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Boskone party


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FWIW, the program is up on Boskone's website.

We could do a theme based in Moat Cailin/The Neck/House Reed!

Frog plushie lady will die of pure rapture!

Ever since I made that other post, I've been seeing frogs everywhere I go. Seriously, every gift shop, department store and grocery store is full of fraking frogs. Frog plushie lady has cursed me or something. :o:P

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Ever since I made that other post, I've been seeing frogs everywhere I go. Seriously, every gift shop, department store and grocery store is full of fraking frogs. Frog plushie lady has cursed me or something. :o:P

i'm tellin' ya, The Neck. It's the new Dorne. <nods knowingly>

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Balefont--lol at "The Neck. It's the new Dorne." Sounds like a bumper sticker slogan!

If anyone will be around Thursday evening and wants to get together for dinner, please let us know. Email is regina_of_rohan at yahoo.com if anyone wants to plan details, and maybe exchange cell phone numbers so we can actually find each other.

Also, on Friday, Fenryng and I were considering going over to Faneuil Hall for lunch, followed by a trip to the aquarium. If anyone else is interested, let us know. The aquarium isn't cheap these days, just to warn those on a budget ($17.95 for the aquarium, $9.95 for an imax movie, or $22.95 for both). Any Lannister fans should note that one of the imax movies is about lions. :P

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If anyone will be around Thursday evening and wants to get together for dinner, please let us know. Email is regina_of_rohan at yahoo.com if anyone wants to plan details, and maybe exchange cell phone numbers so we can actually find each other.

I live here, so I'll be around. I'll e-mail you. I don't have a cell phone though (I know, that's weird).

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Speaking of Boskone, someone ask GRRM if there's anything fans can do to increase the odds of HBO greenlighting the ASoIaF series. Petitions, promises to buy DVDs/order HBO, etc. -- I'm sure there's a couple of different approaches that might be tried, if they're useful.

Oh, and have fun. Do all sorts of things that I wouldn't do. ;)

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We will. And we'll take pics.

Aoife and Ed Tollett are over here now, and Jo went in early this morning with Maureen. I'm a bit hung over, but everyone else seems ready to roar.

We spent an absurd amount of money on alcohol yesterday. (Which is all sitting safe in Pod's room.)

It's bloody cold here, but we'll have a good time anyway. :D

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We will. And we'll take pics.

Aoife and Ed Tollett are over here now, and Jo went in early this morning with Maureen. I'm a bit hung over, but everyone else seems ready to roar.

We spent an absurd amount of money on alcohol yesterday. (Which is all sitting safe in Pod's room.)

It's bloody cold here, but we'll have a good time anyway. :D

Woohoo!! Just a few more hours!

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Had a good time last night, but the bigger party is tonight. I'm not too hung over, but X-Ray is the walking dead.

Word is, Pod was making out with a guy in a tye-died shirt, more news to come.

People are having 'primordial urges' for Jo. True story.

George was going strong late into the night. At least until Yag's friends got incredibly retarded. I'm hoping they had a rough night and will behave better this evening.

Pod got his ass kicked in a pillow fight.

Someone in the party room clogged the toilet and I have to bring a plunger from home. (I imagine it was Pod)

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