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Harvard professor arrested


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I don't know how that qualifies as disturbing the peace though, so IMO you have to believe the officer's report about screams and threats to make a case for the arrest being just. Which perhaps you do and if so, I'm curious what drew you to conclude that it's Gates who is lying.

There were dozens of witnesses standing around the sidewalk to corroborate the cop's account of Gates' screaming outdoors.

So either you think that the cop put something in his report that he knew for certain would be contradicted by witnesses, or you admit Gates is a lying bastard.

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There were dozens of witnesses standing around the sidewalk to corroborate the cop's account of Gates' screaming outdoors.

So either you think that the cop put something in his report that he knew for certain would be contradicted by witnesses, or you admit Gates is a lying bastard.

After I just asked in my last post about what led theKassi to believe Gates was the one lying, after I have previously said I am uncertain of the veracity of either account, you post that without even the courtesy of a quote and a link?

Yeah, no thanks.

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There were dozens of witnesses standing around the sidewalk to corroborate the cop's account of Gates' screaming outdoors.

So either you think that the cop put something in his report that he knew for certain would be contradicted by witnesses, or you admit Gates is a lying bastard.

What ? where are these "witnesses" ? I haven't seen a single report where anyone who wasn't a police officer claims to witness Prof. Gates being in anyway unruly. In fact I haven't seen a single report where anyone other than the ARRESTING officer makes that claim. So I'm calling your post complete and utter bullshit.

"Lying bastard". Since you are now well aware of Prof. Gates accomplishments and stature, but continue to attack and insult him, I'm tempted to take it personal. But I'll remember where I am and maintain my cool. Police lie on arrest reports in the face of dozens of witnesses ALL the time. We can reference back to Rodney King and the police reports filed the night of his arrest, which accused him of doing things the tape they didnt know existed when they filed the reports definitely proved as false. And there were DOZENS OF WITNESSES they DID know where there.

Since you are maintaining an air of complete ignorance on how the justice system works, lemme clue you in. Police count on the complete support of their fellow officers in backing up whatever fiction they decide to write up and the presumption by judges and lawyers that their accounts are accurate while "witnesses" recollections are subject to mistakes.

But as I said, even tho all the prior claims made by you about Professor Gates have been proven ridiculous hyperbole, as in him being some kinda of publicity seeker looking to ride this incident to infamy for monetary gain, you will keep insisting that you are right. Gates deserved what he got. In your world? I guess so. Thank God the rest of us live in the reality were everyone involved except the racist asshole arresting officer has apologized and admitted this never should have happened.

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There were dozens of witnesses standing around the sidewalk to corroborate the cop's account of Gates' screaming outdoors.

So either you think that the cop put something in his report that he knew for certain would be contradicted by witnesses, or you admit Gates is a lying bastard.

That is truly a fantastic false dichotomy you've given us there. Truly, those are the only options. It's certainly not the case that he cop might have felt confident that other police would back him up. Since a lot of the people outside were other police. And it's not like they're going to support each other pretty much no matter what the circumstances are. Or that he could feel safe saying pretty much anything about what was said inside the house, since there were no other witnesses to that, certainly.

No, those are the only two options available to us. Without a doubt.

Finally, the rhetorical use of the word 'admit' is brilliant there. In case it wasn't clear already, it puts to rest any niggling doubts we might have had about whether you were sure about his guilt or innocence. 'Admit Gate is a lying bastard' is such a neutral, unloaded phrase, wouldn't you agree?

As for Tempra's comments, are you actually trying to justify racial profiling on the part of cops? Are you actually suggesting that, all other things being equal, blacks commit more crimes than whites? Or Hispanics? Or Asians? Is that actually what you're saying?

Are you really trying to suggest that black people are just more criminal than other people?

Seriously? Seriously?

I'm beginning to feel a rant coming on...

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What ? where are these "witnesses" ? I haven't seen a single report where anyone who wasn't a police officer claims to witness Prof. Gates being in anyway unruly. In fact I haven't seen a single report where anyone other than the ARRESTING officer makes that claim. So I'm calling your post complete and utter bullshit.

Al Sharpton-culture-of-victimhood.


Consider yourself rebutted to infinityx2.

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As for Tempra's comments, are you actually trying to justify racial profiling on the part of cops? Are you actually suggesting that, all other things being equal, blacks commit more crimes than whites? Or Hispanics? Or Asians? Is that actually what you're saying?

Are you really trying to suggest that black people are just more criminal than other people?

Seriously? Seriously?

I'm beginning to feel a rant coming on...

First off, we don't live in a world where "all other things ARE equal," so your statement is pointless. And, of course, i am not justifying racial profiling on ANYONE'S part. Quite the opposite in fact. I am pointing out that TP would not accept such racial profiling when it is done by white cops against blacks, but he seemingly accepts that blacks can racially profile white cops.

BOTH types of racial profiling are unacceptable. Racial profiling does not become acceptable because a person throws around a few empty phrases like "accumulated life experiences."

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First off, we don't live in a world where "all other things ARE equal," so your statement is pointless. And, of course, i am not justifying racial profiling on ANYONE'S part. Quite the opposite in fact. I am pointing out that TP would not accept such racial profiling when it is done by white cops against blacks, but he seemingly accepts that blacks can racially profile white cops.

BOTH types of racial profiling are unacceptable. Racial profiling does not become acceptable because a person throws around a few empty phrases like "accumulated life experiences."

This is a false comparison, but of course I expect no better from your pattern of fatuous arguments.

"Black" is a racial trait, and one that people have no control over. You don't get to choose to be black or white.

"White cop" is a racial trait paired with an occupation, which is most definitely voluntary and self-selected.

It'd be one thing if Gates allegedly called someone a racist just because he was having a disagreement with a white person. But in fact he was having a run-in with a white COP who's already provably done something unreasonable: busting a man in his own home, after being shown proper identification, for a trumped-up horseshit charge of "disturbing the peace."

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jeezus fuccing Chree-ist.

Now its the victims of racist acts that are "profiling" because they state they clearly feel and see racism being directed against them ?

I guess its not racism at all unless the perp is wearing a confederate flag, aryan nation jacket and is screaming die n*****r, die at the top of his lungs. ETA: ( wait ... nope. The lil murderous fuccing monsters in PA were yelling racial slurs and they still got off)

Man .... de-nile is not just a river in Eygpt anymore.

I swear to god this makes one almost yearn for the Lester Maddox-George Wallace bigots that a least had the temerity to stand up and yell clearly about of their racism. Almost.

The New Racist simply denies repeatedly that anything he or she did was racist and those who support them snidely snicker about "proof". The asshole kids who beat a Mexican worker to death in PA used this defense to ride to an aquittal. Honestly, it's the shell game that was played for centuries in parts of the south were no White man was ever convicted of a crime against Black people. Now the defense is "there's no proof". and the end result is the same. Transgression based on race against minorities are ignored. At least in the minds of those defending such actions. All because there is no "proof". The first hand accounts for what was done, from the victim ? dismissed out of hand, they are only "lying bastards" ..... Jeezus how infuriating. Post Racial society ? Not in any way, form, shape or fucking manner.

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Ok, what's the evidence of racism here?

A white cop arrested a black man for giving him lip. To put another way, if a man knocks out his wife's front teeth during a verbal argument is it an over reaction to say he's a misogynist?

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A white cop arrested a black man for giving him lip.

That's evidence the cop is a power-tripping dickhole.

What evidence is there race had anything to do with the incident?

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Ok, what's the evidence of racism here?

Like I said, the fact that Prof. Gates clearly states the cop's actions towards him were racially motivated is somehow not considered proof. That this man is a distinguished educator, author, speaker, teacher and scholar with NO motivation whatsoever to become embroiled is such a controversy is also being not just ignored, but denigrated......

I guess everyone who doubts must be from Missouri.

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A white cop arrested a black man for giving him lip. To put another way, if a man knocks out his wife's front teeth during a verbal argument is it an over reaction to say he's a misogynist?

Well that depends on how much she deserved it :P


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Like I said, the fact that Prof. Gates clearly states the cop's actions towards him were racially motivate

I really hate getting involved in these discussions 'cause there's invariably never enough info to come to a decent conclusion but I do feel the need to respond to this. The professor is in no position to make any statements about the cop's motivation, only about the actions themselves. I agree with Shryke in that there's plenty of evidence for the cop abusing his authority, but little evidence either way about his motivations for doing so.

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Like I said, the fact that Prof. Gates clearly states the cop's actions towards him were racially motivated is somehow not considered proof.

Reading Professor Gates' version of events the only proof that the police officer's actions were racially motivated is his opinion of the "narrative in his head" and that he doesn't think he would have been treated like that if he was white. I wouldn't consider that proof regardless how distinguished or not the witness is.

Is it possible that the police officers involved are racists? Of course but I don't think that waiting for some evidence that they are before jumping to that conclusion is unreasonable.

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Like I said, the fact that Prof. Gates clearly states the cop's actions towards him were racially motivated is somehow not considered proof. That this man is a distinguished educator, author, speaker, teacher and scholar with NO motivation whatsoever to become embroiled is such a controversy is also being not just ignored, but denigrated......

I guess everyone who doubts must be from Missouri.

So your evidence is "Because the guy who was arrested thought so"? :lol:

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Which perhaps you do and if so, I'm curious what drew you to conclude that it's Gates who is lying.

That's actually really easy. The sheer amount of differing information he and Mister Oggletree have put out. Thats a new one for me. The other three versions of that story that I have come across are:

There was no yelling.

Gates was afraid to yell at the cop because he was much taller, bigger, and armed.

And that Gates Had to yell at the cop, because the illness (which wasn't specifically identified at that point) effected his hearing.

We have: No yelling, was impossible for me to yell, I was too scared to yell, and he had to yell.

Both parties seem to be doing some rear end covering, thus both parties seem to think that there is a need to cover them.

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I gotta say, with what evidence we have this doesn't seem race based. It seems like the cop was an asshole who would have done that to anyone who gave him lip.

He is now refusing to apologize for arresting a man who had trouble getting into his own house. I heard there was a time where cops would do things like help a fellow get into his house or change a flat tire on the side of the road. I wonder if that was ever true.

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