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Given the regular explosions of sexism to which this board is subject, I do worry that the post-voting and reputation aspects are going to be open to abuse. Can the mods amend the results?

Love the new look to the fast reply box - love the way everything appears to work a lot quicker in general. Like the placing of users' avatars, for no apparent reason.

Like the in-forum layout and the way it shows posts read, etc. When I first logged on and hit View Newest Post (or however it's phrased) for topics I'd been reading before the upgrade, it took me to the first post in the thread, but this is probably because of the upgrade "resetting" my views or something because it works fine when I read this thread for the second time.

Just tried the edit function (adding this) to see how it works, and it's really nice!

hmmming on the colour scheme. I understand it'd be horrendous work to recreate the Targaryen skin, but I doubt I'll be able to spend as much time here as I used to because all this vast expanse of pale background is just... glary. Headache-inducing.

But if we're going to have a light background, I like the way that users' quotes come up in a different colour box - pale green instead of pale blue. It works.

And thank you for all the hard work!

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So weird - Loon's other post went from -1 to -2 and then back to -1, and I don't understand how that would be possible, so I guess I don't really get how the reputation thing functions.

But I do think we should award positive points to all the people who don't like it, just for irony's sake.

ETA: About halfway through that effort, I discovered you can only give about 5 positive indications per day. I assume it's the same for negative implications.

Nevertheless, I suppose that doesn't mean all the Board men couldn't get together and decide to collude to vote down every woman who publicly complains about being raped. Because that's definitely weighing heavily on my mind.

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Not that it matters, but you could always quote multiple people, or at least since the last upgrade. You just clicked on "quote" for every post you wanted to respond to. But I suppose the new labeling makes that more obvious.

See, I did not know that, and knowing is supposed to be half the battle.

Given the regular explosions of sexism to which this board is subject, I do worry that the post-voting and reputation aspects are going to be open to abuse. Can the mods amend the results?

Well we should be able to keep the sexism debate contained to a single thread if we create a new Prince of Nothing thread.

ETA: Ran, the reputation system may need more than just a few weeks of test time. I would imagine, if this thread can be taken as any indication, that there will be 'playful' or perhaps not so playful adjustments.

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Well we should be able to keep the sexism debate contained to a single thread if we create a new Prince of Nothing thread.

So long as we add an "I don't like female authors" thread too, yep, that'd work. :)

ETA: OK, I need to recolour my sig...

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So weird - Loon's other post went from -1 to -2 and then back to -1, and I don't understand how that would be possible, so I guess I don't really get how the reputation thing functions.

Probably because some people voted him down and others voted it up, so its balancing out.

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So weird - Loon's other post went from -1 to -2 and then back to -1, and I don't understand how that would be possible, so I guess I don't really get how the reputation thing functions.

You don't understand addition and subtraction? :)

Two people downvoted Loon (-2), then one person upvoted him (-2 + 1 = -1), and now I just upvoted him to prove a point (-1 + 1 = 0). Though his score could have changed by now from other people voting.

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Being a compulsive clicker of buttons that I shouldn't, I'm going to have to really rein it in with this rating system, it's just too tempting! I'm still a bit too weirded out by the new layout to have an opinion one way or another on the new board just yet, but a big thanks to Ran & Linda anyway for all the hard work you've put in. :)

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On that note, I upgraded Ser_Not_Appearing_yet for no good reason. And no, as a mod, it doesn't seem I can amend it. But I could be wrong. This is only my first post.

Thanks to Ran and Linda for the hard work in getting the update running.

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Probably because some people voted him down and others voted it up, so its balancing out.

Brilliant. For some reason, I thought it would show both types of votes. It's kind of annoying that way, because if you end up back at zero it looks like your post hasn't attracted any attention, and one benefit of this whole thing to me would be the ability to quickly ID which posts were getting everyone riled up.

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I'm not really a fan of voting on posts. I don't really see the point and I can see some people getting their feelings hurt.

Thats my main concern. I don't think the potential to add to the clarity of discussion is worth all the potential misunderstanding and offense - hallucinated as well as real - that this seems to have. I could just be panicking though, but it does freak me out a bit that theres such an easy 'judging' option out there. If someone takes enough intrest - positive or negative - in a post, they'll just reply. If not, ignoring is fine. This in between thing...yeah, panicking.

I just don't know what to make of it in terms of pure talk, and the social/emotional potential is freaking me out. What if I don't like a post but I like the person? Theres no need to offend them. But what if I don't know the person? theres no need to offend them either. But just not using the system surely defeats the point of it. Just vote positively? But then not voting positive becomes like voting negative. What if everyone votes for a post some way, is that peer pressure now?

I suspect i'm just making a mountain out of a molehill, and this may seem painfully trivial to most, but I do really badly at this sort of thing.

*off to curl up, whimpering slightly, with my anti social teddy bear.*

It likes me all the time!

oh dear - the reputation thing is seperate?! woe.

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Thats my main concern. I don't think the potential to add to the clarity of discussion is worth all the potential misunderstanding and offense - hallucinated as well as real - that this seems to have. I could just be panicking though, but it does freak me out a bit that theres such an easy 'judging' option out there. If someone takes enough intrest - positive or negative - in a post, they'll just reply. If not, ignoring is fine. This in between thing...yeah, panicking.

Testing the quote function, but I agree with you on this; I'd much rather have an honest and open flamewar than a passive-aggressive "I anonymously dislike your post" option, that way lies paranoia and potential nastiness. I can see myself just saving all my votes to cancel out negative ones, which is kinda dumb really.

Edit: I do like the way you can show or hide the various forums on the index page. No more will I need to be distracted by those pesky book threads on my way to Misc!

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New, shiny board!

I like the fast reply layout. A con: I do find the board's spaces and the fonts too big and I worry that it would take time to appear on screen.

Personally, I'm averse to the reputation function. I'm on a wait and see mode about it.

Thanks for all the work Ran and Linda.

ETA #1: Just tried the edit function. No complaints there.

ETA #2: Just to add on firqorescu's comment: The threads in the old board are more compressed. Here, the eye and the mouse tend to scroll down the whole screen, which can be tiring/confusing if one is scouring for old topics. Anyway, I know there are more tweaks in the offing, so good luck.

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I really think the fact that votes can be just cancelled out wrecks any utility the thing might have. It might have been interesting to get an idea of what all the people who lurk think about things, and I generally actually like that feature on book review sites, Yelp, etc., but what appears to be happening more than anything else from the little experiment on this thread is that people are using their votes mostly to cancel out any votes - positive or negative. I saw the number of votes tick up at first, and now it's almost entirely all around back to zero.

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Thanks to Ran and Linda for all the crazy hard work that most assuredly went into this upgrade. *big bear hugs*

Sorry Xray, didn't mean to downrate you, but it said I'd run out of my quota of positive votes so I tried a negative one and unfortunately it worked... :leaving:

<---wants the smileys back

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Testing the quote function, but I agree with you on this; I'd much rather have an honest and open flamewar than a passive-aggressive "I anonymously dislike your post" option, that way lies paranoia and potential nastiness. I can see myself just saving all my votes to cancel out negative ones, which is kinda dumb really.

Yup. Well said. (Hm. Maybe I should positive reinforce your post?)

Mostly I was trying the multiquote...and, er, have failed. I tagged both Min's and Figorescu's posts with "multiquote" and pressed reply on Min's, but got only Mins.

Back to copy paste:


So is this the theme the forum will use in the future? I think it needs a bit if tweaking in that case. White boxes with text on a bright brown background looks so-so and I find it much straining on the eyes to read the text. The old color scheme was much more restful and easy to read.

Yeah, not loving the parchment pale brown.

I don't want to sound negative though - mostly I'm liking the layout and everything really does seem to be moving more smoothly. The "status" option in the member profile seems fun too. (Is it possible that was actually always there though? :blush:*)

*I just clicked the emoticon thing and an empty box came up. Amusingly tragic.

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