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[TV SPOILERS] Best five actors in the show


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Not really a Tyrion fan, but Peter Dinklage has proven his fantastic portrayal of that character by winning golden trophies from major award giving bodies.

Aidan Gillen as Littlefinger, Lena Heady as Cersei, NCW as Jaime, and Sean Bean as Ned were the best also.

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No love for Jerome Flynn as Bronn? Pretty much every scene with him and Dinklage has been hilarious. And he brings a cool sense of mystery to the character - I haven't read the books, but I hope he sticks around and perhaps has a bigger role in future seasons.

And an honorable mention goes out to Richard Madden (Robb) for rising to the occasion and taking over the badass "King in the North" role after Ned/Sean Bean started to see less and less screen time in the lead-up to his death.

He'd definitely be on my list, I love Bronn, very funny and believable. Then you've got to have Peter Dinklage, Varys, Jaime, and Charles Dance. Lannisters > Starks.

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Overall it's a very decent cast.

1) Charles Dance. That scene butchering the Stag whilst lecturing Jaime Lannister was top notch and I'd imagine incredibly difficult as well. Also his scenes with Arya.

2)Conleth Hill. Far less simpering than in the books. Still get the feeling that Varys is playing different roles which is good. Could've been so easy though to have become a cheesy, laughable 'Master of Disguise' part. Some things that work in the book may not on tv.

3) Maisie Williams. Has got enormous presence for such a titch, and went toe to toe against the heavyweight that is Charles Dance.

4) Harry Lloyd. Made me actually feel sorry for Viserys. Could've been a one note psycho.

5) Jack Gleeson. Poly note psycho.

Honourable mention- Peter Dinklage(scene stealer despite the slightly dodgy accent), Mark Addy(brings great pathos to the part),Sophie Turner (improved drastically from a slightly wooden start , her reading of 'You won't hurt me' was lovely, I really enjoy watching her now.

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in my opinion Conleth Hill and Charles Dance are probably the best two actors on the show. They simply ARE their characters, and not even for a tenth of a second do you ever glimpse the person or the actor behind the facade.

Jack Gleeson, James Cosmo and Michelle Fairly have also really impressed me.

The guy who plays Hot Pie is pretty good too, his scene where he debates about knights and armour had me in stitches.

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I don't know that I can just pick five... But we'll see. This isn't in a particular order, and I'm trying to ignore the characters' differences from their book counterparts.

1. Peter as Tyrion. His trial at the Vale was when he really started to stand out to me, and I only liked him more after that. He delivers everything from his one-liners to his monologues perfectly. His speech in Blackwater... Holy shit. All of the chills.

2. Harry as Viserys. He had so many mannerisms and seemed so real. I believed that he was his character. I never thought he went overboard with his insanity and I never found him to be a caricature or unintentionally funny for a ridiculous line or something of that nature.

3. John as Sam. "I always wanted to be a wizard" "She's a person, not a goat!" When he's funny, he's hilarious. And when he's serious, he can be heartbreaking. He covers a wide range of emotions and I'm excited to see him grow.

4. Nikolaj as Jaime. I loved to hate him in the beginning and thought he was such an arrogant ass. There's more to him, though, and you start seeing it in season 2 on. His exchanges with Cat were the highlights of that season for me. Knowing what happens to him in season 3... I can't wait to see how Nikolaj does it. It's going to be incredible.

5. Alfie as Theon. He made me sympathize with Theon. He really portrays trying to fit in, trying to be a leader, trying to be loyal. His speech to the Ironborn at Winterfell was amazing. He nailed Theon in a way I wasn't expecting from the books.

6. Sean as Ned. Perfect in every way. His facial expressions, the tone of his voice, all his scenes with Cat... Like with Viserys, I got the feeling that Ned was real.

7. Maisie as Arya. Even with all of the problems I had with season 2, her performance made it alright. Her interactions with Tywin and Gendry and Jaqen were some of the greatest things about that season. She's just going to keep getting better.

8. Charles as Tywin. Everything Tywin Lannister should be. His scene butchering the deer <3. The way he delivered every line in that scene was incredible.

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Jack Gleeson is excellent as well, especially for his body language/facial expressions. He plays that little shit Joffrey so convincingly that I want to punch his teeth out every time I see him.

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Jack Gleeson is excellent as well, especially for his body language/facial expressions. He plays that little shit Joffrey so convincingly that I want to punch his teeth out every time I see him.

:lol: If he can make you feel that way, that means he's a very good actor. Joffrey suits him truly. Good thing Eugene Simons (Lancel) did not get the part.

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Stephen Dillane

Conleth Hill

Charles Dance

Maisie Williams

Jack Gleeson

(Richard Madden & Michelle Fairley get honourable mention, esp. in their scenes together)

These actors give me the best impression as having captured the essence of their characters particularly well and displayed them on the screen. Of course, Isaac Hempstead-Wright and Iain Glenn are also wonderful, but if I can only pick five, there they are.

ETA: Although what really strikes me as most fantastic in the acting of the show is the prodigious acting ability of all the children, and I'm including sophie turner and jack gleeson although they're really adults by now...it's just blown my mind since the beginning of the show, and everyone I know who watches it comments on this.

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In no particular order:

Maisie Williams

Liam Cunningham

Charles Dance

Peter Dinklage

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau

Honorable mentions to Richard Madden, Rory McCann, Michelle Fairley, Conleth Hill, and Gwendoline Christie.

And Alfie Allen.

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:lol: If he can make you feel that way, that means he's a very good actor. Joffrey suits him truly. Good thing Eugene Simons (Lancel) did not get the part.

Lancel looks like he smells of baby powder and regret.

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Stephen Dillane

Conleth Hill

Charles Dance

Maisie Williams

Jack Gleeson

(Richard Madden & Michelle Fairley get honourable mention, esp. in their scenes together)

I agree so much about Richard/Michelle. Their chemistry and relationship is so tangible. Michelle seems to have chemistry with a lot of characters she encounters-- her relationships with Jaime and Ned are both amazing and believable as well.

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