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The Hobbit Movie


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IIRC Dori has a larger role than Gloin. Dori is the one who carries Bilbo through the tunnels under the Misty Mountains and is the one who helps him up into the tree to hide from the Wargs. I don't remember Gloin doing anything much.

IIRC a number of the dwarves took turns carrying Bilbo. That certainly falls into the category of 'things that can safely be switched'.

I may be mixing Gloin up with one of the others, but isn't he the one who carries the tinderbox? Admittedly he falls into the category of 'dwarves who don't do anything much', but so does everyone except Thorin, Balin, Bombur, Fili and Kili. Gloin at least does something after the movie that makes him worth highlighting, even if it's just fathering Gimli - and he got robbed of his only lines in Fellowship, so he's owed the appearance! ;)

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I don't want to start a new thread, and this is tangentially related...how do we feel about the "movie" The Hunt for Gollum that is being released on the web on Sunday? Is this fanfic gone too far? Or popcorn entertainment?

We have a thread on it actually. It seems everyone, myself included, was suprised by how good it actually looks. Certainly far better than you would expect from a fan trailer.

Due on May 3rd, I'll be watching it online.

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I have to say that all of this sounds surprisingly good and would provide enough interesting stuff to fill 2 movies. Too bad that Jackson will never get his hands on the Silmarillion. I really would have loved the "Lay of Leithian" to be made into a good movie...

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  • 1 month later...

Where there is a whip is a great song but I prefer the Dwarves song from the Hobbit. So damn catchy and thats all I hear when I reread the Hobbit. Too bad I can't find a clip with just it, it's the Over the Misty mountains cold, through caverns deep and caverns old.. etc song.

I love that the singing voice for the goblins in the old Hobbit was Tony the Tiger of Frosted Flakes too.

Edit: I think it could work well, check out this alternate take from PJ's ROTK:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whilst Andy Serkis and Ian McKellan have already agreed to return as Gollum and Gandalf, it has now been confirmed that Hugo Weaving will be returning as Elrond. Meanwhile, Christopher Lee has said that he wants to do it but is concerned about travelling to New Zealand at his age.

Interestingly, Del Toro has also said that his and Jackson's default position is that everyone who played their roles in the trilogy will be invited to return for the two new movies, even if practicalities make it impossible for them to come back, and specifically that they're willing to look at ways that Ian Holm could reprise his role of Bilbo without it looking odd, since he has to look somewhat younger than he did at the start of the trilogy - though not a lot due to the age-slowing nature of the Ring - despite being ten years older.

(both of the latter facts from Empire magazine)

I'm guessing that means if they do go with the White Council storyline they may very well involve Denethor, Galadriel, Celeborn, Arwen and the actors who played them.

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I'm guessing that means if they do go with the White Council storyline they may very well involve Denethor, Galadriel, Celeborn, Arwen and the actors who played them.

I hope not... Denethor has nothing to do with the Council. I suppose Arwen is inevitable (though Galadrial is far more important)... actually I think there are no females at all in the book, which is Not Acceptable. But please, no Legolas! Skateboarding, dwarf-joking, or otherwise.

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I hope not... Denethor has nothing to do with the Council. I suppose Arwen is inevitable (though Galadrial is far more important)... actually I think there are no females at all in the book, which is Not Acceptable. But please, no Legolas! Skateboarding, dwarf-joking, or otherwise.

I thought Gondor had representation to the White Council? They're holding the line against Mordor, so it makes sense that they'd be involved. Plus, who provided the manpower for the assault on Dol Guldur? The elves don't seem to have enough troops left for a frontal assault, so I always assumed Rohan or Gondor (or both) stepped up.

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I thought Gondor had representation to the White Council? They're holding the line against Mordor, so it makes sense that they'd be involved. Plus, who provided the manpower for the assault on Dol Guldur? The elves don't seem to have enough troops left for a frontal assault, so I always assumed Rohan or Gondor (or both) stepped up.

Nah, Galadriel called the Council, made up of the Eldar and the wizbangs. Those wise, enlightened Gondorians think Galadriel is a "perilous" sorceress, remember....

There are still substantial Elven armies, just not with the strength to assault Mordor -- Dol Guldur was not such a big deal.

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Whilst Andy Serkis and Ian McKellan have already agreed to return as Gollum and Gandalf, it has now been confirmed that Hugo Weaving will be returning as Elrond. Meanwhile, Christopher Lee has said that he wants to do it but is concerned about travelling to New Zealand at his age.

I would have thought it would be possible to shoot Lee's scenes in Britain if they really had to. It would be more convenient for the film-makers to have him in New Zealand, obviously, but it's not as if the LOTR films were short of scenes where actors shared the screen even though they hadn't filmed the scene together.

While I think it is generally good to have actors reprising their roles where possible, I'm not convinced about Ian Holm playing Bilbo, I know Bilbo isn't exactly young in The Hobbit but Holm is 78 years old which seems a bit old to plausibly play Bilbo.

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I thought Gondor had representation to the White Council? They're holding the line against Mordor, so it makes sense that they'd be involved. Plus, who provided the manpower for the assault on Dol Guldur? The elves don't seem to have enough troops left for a frontal assault, so I always assumed Rohan or Gondor (or both) stepped up.

I think that very unlikely - the events of The Hobbit take place in 2941 - when Denethor is 11 years old. He did not become Steward until 2984. And the Dol Guldor attack was not exactly a military affair requiring large armies - the Necromancer chose not to give battle and fled back to Mordor.

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I'm not convinced about Ian Holm playing Bilbo, I know Bilbo isn't exactly young in The Hobbit but Holm is 78 years old which seems a bit old to plausibly play Bilbo.

Bilbo was in early 30-ties in human terms. Hobbits come of age later and live longer than humans. Frodo left Shire at the same age as Bilbo did ;).

IIRC Denethor's father Echtelion was actually the one who listened to Gandalf's advice and employed and highly honored Aragorn under one of his aliases. So he could be involved in the White Council, maybe.

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I think that very unlikely - the events of The Hobbit take place in 2941 - when Denethor is 11 years old. He did not become Steward until 2984. And the Dol Guldor attack was not exactly a military affair requiring large armies - the Necromancer chose not to give battle and fled back to Mordor.

And as we all know, absolute fidelity to the dates given in the books was the very hallmark of the LOTR films. ;)

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I thought Gondor had representation to the White Council? They're holding the line against Mordor, so it makes sense that they'd be involved. Plus, who provided the manpower for the assault on Dol Guldur? The elves don't seem to have enough troops left for a frontal assault, so I always assumed Rohan or Gondor (or both) stepped up.

While I certainly don't see why they couldn't do as you suggest in the movies, in the books the White Council was a few select Elves ie Galadriel, Elrond, Cirdan, Glorfindel, and then Gandalf and Saruman, maybe Radagast. No men, no dwarves. Although come to think of it I can't see why the Chieftan of the Dunedain wouldn't have been included although of course at that time it would be Aragorn as a small kid but the council existed for some 500 odd years at least.

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I think that very unlikely - the events of The Hobbit take place in 2941 - when Denethor is 11 years old. He did not become Steward until 2984. And the Dol Guldor attack was not exactly a military affair requiring large armies - the Necromancer chose not to give battle and fled back to Mordor.

Sauron chose not to give battle because he couldn't face the army the White Council had brought against him so he pegged it back to Barad-dur. Which still requires them to have a reasonably decently-sized army to scare him off with.

Also, due to the elimination of the 17-year wait between Bilbo leaving the Shire and Frodo setting out, all of the characters are 17 years older than they should be. I think that works out if you compare the date given on-screen in FotR (60 years later) to the age of Aragorn which he tells Eowyn about (84, IIRC), meaning that Aragorn will be 24 in the film version of The Hobbit and thus able to appear. The same applies to Denethor.

IIRC Denethor's father Echtelion was actually the one who listened to Gandalf's advice and employed and highly honored Aragorn under one of his aliases. So he could be involved in the White Council, maybe.

Ah yes, and Ecthelion (and Thengel, Theoden's father, for that matter) is mentioned in LotR, which could set that up as well.

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And as we all know, absolute fidelity to the dates given in the books was the very hallmark of the LOTR films. ;)

Though they did butcher details for the year or so wherein LOTR takes place, the larger timeframe I think they had down nicely - like when Aragorn mentions to Éowyn his real age.

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