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And who are you...

The Fresh PtwP

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Pretty basic, I wanted to create a thread and discuss who you are in regards to plots, prophecies, story arcs, developments and theories you subscribe to. Doesn't have to be too in depth just a brief line on what you believe/think is going to happen and why.

I'll start:

I believe Bran is the Last Hero and ultimately the "narrator" of the song of Ice and Fire. He is one of the most important characters for the resolution of the long night and I would bet just about any amount of money that he is NOT staying in that cave.

I think Dany is the Prince(ss) that was promised. Granted she could be a red herring but the other explanations for salt and smoke are reaching. "The dragons prove it." and I'm inclined to believe that Aemon isn't wrong about such things. That being said I don't think the dragons are Lightbringer...I think Oathkeeper is.

Theon Durden=Hooded Man

Ramsay wrote the pink letter. Nobody imitates crazy that well, Mance/Spearwives got caught to get the info, It pretty much confirms Stannis' fake-death/Nightlamp plan is working...it was Ramsay.

R+L=J. Though I don't think it will be that big of a deal...

YMBQ=Margaery. Pop quiz what does Cersei love? her kids! Marge has taken Joff and now Tommen. The phrasing of the prophecy is a bit dramatic the (very) important part is the valonqar bit IMO, not the YMBQ.

Aegon is real. I think Illyrio is the only Blackfyre descendant and his quote to Tyrion about heraldry being over-important is all telling. IMO Illyrio's motivations are to be the first Blackfyre to ever get the GC exiles back to Westeros, by any means necessary, regardless of the color of dragon he has to ride to get them there. Varys is trickier but I've been musing that he is a Brightflame descendant and is trying to "wipe the slate clean" by reinstating the Targ regime.

Tyrion is the stone beast(Gargoyle) spewing shadowflame(Lies).

The Giant Sansa slays is Tyrion.

The dragon has three heads is NOT a prophecy but an overhyped phrase that Targs use...similar to a Lannister always pays their debts.

So tell me where you stand on the "issues", or point out why my conclusions make sense or not, or simply discuss!

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The proud lord said...


I believe in CLEGANEBOWL, this just has to happen.

I believe Aegon is Blackfyre, especially after Arianne II.

R+L=D ,B+A=J

Robett Glover=Hooded Man

Varys poisoned Tywin

Loras or Jaime are Valonqar, I still havent decided.

Stannis is blue eyed King and will defeat Boltons and fight Dany at Dragonstnone.

I agree that Marge is YMBQ, this just makes sense.

Ramsay wrote PL because he was fed with fake information.


Jojen Paste

Southron ambitions

Frey pies

Maester conspiracy

Red wedding 2.0, I cant wait to see what will happen to this storyline, Riverlands will be awesome.

I also believe Others and not bad and there was a deal and people just didnt hold it. I also think first 12LC were obligated to wed Other females until Joramun and Brandon got sick if it, killed 13th LC and proclaimed him rogue because they wanted generations to come not to know about deal.

About PTWP, AA and similar I do not have opinion now.


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I believe that the AA prophecy will be generally met by three individuals, each with an associated Red Priest.  These three are: Jon (Mel), Dany (Moroq), Gendry (Thoros)

Septon Chayle = Hooded Man

Ramsay wrote the Pink Letter, before even engaging Stannis.

Between R+L and B+A, we get Jon and Dany...I just don't know who produced whom.

Jon will lead Wun-Wun to Winterfell.  This was foreshadowed by Sweetrobin's doll and snow Winterfell at the Aerie.

At least one of the Cairns where the TOJ used to be is empty...maybe more.  Benjan joined the NW to keep an eye on at least one of the not-dead...who also joined the NW.

Ashara Dayne is either Quaithe or Septa Lemore...I don't know which.

Frey Pies...of course!

Manderly is honest about his wish to put Rikkon in Winterfell as the Warden of the North...but Wex is one of Varys' Little Birds. 

The major northern lords have formed a conspiracy to kill off the Freys and overthrow the Boltons. 


I know I'm wrong about most...but I'm really looking forward to seeing just how wrong I am!





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I think the pink letter was wrote by Ramsey going by the information he had at the time.

i flip between Benjen and Septon Chaya as hooded man

I also flip between Ashara or even Shiera Seastar as Quaith

I believe AA PTWP and STMTW = the same prophecy and that will be multiple people that fit the bill and they will all band together to fight the big bad at the end

Last Hero= Bran

Jon and Arya= endgame

Lightbringer is Dawn 

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Varys poisoned Tywin



Maggy's prophecy will fail "Tommen and/or Myrcella will survive"


Frey Pies

fAegon Targaryen is Aegon Blackfyre

Jojen Paste

Aegon's Conquest 2.0 or the 3 headed dragon "Dany is Aegon the Conqueror, Tyrion is Visenya, ? is Rhaenys"

Dance of Dragons 2.0 "Dany is Rhaneyra, fAegon is Aegon 2"

Aegon the Unworthy/Blackfyre 2.0 "Robert Baratheon is Aegon the unworthy, Cersei is Naerys, Jaime is the dragonknight, Tommem is daeron the good, Lancel is Baelor the blessed, Myrcella is Daenerys Martell,"

Jon Snow is the Night's King

COTF is evil


Westerling Honeymoon Trap "Jeyne+Robb" 

Daenerys will die in childbirth and the baby will be a girl who dany will name Visenya


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R+L=J (obviously)

Tyrion might be Aerys' bastard

Tommens and/or Myrcellas golden shrouds  are not funeral shrouds thus they might survive

fAegon really is Aegon Targaryan

Dany, Jon and Tyrion/Aegon together are TPTWP/LH 

Mance wrote the PL

There is no (relevant) Hooded Man

Dany or Sansa is the YMBQ

Mance is just Mance

Quorin is just Quorin

Daario is just Daario/Danys bedboy

Mel s just a random redpriestess 

Rhaegar is dead

Arthur Dayne is dead

Ned is and stays dead

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YMBQ= Dany or Margaery

Prince That Was Promised/ Azor Ahai= Jon


Hooded Man= Howland Reed

Little Walder= Killed by Big Walder

Pink Letter= Written by Ramsay to lure Jon out, either being fed false info or just being a cocky bastard

Aegon= Blackfyre

Sandor= Gravedigger

Maester Alleras= Sarella Sand

Great Northern Conspiracy & Frey Pies

Maggy's Prophecy= so long as Tommen & Myrcella are royalty, their shrouds will always be gold no matter when they die, and they will always be Cersei's children. Even if they each die at age 90, the prophecy still comes true.

Jaime will be the valonquar (spelling?)

Night Lamp

Jeyne Westerling was not at Riverrun- escaped with Blackfish (pregnant maybe?)

Raynald Westerling may be alive (not really sure on this one, but I liked him so it'd be cool)


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Okay, so there are a lot of things that I'm unsure of but here we go:



Don't think any of the Lannisters are Targaryens, and if they are it won't be revealed or further supported in the text.

Margaery is probably the younger, more beautiful queen. Myrcella and Tommen will both die shortly before Cersei does. Myrcella will die like half a year earlier and then Tommen and Cersei will both die almost at the same time, as KL is invaded by Daenerys on Drogon or something. I don't know who the valoqar is. Probably Tyrion, Jaime or Sandor as the Gravedigger as the Faith's champion.

Frey Pies, I guess (haven't researched it a lot but it makes sense)

fAegon is possibly a Blackfyre, but honestly I haven't got a clue.

Drogon or possibly all of the dragons together are The Stallion Who Mounts the World, since Rhaego's/Khal Drogo's life force was transferred into them or something. All of the khalasars will come together and follow Daenerys on Drogon.

Daario could be Euron and if he is, he's going to try to get his hands on Daenerys's dragons. He may succeed and there will be a short Dance or something.

Dawn could possibly be the original Lightbringer and the Last Hero/Azor Ahai could have been a Dayne.

The entire saga could possibly end with Jon and Arya dying and warging into Ghost and Nymeria, respectively, and meeting eachother again as wolves.

The Last Hero, Azor Ahai, TPTWP etc. are all connected in some way.


Could write a lot more but whatever

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As I am sceptical about the majority of theories so I only believe those with a lot of supporting textual evidence.

R+L=J is the only ?+?=? that is true.

Frey Pies/Manderly v Bolton but no GNC

Gravedigger is Sandor but no Cleganebowl.

Littlefinger is the giant slayed in a castle made of snow but Sansa is not the YMBQ.

Only Catelyn, Beric, Gregor and soon Jon Snow are "alive" after dying. Ashara & Arthur Dayne/Ned & Benjen Stark/Whoever else are very much dead and destined to remain so.

Brienne is descended from Dunk, who is also very dead,

Tyrion killed his genuine father, Tywin Lannister, who was not poisoned by anyone.

Alleras is Sarella but Daario is not Euron. Nor is Howland Reed the High Sparrow.


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I tend to support theories that have textual support and make literary sense

R+L=J (obviously)

Jon and Daaenerys are AAR/TPtwP (not sure which is which)

Ramsay wrote the Pink letter but not all of its contents are true.

Stannis is still alive.

Margaery is the YMBQ.  Cersei's actions have made it so.

I don't know who the valonqar is, but it isn't Jaime.

Aegon won't last long enough for us to find out if he's real or not.

Littlefinger is the Giant Sansa slays, probably in Winterfell.

Tywin was not poisoned.  He was killed by Tyrion, who is his trueborn son.

Ashara Dayne is alive.  She is either Mrs. Howland Reed or Septa Lemore.

Lem Lemoncloak is Richard Lonmouth.

Robb did not fuck Jeyne because of a love potion.  His own hormones were enough.

Jeyne Westerling is not pregnant.

Jeyne Poole is pregnant.

Other than Jon, everyone's parents are who they appear to be.


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R+L=J and Jon will be revived by either Melisandre or Val.

Aegon is real.

Tyrion is definitely Tywin's son.

Euron is not Daario and Howland is not the High Sparrow.

Howland is at Greywater with Maege Mormont, Galbart Glover, Robb's will, and maybe even Hallis Mollen and Ned's remains.

Frey Pies is for real and Wyman Manderly's plan is to betray Ramsay as soon as it's feasible. Stannis wins the Battle for Winterfell becuse of this.

Barbrey Dustin hates everybody and is playing every side.

The Pink Letter was written by Ramsay and is pure bluffs.

Coldhands is not someone whose name we know from the past, neither are Meribald or Mance. Quaithe, Lenore, the Hooded Man, and Melisandre might be.

Dead or alive(undecided), what Stonesnake and Benjen did after they disappeared is relevant.

Oberyn's sensitivity to snakes, as well as the Tyrell kid's sensitivity to hawks, are from unmanifested, irrelevant warg magic.

Oberyn and Willas corresponded for years, and were quite close. They were working together. As an extension of this; Doran, Oberyn, Willas, Garlan, Margaery, Olenna, are all in cahoots. I have little to no proof.

ETA: Cleganebowl. Get Hype!

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Ungregor a 100% sure, Hound=Gravedigger, very plausible, so...Clegane Bowl 65% and charging

Freys Pies for sure!

Jojen Paste,.. Just No! Please he was his friend, why that makes me feel bad and the previous don't?

Arya's list will be completed at the WoW

Tyrion is Aerys son and will ride a dragon. Probbably...

The pink letter could be written by almost anyone but my bet would be that is a good fake made by someone else then Ramsay. Hence Stannis is not dead yet.

Mel or Catelyn will revive Jon.

I think FAegon is a Blackfyre indeed and Varys have Targ blood as well.

Dany will rule the SK at the end.

Coldhands is..... And Benjen is alive or dead... fuck that, we will never know. This is GRRM trolling us and sitting laughing at us day and night.


" The Last Hero, Azor Ahai, TPTWP etc. are all connected in some way." Agree but not sure who will be those, probbably Bran, Jon and Dany but not a little piece of proof or good set of indications pointing that fot now so just a blind shot.

Gendry is not going to be King but he will carry on the BwB true ideology and make some kind of big revolution in behalf of the poor and weak.

As to the IL the Greyjoy's line will end in a bloody way.

In Dorne things are gonna get hot. (sorry)

The Lannisters are all gonna die soon, some sooner then the others, maybe Jaime lives till the end but end as LC of the NW or something like that.

LSH will die soon too.

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Tyrion is not a Targ, he's Tywin's son and a kinslayer. 

Tyrion is also not going to ride a dragon.


Dany is AA/TPTWP, but it will end up being not anywhere near as glamorous or epic as the prophecy makes it out to be, because she'll be left with a Gordian knot of a political mess afterwards that will completely overshadow it.

Frey Pies

Aegon really is a Targ, but he's dying/dead before the others discover the truth of it.

Jon, at most, is going to end up Dany's consort, but will not inherit any titles or lands of his own.

Robin's doll was not the giant Sansa is set to slay. 

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Wow you guys brought up some good ones. Btw I see you, my fellow Aegon is real believers!

I would like to add a couple:

A+J=J&C, I used to despise any Lannister trio=hidden Targ but i'm coming around to this one after reading World and finding out ( a little) more about Joanna.

I have a tinfoil that Alleras isn't Sarella but her twin brother and we haven't met Sarella yet.

Now with more certainty:

Big Walder killed Little Walder

80% of the GNC up until the northmen supplant Stannis for Jon.

A prophecy is going to fail...my money is on Maggy's.

I'm also going to add my endgame feelings. I think Aegon is going to end on the IT (bittersweet) but he will be dwarfed by the heroes of the Long Night. Either way, I see him and Dany having kids so Targ line is restored and semi secure.

When/if Stannis dies I think he'll legitimize all Baratheon bastards ensuring the name lives on and causing all sorts of trouble for the next ruling party.

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