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Which Theory Would You Be Most Satistfied To Learn To Be False?

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The theory that Tyrion is Tywin's biological son because otherwise it would ruin the dynamics of their relationship... (calling for fiery reactions here :drunk: ).

I do believe that Tyrion is Tywin's bio son and I do believe if not their dynamic would suffer, but I certainly don't believe Tyrion is Tywin's son BECAUSE of that.

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I had a hard time phrasing the title, but hopefully my meaning is clear. Imagine that, in one of the future novels, there is indisputable evidence that theory "X" is not true and you are thrilled/elated/satisfied. Which theory is that? Feel free to name a few, and why.

For me it’s a tie between R+L+J and A+J=T, but each for different reasons.

While the evidence for R+L=J is strong and I realize that it is very likely true, I don’t like it. Partly because I don’t think Jon would like it and I also feel it would likely do him more harm than good.

One reason is I just want Ned to really be Jon’s biodad. While, personally, I understand that raising Jon and claiming him does more to make him Jon’s dad than DNA alone ever could, I don’t think Jon would feel that way. Patrilineal heritage is highly valued in Westeros society. Jon has derived so much of his self-identity from believing Ned is his father, especially having never known his mother. I think his initial reaction to learning he had any other sire would be devastation.

I understand that part of the reason for this theory’s popularity is that the readers love Jon and would love for him to have a claim to the Iron Throne and/or ride a dragon. I love Jon, too! However, I think if he pursued a claim to the Iron Throne, it would just lead to grief for him. Also, everyone seems so sure that a person needs Targ blood to ride a dragon, but I just don’t believe that. I’m sure it could help, but I don’t think it is a hard rule.

Which sort of leads into my issues with A+J=T. Again, I think the popularity of this theory comes (partially) from the popularity of its chief subject. Tyrion is well-liked, therefore readers would love for him to be a secret Targ as this makes him a potential dragon-rider. As I have already stated, I don’t think Targ ancestry is completely necessary to ride a dragon.

Unlike with R+L=J, I don’t buy the evidence for A+J=T. While the timeline seems to make it possible, I don’t think that it is likely. I think it’s just wishful thinking of readers wanting Tyrion to be a secret Targ as they would see it as a kind of revenge for his rejection by Tywin and Cercsei

I also don’t like what it would do to everything Tyrion has been through. It puts his relationship with Tywin in a completely different light. Some might even argue it justifies how Tywin treated his younger son. I don’t agree with that and I don’t even want someone to be able to make that claim!

I think people want their favorite characters to have claims to the Iron Throne because they see winning the Irone Throne as the ultimate achievement and greatest happiness someone could have. I don’t agree. Ruling is a burden. Of course I want the Iron Throne to go to someone I like, but I want the person to be prepared. I don’t want it to be someone who never imagined they would have such a responsibility (Jon, Tyrion). I think for either of them, it would NOT lead to happiness.

So I guess my dislike for these two theories comes some from evidence, but mostly from emotion. I don’t want R+L=J to be true for Jon’s sake. I don’t want A+J=T to be true because it just doesn’t “feel” true to me.

Other theories I think are complete BS: Eurio, Dany raised in Dorne, and this idea that every character from the current storyline magically corresponds to someone from history, legend, the Age of Heroes, etc. Not everyone is someone else reborn.

RLJ.. based solely on method and its inventions, inconsistencies, misrepresentations, and flawed logic....

RLJ does actually have a case. I have yet to see it presented without some or all of the above.

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I hate all theories with shiera seastar, let her be just dead. A+J=t is aldo dumb theory. People made it only to have more targaryens.

A+J=T is not a dumb theory. You might think it's a dumb idea from GRRM if it turns out to be true, but the theory itself is not dumb, there's a lot of evidence supporting it.

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Tyrion is a secret Targ/dragonrider. Terrible idea. Tyrion is one of my favourite characters and this would totally destroy so many things that make him interesting. I'll go ahead and include any secret Targs apart from Jon.

Cleganebowl is another. Yes, it would be "cool" but it just wouldn't be fitting for Sandor's development at this stage, and requires a few contrivances. I feel without more set-up it would come up as very cliched on page.

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