one hand, I can't bury the bodies(extended laugh track).

Real Bronn would have killed him and gone back to his wandering happier days.

Little Finger always following and appearing wherever Sansa is. Surprised he doesn't show up to give a speech while she's peeing. And she actually seems to care about him. That creepy kiss and his idiotic plan. Just stop.

Mel wanting a shadow baby with Jon. For what? To kill Stannis? Can you only get one shadow baby once from one King? Jon should have tossed her across the room.

Sand Snakes? Psychos and bad acting. Ellaria now a total loon.

Cersie not seeming to care about Tommens safety? Why would she want him to go there himself? Why would he instead of sending his soldiers?

And Danny needs to find another army. Apparently, only Grey Worm knows how to fight. The rest are caught holding their...oh nevermind, they don't even have that.

It's too tiring to rant. Just stupid now and is getting into ridiculous now.

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It also didn't go along with her murdering an informant for no particular reason. I mean, wtf?

You don't think it had something to do with the fact that Doran would tuck Myrcella safely away to prevent her being taken by Jaime? They want to keep that info to themselves.

Gold buys a man silence for a time, a spear through his head buys it forever.

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I can finally say it after holding it in for four weeks, LF's plan makes no freaking sense. If he wants Sansa to ally with whomever emerged victorious in the Stannis/Bolton battle of Winterfell, why wouldn't he stay in the Vale until the battle is over and give Sansa to the victor? Why would he put Sansa in danger in the middle of the battle beforehand? It's just idiotic.

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I can finally say it after holding it in for four weeks, LF's plan makes no freaking sense. If he wants Sansa to ally with whomever emerged victorious in the Stannis/Bolton battle of Winterfell, why wouldn't he stay in the Vale until the battle is over and give Sansa to the victor? Why would he put Sansa in danger in the middle of the battle beforehand? It's just idiotic.

He probably owes Ramsay a debt of affection.

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Have to say that the Mel and Jon scene was the absolute worse for me in how its purpose seems to have been only to show boobs while making absolutely no sense like the Mel bath scene last season.

To be honest, I actually laughed when Mel said something like can you feel my heart, and Jon said yes - I was like uh, Jon that's not her heart. :lol:

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I wish Stannis would have completely his scene with Shireen by telling her that part of the reason he is pursuing the crown is because he has a duty to HER. That he has a duty to claim all that he is entitled to so that he can pass on to her what she is entitled to. But I don't think D&D understands the Stannis character enough to go there.

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Mace is an idiot instead of High Lord of the 2nd most powerful house in Westeros. And why Trant with him? Just for Arya?

Ding Ding Ding. Sadly that was probably the most subtle foreshadowing of the entire episode. It explains why Arya's list was so drastically shortened last episode. He's one of the three people still on it and now he's headed straight to Braavos. How convenient.

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Littlefinger wants Stannis and Roose to batter each other and Lf with Vale troops led by Royce, sweep both army remnants away, then he is a hero and gets Sansa and Winterfell, ads to the Vale and there you go, new kingdom

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