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Rant & Rave without repercussion S 5 continued [book spoilers]


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I didn't have any complaints against Pascal, I found the uproar to be sort of strange.  However, a blonde guy who looks like Finn Jones is a weird choice for Euron.  


Granted, their casting has been excellent, with a few missteps, not counting their extremely bizarre habit of randomly recasting people for no apparent reason.  That said, their casting has gotten a little more iffy as time has gone on.  Last year:  sand snakes, awful. Trystan and Myrcella II, not that great. Siddig and Pryce were excellent.  So, more of a mixed bag.


Well, the blond part actually makes sense for the show since they have a blond Theon, YarAsha and Balon. It's the...everything else about him that looks wrong for Euron.


But I have no doubt that the casting will prove to be no problem, but the writing. The real problem is if the suspicions that their casting of Euron is reflective of their rewriting of the character turn out to be true. I used to think that the fact Iwan Rheon looked nothing like book Ramsay and had quite a few fangirls did not matter much... and it would not have, if they had written him as book!Ramsay. But after season 5 and Ramsay Sue, I now know better.

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Lol. Sheldon "the Reader" Harlaw :lol:
As for Asbaek I'm holding of judgment there. I never would have pictured most of the cast of Vikings in theor roles there, but 3 seasons in I think they're perfect.

Wolowitz the Maid doesn't have quite the right ring to it...


Gods, I miss [spoiler]Aethelstan :crying: [/spoiler]

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Keisha Castle Hughes acting was terrible, even considering the bad dialogue. I have no idea how she got an Oscar nomination.  The woman who plays Tyene seemed as if she had potential if given better material.  I can't remember anything at all about ss #3

I think the fact that she was nominated for an Oscar goes to show that is isn't the acting that was the problem, it was the writing.

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Keisha Castle Hughes acting was terrible, even considering the bad dialogue. I have no idea how she got an Oscar nomination.  The woman who plays Tyene seemed as if she had potential if given better material.  I can't remember anything at all about ss #3


I'm not surprised you don't remember anything about Nym. She got pretty much one speaking role - the slapsies game. I don't even..

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Keisha Castle Hughes acting was terrible, even considering the bad dialogue. I have no idea how she got an Oscar nomination.  The woman who plays Tyene seemed as if she had potential if given better material.  I can't remember anything at all about ss #3


That's right, there was a SS # 3... I can't remember anything about her too but given what I remember of the other two, I'll count that as a blessing. 


I haven't seen any of these actors in anything else, so I don't feel I'm well-informed enough to have an opinion on their acting in general. It was god-awful n the show, but between the terrible writing and non-existent direction it's hard for me to fault anyone but the writers and directors. Sure, a more experienced actor might have made it less cringe-worthy but we're talking about young actors with very little experience, and some of the worst dialogue and poorest actor direction ever to grace our screens. 

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I'm not surprised you don't remember anything about Nym. She got pretty much one speaking role - the slapsies game. I don't even..


Did the DVDs with the deleted scenes come out yet? I need the extended 5x04 scene that was supposed to be the slapsies origin story. And it would have established Obara the "warrior monk" too.

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Did the DVDs with the deleted scenes come out yet? I need the extended 5x04 scene that was supposed to be the slapsies origin story. And it would have established Obara the "warrior monk" too.


Somehow I think no one here will be buying the DVDs... I sure as hell wont, but then I haven't since s 2. :dunno:

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I had a dream about Game of Thrones Season 6 last night. I think it's quite telling that even in a world where Victarion is the Incredible Hulk and where the cast of The Big Bang Theory live on the Iron Isles (???), this Pilou Asbaek still doesn't make a convincing Euron. 


He would make a convincing Leonard.

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Yes, is wise to not get all on board of the hype train. Again.


But this is the most legitimate confirmation we have so far.


Now, people is giving them a bad time because Gigamesh (the publishing house for ASOIAF in Spanish) said they were going to release TWOIAF for 2014 and we just saw it finally last July, but that is their fault, not Martin's.


In the same article, they kinda hinted that Cristina Macia (official translator for ASOIAF, who is, I have to admit, not very good), also had some information about it. They did comment that there was a meeting for all the ASOIAF translators, so... maaaaaybe they do know something?


The key word is "inside channels". I think they also have started to hear some rumours about a future publication and they are also working with a date that is 2016, although is not confirmed yet by official channels.

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Lol, I saw the words "get hype" and I just assumed it was LS hype 4.0. I'm so jaded.
Annnyway, for those interested, I finally finished up my sexism & season 5 essay series tonight. This last section kind of serves as a lovely retrospective: http://gotgifsandmusings.tumblr.com/post/128738011302/got-season-5-sexism-part-9-final-part

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2016 seems a far cry from 'before season 6' though.  The book would need to be out by the end of March that's in 7 months, minus the typical crash bang production of let's say 2 months.  So, it seems unlikely he's going to make that deadine.


I'm not 100% on this but I think that article talked about winter.

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