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I've watched Ninja Warrior before. I enjoyed it. Parkour is cool shit.

Yeah agreed, I was crossfit coach for awhile as well I think Parkour is really good supplement for crossfitters to strengthen up the co-ordination, agility, accuracy and balance elements of fitness.

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Do the bands make it easier or harder, on the benching in that video. I'd assume easier since they are above, which would lead me to believe they are pulling the weight up.

Easier at the bottom, and not much at all at the top.

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Finally found this thread. I'm back! YAY. School's done, I have my degree, now I can take the time to get rid of the 2 years' worth of shitty eating and pregnancy leftovers that I have. I am at an ungodly high weight right now and it's very upsetting knowing that the smaller, real me is hidden somewhere in here, 40 pounds deep.

Yeah I said it. I have 40 pounds to drop.

I've been at the gym for the last week and a half - since last Tuesday, with only one day off - and it feels good. I hate seeing what's in the mirror and I also kind of hate that my body remembers what I used to do and I need to push myself extra hard, but hey. That's what happens. I put myself on a cutting diet too (yep, I still hate fat free plain yogurt and chicken breast) so we'll see what happens. I need to get new batteries in the scale, start recording my measurements, and go kick some motherfuckin' ass.

Been thinking about taking up ballet again since I did a plié and dégagé set today and it wrecked me. My quads are crying on the inside.

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Finally found this thread. I'm back! YAY. School's done, I have my degree, now I can take the time to get rid of the 2 years' worth of shitty eating and pregnancy leftovers that I have. I am at an ungodly high weight right now and it's very upsetting knowing that the smaller, real me is hidden somewhere in here, 40 pounds deep.

Yeah I said it. I have 40 pounds to drop.

I've been at the gym for the last week and a half - since last Tuesday, with only one day off - and it feels good. I hate seeing what's in the mirror and I also kind of hate that my body remembers what I used to do and I need to push myself extra hard, but hey. That's what happens. I put myself on a cutting diet too (yep, I still hate fat free plain yogurt and chicken breast) so we'll see what happens. I need to get new batteries in the scale, start recording my measurements, and go kick some motherfuckin' ass.

Been thinking about taking up ballet again since I did a plié and dégagé set today and it wrecked me. My quads are crying on the inside.

Good for you, Mina! Keep it up!

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We moved to a high-rise condo ~8 months ago and the building has a small gym: usual cardio machines, dumb-bells up to 50lbs and a cable multi-station (like a bowflex, but with cables and a stack of weights).

Despite many downsides*, the convenience factor has been great. I'm able to do some weights 1-2 times a weeks, sometimes even three times a week. Because my schedule is unpredictable, I do all of the muscles in every work-out: bench press, cable row, pull-down, shoulder press, curls, tricep kick-backs, + a couple of others to mix things up. I still play soccer twice a week too, so I don't do much on my legs other than lunges (holding dumb-bells for added weight).

I've been seeing great gains. My chest, shoulders, back and arms have noticeably bulked up (causing wardrobe problems), and I've gone from 160lbs to 170lbs (seems to be all muscle). My body type and limited commitment to weights means that I don't expect much more than that. I wonder if some the bulking up is just because now at age 33 my body is more receptive to adding muscle mass, even if I am not lifting as much as I did when I was 22 and working out much more seriously (I weighed 170lbs too then).

But I'm worried about where to go from here. The limitations of the gym are closing in. I already use nearly the full stack of weights for the bench press, cable row and pull down. I need to do multiple shoulder press sets with the 50lb dumb-bells to really work hard. Any suggestions on how to get more out of the limited equipment?

If I start going to a proper gym instead, it might be harder to get there as often and I'll regress.

*No squats or deadlifts, no free-weight barbell for bench-pressing, I've hit a ceiling with the maximum dumb-bells

Try interval style workouts maybe? There's also a slow burn concept floating around, sort of like Bruce Lee's method, iirc, but I've never really looked into it.
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So yesterday during my front squats I got a painful burning feeling in my upper-left-back, sort of on the inside of the shoulder blade, if that helps to clarify. I got it during the front squats, it was so bad I had to stop on my third rep in my second and third sets. I've had an inkling of this pain before but it was never so bad that I had to stop. Any thoughts on how I can remedy this, or even what it is?

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memo to self/warning to others

when using cleat pedals for the first time practice in a grassy quiet area, this will help you to avoid skinless elbows and knees and much embarrassment at traffic lights!

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So yesterday during my front squats I got a painful burning feeling in my upper-left-back, sort of on the inside of the shoulder blade, if that helps to clarify. I got it during the front squats, it was so bad I had to stop on my third rep in my second and third sets. I've had an inkling of this pain before but it was never so bad that I had to stop. Any thoughts on how I can remedy this, or even what it is?

No idea what it is, sorry Cap. If it persists, you know the drill. Go see someone!

My body is so unhappy with me this morning. As I have a busy day I am both pleased and displeased - pleased that I'm sore, displeased that I may have to make today my rest day and not tomorrow.

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rowed 14-15km in a coxed four today.

note to self: remember to use sunscreen next time.

other than that, it was great fun.

also, i registered for another half-marathon that takes place in 3 weeks.

it's a night run which will be a new experience for me.

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Shin splints are finally under control again, so back to running, yay! Running >>> cross training. Fucking ellipticals. I hates em.

Also the pool on base opened last weekend, definitely going to try and get in some workouts there. I love to swim, and it helps me keep some of that impact down on my poor legs. Need to get a swimsuit, though--laps in a bikini doesn't work so well. :)

Still staying out of the gym as my right hamstring is not quite restored to full mobility (awful, it's been like over a month!). At least it's finally making progress--hopefully by the end of the month I'll be good.

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Dragged my unwilling ass to the gym today. It's always a lot easier to motivate myself when I say it'll be a weight day vs. a cardio day. Anyway, it was chest and back day. I have the numb-ish jelly feeling, so tomorrow's going to suck a bit! :D

Last time I did one-armed rows I think I was at 15 pounds. Today I pushed it to 4x12-15 @ 25 lbs. WTF, man. Did my pushups, back extensions, and chest presses too.

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