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NaNoWriMo 2008


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I'm in too. I was waiting until the last moment to post it here. It's almost November and there's no more time to quit. I've been outlining a novel for months--contemporary fiction with an element of science fiction--and now I must write it. I still need to solve quite a few problems with the plot and they are all difficult. I doubt I'll have all the necessary insights in a month. :(
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[quote name='Muttering Bill' post='1573172' date='Oct 31 2008, 21.05']my Guitar Hero drums helped me through it.[/quote]

Why don't you rub some salt in my wound, you smug northern hemispherian, getting all the good toys before us lowly southern hemispherians. :cry: </threadjack>

Back on topic, I'm going for fantasy (surprise!). My inspiration came from a random story generator (see my post upthread) which gave me the following:

[i]The story is about a nun who is constantly opposing a willful arch-druid. It takes place in a tomb in a war-torn domain. The story begins with a death and ends with a theft.[/i]

I misread arch-druid as arch-duke (what is a arch druid anyway?) and thought I may be able to do something with that. The next 30 days will tell.

Ooooh, 15 more minutes and I can start. Score 1 for the Southern Hemisphere!
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[quote name='Mad Queen' post='1573290' date='Oct 31 2008, 10.33']I still need to solve quite a few problems with the plot and they are all difficult. I doubt I'll have all the necessary insights in a month. :([/quote]
That's where I was last year. I was suprised by how things just seemed to solve themselves as I went along. The ending just jumped out at me from some other minor thing I had done earlier in the story. And if it doesn't work out quite right... whatever. That's what editing is for. :)

[quote name='laoise' post='1573299' date='Oct 31 2008, 10.45']Why don't you rub some salt in my wound, you smug northern hemispherian, getting all the good toys before us lowly southern hemispherians. :cry: </threadjack>[/quote]
But look on the bright side, I've only got maybe 2 or 3 hours left to enjoy them, and then I'm going to be too busy writing. And by the time I get back to it, you'll have your own.

[quote name='laoise' post='1573299' date='Oct 31 2008, 10.45'][i]The story begins with a death and ends with a theft.[/i][/quote]

That seems backwards to me.

Well my own story is set in a world with 2 gods of death/the underworld. The main character is an assassin (I do love me some assassin's) turned angel "hired" by one of said gods to find and destroy his rival.

There's going to be a lot more going on, but that's the basic idea. It may not turn out to be that great of a story, but it's an idea that I can have a lot of fun with.
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[quote name='Muttering Bill' post='1572189' date='Oct 30 2008, 07.44']It's not that bad so long as you can commit yourself to writing every day - no excuses. I found it helpful to have a basic idea of where I wanted to story to go before sitting down; I could get through my 1667 words in about 2 hours. On days where I didn't know what to do, it took a little longer, but still wasn't too bad.

There will be good and bad days. Some days you'll finish your 1667, realize that you have plenty more ready to put down, and (provided you have the time free) just keep on going. And sometimes you'll just be stumped and struggle to get out 500 words. Don't freak out if you fall behind a little, just try to write a couple hundred words extra the next few days to slowly catch yourself up.

Generally, I think, the middle two weeks are the hardest. The first week you full of excitement and ready to get to work. The last week (if you haven't given up) then your excited again because it's almost done and your so close to the 50k mark. But the middle two (especially the third, for me) are just kind of... bleh. Your getting tired, getting ass cramps, and hating your story. It can be a chore to get yourself to sit down everyday. But a little discipline and you'll be fine.

While 1667 is the daily minimum to keep pace, I aimed for 2000 a day - just to give myself a little cushion for the bad days. I actually fell behind, twice last year - but still managed to finish up the on November 29th (so far as I remember).

(I still had 3 chapters left to write, but never bothered because I was sick of that story. About 6 months later I started wanting to revisit it - finish writing the ending and start cleaning up the rest. I didn't though because I was in the middle of writing another story - which stalled at around 10k or 15k words.)

On a side note: this year just isn't going to be the same without Nymeria here to humble us all with her massive daily word counts. Well, she's still on my buddy list, so hopefully she's doing it this year and I can keep track that way.

Oh, and if anybody is looking for an extra writing budy, here's my [url="http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/225780"]profile[/url].[/quote]

Thanks for the advice. I usually get 500-1000 words a day when I sit down to write, and that's usually abou 2-3 days a week. It will be fun to see if I can really "push" my limits.

As for genre, I'm going fantasy, although its really more of a speculative fiction, a murder mystery in a purgatory-esque setting. Thank God the first two days are on a weekend. That should help to prime the pump.
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[quote]That's where I was last year. I was suprised by how things just seemed to solve themselves as I went along.[/quote]
I hope my problems will solve themselves as well. If not, or if anyone already knows how to commit the perfect abduction and how to make the police suspect the wrong people, please send me a PM. :)
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Right, it 00:15 and I have one paragraph.

Of a different thing than I thought as of roughly 37 minutes.

ANd the computer is on the fritz so winamp will not work concurrently with word. So i'm using wordpad. Which has no wordcount. And I can't be bothered to fix any of this right now.

I have no plot, no notes, nothing but a very vauge idea and one scene written a few months ago. (Which is on my laptop which is in a different city. whatever. )

So, best of luck, everyone.
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[quote name='Datepalm' post='1573813' date='Oct 31 2008, 16.18']ANd the computer is on the fritz so winamp will not work concurrently with word. So i'm using wordpad. Which has no wordcount. And I can't be bothered to fix any of this right now.[/quote]
I know iTunes is a dirty word to some, but I had similar issues with WinAmp years ago and switched to iTunes. I haven't had any issues since.

On the Nano front, I won't be able to start until Tuesday. I'll be packing all weekend and seeing the family off. Then I'll be joining the mad writing binge.

Happy writing everyone!

ETA: [i]Echoes of Truth [/i]is an epic fantasy novel.
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All day I was wanting to write, and now that midnight rolls around, I'm exhausted and have to do bed checks and put my 0800 report in the CDO binder...still, I'ma try to get a few hundred words down before bed.

:cheers: Good luck all!
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I'm in. I finished last year, both the story arc and the word count. I'm hoping that this year will see the end of this story so that I can move on to something that hasn't been around as long. 45 minutes to go for me. Good luck, everyone.
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Repeat after me: I do not have a hangover. I do not have a hangover...

Actually, I probably don't; though I was partying till midnight last night and got home at 2 (caught the DLR back to Bank safely but *just* missed the last Central Line out west and had to take two night buses instead), it's most likely just a dehydration and caffeine withdrawal headache. Tea, ibuprofen, yoghurt and shower, then I'll be able to contemplate starting nanoing...
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I'm cheating this year by using the same novel I was working on last year (which was a total failure in terms of word count). I decided to take it in a somewhat new direction to fix some problems I was having with the plot...but this means I'm currently at -200 words after some judicious editing. At least the writing itself is going well enough.
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As I too am amending an existing book, I'm only counting things I'm rewriting from scratch: including sections I copy across from the old edition as they stand really would be cheating. I've done approximately 1200 completely new words today - I'm invoking the Luddite clause as I handwrite my first drafts, but I know about how much I write per page. Over a while it evens out.
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