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Why do people like Stannis.. I don't get it?


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@Snowisstartargaryanitisknown (wtf at your name)

I like your post a lot, but I'm wondering, are you saying it's honorable to kill your brother, as long as it's on the battlefield and not via an assasin?

Something I found interesting is that on his website, GRRM said it would be stretching it to call Renly a kingslayer after that hypothetical battle.He said some still would, though

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No I don't think its honorable to kill your brother at all. And I also admit that Renly gave Stannis justifiable cause to oppose him and do battle...

I think sending a shadow assassin to kill ANYBODY is cowardly, and it proves that Stannis (who allows it to be done 2xs in his name) is a sneakypete who takes the easy way out...its the polar opposite of "the man who passes sentence should wield the sword".

If Stannis had killed Renly in battle or one on one combat it would not have been "honorable" exactly but it would have been less despicable and more acceptable by Westerosi standards... :dunno:

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The only reason people possibly like Stannis aside from his dark humor is that they see themselves as misused, mistreated, misunderstood, shortchanged, and unliked so they relate to him. I know that comes off wrong... and I dont mean it insulting, lots of people in this world really truly are misused, mistreated, and unliked. But Stannis wears it like a badge, its his excuse for everything he is. He is like the lost Menedez brother, people who blame Stannis' persona on his parents death please reference Sansa Stark whose father was beheaded before her eyes, people who blame middle child syndrome please see Ned and Bran Stark, people who blame his flaws on living in his brother's shadow please see Jon Snow, or the Blackfish, or Renly, there is no one but Stannis and the chip on his shoulder to blame for why the realm dislikes him.

Stannis's choices with Renly were the following...

-Bend the knee to a younger brother, becoming the first man in Westerosi history that we know of to do so. It would be humiliating and he'd have to deal with even more jokes at his expense for the rest of his life. To add insult to injury is the fact that Renly is openly contemptuous of his older bro, not acknowledging what he has done for their house. Remember, shame is a big deal in Westeros

-Go into open battle with Renly and certain death. Honorable, but also stupid

-Shadow baby

I would have gone with #3 as well. If you have supernatural assets, you use them. Do you blame Dany for using her dragons, or the Starks their wolves?

I'd probably go with number 3 as well

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No I don't think its honorable to kill your brother at all. And I also admit that Renly gave Stannis justifiable cause to oppose him and do battle...

I think sending a shadow assassin to kill ANYBODY is cowardly, and it proves that Stannis (who allows it to be done 2xs in his name) is a sneakypete who takes the easy way out...its the polar opposite of "the man who passes sentence should wield the sword".

If Stannis had killed Renly in battle or one on one combat it would not have been "honorable" exactly but it would have been less despicable and more acceptable by Westerosi standards... :dunno:

I'm confused though. Stannis had 5000 men. Renly, had 20x that much. Are we really supposed to expect Stannis to fight?

Besides, if he had fought, thousands of people would have ended up dead, many of them innocent. Wheres the honor in that?

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@ Ramsay Gimp:

You are saying it is justifiable to kill your brother with a dark magic shadow baby because no one likes Stannis, no one follows him into battle, and he will lose if he fights fair??? Plus his brother Renly mocked him dammit so he must die defenselessly in the tent for that...

Sure if you are a slug like Stannis I can understand why he would choose the shadowbaby, its his only shot. But it just increases the reasons for not liking him. Renly's boyfriend wears Renly's pants to battle months after his death and manages to make Stannis' men turn on him yet again, so why on earth when all the people actually around Stannis in the story (with the exception of Davos) can't manage to like him, why for the love of Rhollor why does anyone reading it try so hard to defend him?? I don't get it that's all im saying.

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The only reason people possibly like Stannis aside from his dark humor is that they see themselves as misused, mistreated, misunderstood, shortchanged, and unliked so they relate to him. I know that comes off wrong... and I dont mean it insulting, lots of people in this world really truly are misused, mistreated, and unliked. But Stannis wears it like a badge, its his excuse for everything he is. He is like the lost Menedez brother, people who blame Stannis' persona on his parents death please reference Sansa Stark whose father was beheaded before her eyes, people who blame middle child syndrome please see Ned and Bran Stark, people who blame his flaws on living in his brother's shadow please see Jon Snow, or the Blackfish, or Renly, there is no one but Stannis and the chip on his shoulder to blame for why the realm dislikes him.

I always love it when people try to tell other people why they like/don't like certain characters.

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@ Ramsay Gimp:

You are saying it is justifiable to kill your brother with a dark magic shadow baby because no one likes Stannis, no one follows him into battle, and he will lose if he fights fair??? Plus his brother Renly mocked him dammit so he must die defenselessly in the tent for that...

Sigh. Stannis didn't kill Renly - at least not knowingly, or consciously.

Sure if you are a slug like Stannis I can understand why he would choose the shadowbaby, its his only shot. But it just increases the reasons for not liking him. Renly's boyfriend wears Renly's pants to battle months after his death and manages to make Stannis' men turn on him yet again, so why on earth when all the people actually around Stannis in the story (with the exception of Davos) can't manage to like him, why for the love of Rhollor why does anyone reading it try so hard to defend him?? I don't get it that's all im saying.

It was actually Garlan Tyrell who "wore Renly's pants", not Loras. "Stannis' men" who turned on him were opportunistic fucks - that's emphasized in the story several times.

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There is nothing dutiful about hating your brother because he is better looking and more liked than you.

Wait, what ? Did you somehow miss the part where Robert acted like a giant douchebag towards Stannis his entire life ? Even when they were kids Robert made fun of him because he tried to nurse a hawk back to health. Then despite the fact that Stannis made a tough decision in siding with Robert over Aerys and starves for one year trying to keep Storm's End for him, Robert decides to give it to a 5-year-old. Yeah, because that makes perfect sense. And then there's also that little incident when Robert has sex in Stannis' wedding bed, on his wedding night, with his bride's cousin. You're totally right, Stannis has no better reason to "hate" Robert than because he's good-looking.

It also seems a little childish and pathetic that he is resentful of the fact that Robert gave Renly Storm's End when he "only got Dragonstone."

Since it was meant as an insult, it shouldn't come as a big surprise that Stannis took it as one. If it weren't for him, Storm's End wouldn't even be in Baratheon hands anymore so it makes perfect sense that he'd expect to have him as a reward for keeping Storm's End away from Tyrell hands and capturing Dragonstone all in the name of his brother. Renly on the other hand, was 5 years old, so a bit too young to have helped Robert in any way during the Rebellion.

I'm sorry but Stannis is a big baby. He thinks he is entitled to the love of his bannermen and the smallfolk? Why is he entitled because he had the good fortune to be born 2nd to a guy who made himself King and had no true heirs?? What has he ever done to earn anyone's support. Did he feed the hungry? House the poor? Treat them kindly? NO

What exactly did he do to deserve anything?

He held Storm's End for a year against the combined forces of Mace Tyrell and Paxter Redwynne, captured Dragonstone at his brother's insistence, smashed Victarion's fleet off of Fair Island, saved the Wall from the Wildling invasion despite having less than 20 times their number, frees Deepwood Motte from its Ironborn invaders, marches on Winterfell to take on the Boltons. Stopping invasions and giving people back their freedom is usually a good thing in my book.

Dude he is unlikable because he is an uptight stick in the mud. He is unlikable because he thinks is deserving. He treats everyone like crap. What he did to poor Cressen was unconscionable it made me sick to my stomach....after all the good counsel and kindness that old man showed him.

What did Stannis do to Cressen that was "unconscionable" ? Hired a younger maester to replace him ? What a monster !

I wanted to like him because I like Davos' character and figured there had to be something redeeming about Stannis that I was missing, but I think its actually the reverse. It just makes me question Davo's character that he is so loyal to Stannis. I am starting to think that Davos' blind allegiance to Stannis is his characters best and worst trait. Does he really admire his king or is it just a matter of being beholden to him for raising him to a status he could have never otherwise achieved? Is it just gratitude for the opportunity it has afford Davos to give to his sons? What about Stannis is there to like aside from his one-liners? Damned if I know.

I started out feeling like well, if Ned felt he could handle the throne and that it was the only fair thing then this guy should be King. But that was before his character was introduced.

Given Davos' character, I'm pretty sure his loyalty towards Stannis has little to do with gratitude at having achieved a higher social status or anything like that. For one thing his allegiance to him is by no means blind, as he has gone against him on several occasions, in speech as well as in actions. When he tried to take out Melisandre because he blamed her for the Battle of the Blackwater + the shadow-baby, he was very much going against Stannis' wishes (hint : it landed him in jail as a traitor), and then he went against Stannis' wishes as well when he smuggled Edric Storm out of Dragonstone and to Lys so Stannis couldn't burn him. So while he is loyal to Stannis, it hasn't made him brainless or amoral and he's still very capable of thinking for himself.

I like the idea of the rules being the rules even if the rules stink there is a grain of respect to a man who intends to see them carried out. But once we meet the character of Stannis he is so thoroughly unlikable that I can't blame Renly for his attempt at a claim... the smallfolk will never accept a king Stannis he has no allure with or without his creepy religious nonsense he is not a compelling leader of men. He is not a charismatic character, you don't have to be physically attractive to be charismatic, (but it sure doesn't hurt) What you do have to be is admired. Stannis is not admired by anyone.

Jon Arryn, Ned Stark, Maester Cressen and Davos all seem to think he's an all-right dude, so the "not admired by anyone" doesn't really hold.

I think it would be a hard sell for anyone to embrace him on the iron throne. I think GRRM did write him as a less dimensional non POV character because that is what he is. He is an embodiment of DUTY... just as another poster said. His horrible stupid petulant wife is an embodiment of FANATICISM as is Melissandre. Ned was the embodiment of HONOR, Robert GLUTTONY, I would also go so far as to say that Lord Beric and now UnCat are JUSTICE/VENGENCE, Cersei is NARCISSISM (for goodness sake she is literally in love with the male version of herself), Robb in many's opinion could be VALOR.

We don't see Stannis thru Stannis' eyes in a POV because all Stannis cares about is what others think of him, what they have denied him, how they can be of use to him....so what he is thinking is based solely on that. Even Sam has more spine. I cant even pity Stannis because he is so deluded. Even Theon knows himself better than Stannis knows himself. Stannis is a sellout. And an unabashed sellout at that he is a hypocrite and a whiner in his own way.

I don't think GRRM ever wanted him to be thought of as a sympathetic character that's what he isn't a POV, that whole Prologue with Cressen would have built empathy for him if he hadn't mistreated Cressen so badly directly after it. It was a device to further create an unlikable guy. Even Davos doesn't create empathy for Stannis.

We don't have a Stannis POV because none of the Kings do.

The only reason people possibly like Stannis aside from his dark humor is that they see themselves as misused, mistreated, misunderstood, shortchanged, and unliked so they relate to him. I know that comes off wrong... and I dont mean it insulting, lots of people in this world really truly are misused, mistreated, and unliked. But Stannis wears it like a badge, its his excuse for everything he is. He is like the lost Menedez brother, people who blame Stannis' persona on his parents death please reference Sansa Stark whose father was beheaded before her eyes, people who blame middle child syndrome please see Ned and Bran Stark, people who blame his flaws on living in his brother's shadow please see Jon Snow, or the Blackfish, or Renly, there is no one but Stannis and the chip on his shoulder to blame for why the realm dislikes him.

I'd like to know how you acquired telepathy. I'd be very interested in knowing what other people think as well. /sarcasm

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I know that Stannis did a lot for Robert and I'm not defending Robert he is a grade A all around Douche, but maybe he gave Storm's End to Renly since he was 5 and would be able to hold the families liege lords in name only with little effort and he gave Stannis Dragonstone cause he earned it and it was tougher shoes to fill. I get that Stannis was and still is a brilliant strategical mind but lets face it so was Tyrion in the Battle of the Blackwater and elsewhere and that does not gain him anyone's admiration either.

As far as the actions of young Robert towards young Stannis he was a typically bossy bully older brother no worse than Cersei and much better than oh say Viserys.... I get that Stannis is bitter, and I get that you can empathized with him for feeling like he has been short changed but what does he do to help himself?? He further alienates all of Westeros by adopting a foreign deity and resorting to sorcery to win... I think that was a bad move...Thats what im getting at. Even Davos can see that plain as day. And Davos' loyalty does come from gratitude...it doesn't diminish his character at all to say so... Ned's loyalty to stupid whoring Robert came from their shared past and gratitude toward Robert too.... I like Davos. Im not questioning his goodness or his intentions at all. And I forgot it was Garlan not Renly you are right but even so and even if its opportunistic the fact is Stannis is not a compelling character for other characters to rally around... GRRM has gone to painstaking lengths to show that at every turn. Jon Arryn confided his suspicions abt Cersei's children of incest to Stannis because he had the most to gain from exposing it....likewise with Ned. They were looking out for Robert out of loyalty to Robert and his memory not because they felt Stannis was worthy, just because of the line of succession. And Maester Cressen pitied Stannis and loved him primarily because no one else does. And Stannis could have replaced him and still held him in respect... allowing him to be mocked by all with a bucket on his head was horrible the poor old man... Look im not expecting to make anyone who loves Stannis hate him we all like the characters we like... Im not a fan of a single stinking Baratheon in this story at all. Not one. I think they are all lacking depth and dimension that are given to other characters and the reason the "kings" don't have POV chapters is because none of their POVs are worthy of viewing....they all kinda suck...Robert, Joff, Tommen, Stannis, Balon, Robb, Renly and 5 of the 7 are dead...im not holding my breath for Tommen or Stannis to last much longer.

Tywin Lannister did a solid for Robert by opening the gates and Jamie one upped them all by killing the mad king but I dont think either of them deserve reward for their actions anymore than Stannis does.

And last but not least to say that Stannis didn't know his Shadow would kill Renly is like Clinton not knowing blow jobs are sexual relations... come on...that is semantics...when you sacrifice humans to fires and place your entire war strategy in the hands of a red priestess psycho and impregnate her with shadow babies and later demand your bff take said psycho red ho to deliver another Shadowbaby within the confines of Storm's End...you cant wash that blood from your hands...its kinda like saying since Sansa didnt know her actions would get her dads head chopped off then its not her fault....

I would like Stannis better if he could own his siring of a shadow that assassinated his brother but hiding behind Mel's red cloak and fiery vag don't earn him any respect in my book. Ps I do not have telepathy just a different opinion. And I dont think it is far fetched to say that people like the characters that they can relate to... I like Jon because I want to believe that there could be a decent noble kindhearted gasp bastard out there... because well I think all that bloodline thru marriage crap is nonsense maybe that has something to do with me having a child whilst being gasp unmarried lol. I like Arya because she refuses to be a victim of her circumstances. I like Davos because he is a lord on merit not inheritance. I like Sandor because he is conflicted and truly wronged by the most monsterous big brother of all. I mean really people if Stannis has a right to the throne for enduring Robert, then Sandor should reign over Westeros for 1 million years for what he has suffered at his brother's hands... My opinion is that Stannis is a bit of a wet blanket cry baby...thats all im saying I mean he cries more about his wrongs and slights than Tywin, Sandor and Dany combined and I think they all had far worse childhoods and family issues.

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I know that Stannis did a lot for Robert and I'm not defending Robert he is a grade A all around Douche, but maybe he gave Storm's End to Renly since he was 5 and would be able to hold the families liege lords in name only with little effort and he gave Stannis Dragonstone cause he earned it and it was tougher shoes to fill. I get that Stannis was and still is a brilliant strategical mind but lets face it so was Tyrion in the Battle of the Blackwater and elsewhere and that does not gain him anyone's admiration either.

Cersei explicitly said that Robert intended to insult Stannis when he gave Strom's End to Renly, the whole "I'm giving you Dragonstone because you're better" is just the lie he told so it would be more easily accepted.

And last but not least to say that Stannis didn't know his Shadow would kill Renly is like Clinton not knowing blow jobs are sexual relations... come on...that is semantics...when you sacrifice humans to fires and place your entire war strategy in the hands of a red priestess psycho and impregnate her with shadow babies and later demand your bff take said psycho red ho to deliver another Shadowbaby within the confines of Storm's End...you cant wash that blood from your hands...its kinda like saying since Sansa didnt know her actions would get her dads head chopped off then its not her fault....

You lost me when you brought up Sansa. How in hell is it her fault that Ned died ? Did she brainwash Joffrey into ordering his death (I seem to remember her pleading for his life actually) ? Or did she make Ilyn Payne cut his head off ? Or Littlefinger betray him to Cersei ? Or did she make Ned tell Cersei all his plans ? I don't think so.

I would like Stannis better if he could own his siring of a shadow that assassinated his brother but hiding behind Mel's red cloak and fiery vag don't earn him any respect in my book. Ps I do not have telepathy just a different opinion. And I dont think it is far fetched to say that people like the characters that they can relate to... I like Jon because I want to believe that there could be a decent noble kindhearted gasp bastard out there... because well I think all that bloodline thru marriage crap is nonsense maybe that has something to do with me having a child whilst being gasp unmarried lol. I like Arya because she refuses to be a victim of her circumstances. I like Davos because he is a lord on merit not inheritance. I like Sandor because he is conflicted and truly wronged by the most monsterous big brother of all. I mean really people if Stannis has a right to the throne for enduring Robert, then Sandor should reign over Westeros for 1 million years for what he has suffered at his brother's hands... My opinion is that Stannis is a bit of a wet blanket cry baby...thats all im saying I mean he cries more about his wrongs and slights than Tywin, Sandor and Dany combined and I think they all had far worse childhoods and family issues.

People say he's the rightful heir because according to the laws of succession in Westeros he is (as Ned and Robb both point out).

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I never liked Stannis the first time I read the book, I felt the exact same way as the OP. I thought he was a hypocrite who showed no remorse for killing his brother, that he was close-minded with no emotions at all, and claimed 'not to want the throne' yet clearly did. He left a thought-to-be-dead Davos in a cell while he was sick, he almost burnt his nephew alive, he let them all laugh at Cressen...

...but now, after a couple of rereads, I've warmed to him. He appreciates how awesome Davos is - he should listen to him more, nay, do EXACTLY WHAT DAVOS SAYS ALWAYS, but that is one thing. He was rude to Janos Slynt, which was another. He was the only one of the 5 kings to come to aid the NW (which even Robb did not do - he was busy with Lannisters and Freys and all that, but he could have at least expressed concern for the Wall or talked about it at any point) which earns him points. And he is determined, which shows strength of character, and I respect that.

So, yeah, he's flawed, but pretty badass. He'll probably grow on you.

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I mean really people if Stannis has a right to the throne for enduring Robert, then Sandor should reign over Westeros for 1 million years for what he has suffered at his brother's hands...

I don't think anyone is saying that Stannis "deserves" to rule Westeros because he put up with Robert. He's legally the heir to the throne because both of Robert's sons are bastards (and his daughter), and Stannis is the next in line after Robert given that that's the case. We're not arguing "should" here — we're talking about legal reality.

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Stannis's choices with Renly were the following...

-Bend the knee to a younger brother, becoming the first man in Westerosi history that we know of to do so. It would be humiliating and he'd have to deal with even more jokes at his expense for the rest of his life. To add insult to injury is the fact that Renly is openly contemptuous of his older bro, not acknowledging what he has done for their house. Remember, shame is a big deal in Westeros

-Go into open battle with Renly and certain death. Honorable, but also stupid

-Shadow baby

I would have gone with #3 as well. If you have supernatural assets, you use them. Do you blame Dany for using her dragons, or the Starks their wolves?

I'd probably go with number 3 as well

Are you serious? You'd kill your brother to avoid some mocking and shame?

He won't be the first man in Westeros history to bend the knee to a younger brother -. Maester Aemon did it.

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I know that Stannis did a lot for Robert and I'm not defending Robert he is a grade A all around Douche, but maybe he gave Storm's End to Renly since he was 5 and would be able to hold the families liege lords in name only with little effort and he gave Stannis Dragonstone cause he earned it and it was tougher shoes to fill.

Giving Storm's End to little Renly was insult to Stannis. Before the coronation, Robert was lord of Storm's End and he should give it to Stannis, no to toddler!

I get that Stannis was and still is a brilliant strategical mind but lets face it so was Tyrion in the Battle of the Blackwater and elsewhere and that does not gain him anyone's admiration either.

As far as the actions of young Robert towards young Stannis he was a typically bossy bully older brother no worse than Cersei and much better than oh say Viserys.... I get that Stannis is bitter, and I get that you can empathized with him for feeling like he has been short changed but what does he do to help himself? He further alienates all of Westeros by adopting a foreign deity and resorting to sorcery to win... I think that was a bad move...Thats what im getting at. Even Davos can see that plain as day. And Davos' loyalty does come from gratitude...it doesn't diminish his character at all to say so...

When Melisandre appeared, she was his only option.

Loyalty of Davos does'nt come from gratitude, You are wrong. Read his chapters. Think about that, what Stannis did. It was reward for onions and punishment for years of smuggling. Every single other lord would give Davos big sack of gold and send him away. Stannis was just and fair.

Davos loved and admired his king.

They were looking out for Robert out of loyalty to Robert and his memory not because they felt Stannis was worthy, just because of the line of succession.

You are wrong. They knew him and respected him. They knew Stannis was/is worthy. Why did You think Stannis is unworthy?

Tywin Lannister did a solid for Robert by opening the gates and Jamie one upped them all by killing the mad king but I dont think either of them deserve reward for their actions anymore than Stannis does.

Did You compare ordering murder of two defenceless children and weak woman with Stannis's doings? I hope no.

I mean really people if Stannis has a right to the throne for enduring Robert, then Sandor should reign over Westeros for 1 million years for what he has suffered at his brother's hands... My opinion is that Stannis is a bit of a wet blanket cry baby...thats all im saying I mean he cries more about his wrongs and slights than Tywin, Sandor and Dany combined and I think they all had far worse childhoods and family issues.

Stannis has right to Iron Throne because he is younger brother of Robert, second son of Steffon and Cassana Eastermont.

I am very interested when and where Stannis cried. You must have other versions of the books.

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The only reason people possibly like Stannis aside from his dark humor is that they see themselves as misused, mistreated, misunderstood, shortchanged, and unliked so they relate to him. I know that comes off wrong... and I dont mean it insulting, lots of people in this world really truly are misused, mistreated, and unliked. But Stannis wears it like a badge, its his excuse for everything he is. He is like the lost Menedez brother, people who blame Stannis' persona on his parents death please reference Sansa Stark whose father was beheaded before her eyes, people who blame middle child syndrome please see Ned and Bran Stark, people who blame his flaws on living in his brother's shadow please see Jon Snow, or the Blackfish, or Renly, there is no one but Stannis and the chip on his shoulder to blame for why the realm dislikes him.

I'm sorry, but I really had fun reading your post. I agree with all you say about him, but if anything, all those flaws only make me love him even more. Stannis is a troubled character, that's what's alluring about him. Of course people can relate to being rejected and misunderstood, and that's part of the reason many readers like him. Besides, he's whining all the time, true enough, but that doesn't change the fact that he's the only one who's actually doing something to protect the kingdom, and no matter how unbending everyone considers him, he's the only one who cared enough about the wildlings and their fate to allow them to pass South of the Wall and incorporate them to the kingdom. "Oh, but that was Davos who said he should go to the Wall!" - you'd say. True enough, but he listened, which is more than most kings do in these books. "Yeah, but he only allowed the wildlings to go south if they followed his rules, worshipped his god, whatever" - well, can you blame him? He wants to defend that people and to gain more allies, but he also need to keep a certain order in the kingdom.

I don't know how much contact Stannis-haters have with middle-children, or whatever you call that. Well, I have a good experience with it, since my father and my grandmother are that, and you know what? They have been treated like Stannis all their lives. Not as admired as the oldest kid, not at all pampered like the youngest. Mostly neglected, expected to fulfill their duties and be good children while receiving nothing in return. And I can say first hand that, compared to them, Stannis is really going along well for a middle child... Read this if you'd like more information on the subject.

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We can argue over who has the right to the Iron Throne and never come up with a solution. I'm saying, within the succession structure that we have within the story, Stannis is Robert's true heir. That's it — barring the Others and famine and toppling over the Targaryens, Stannis, within the accepted legal framework in the Seven Kingdoms, is actually the rightful king. And if Stannis has the problems you mentioned, then he can join Robert, Cersei, Joffrey, Renly, Balon, Dany and anyone else who thinks the Throne is their plaything.

Yes and that letter could also have been intercepted , read and used against him. He's not a complete moron.

A possibility of something being used against you is always there. Or he could send letters to everyone about the incest. The truth is that he reacted to the incest scandal only when it was advantegious to him and not Robert his king. He didn't react at all when Robert was king. Maybe Stannis should have put himself in danger for his king if he cares so much about who is the rightful king, instead of leaving him completly to the lions and unaware of his son being an incest result. Maybe he should have send his letter even if it could have been used against him because serviving his rightful king is more important than his own future, if someone being a king is what is the most important. Or in all your wisdom you could find an idea of Stannis doing something to help Robert his king instead of doing nothing. Or maybe he was bitter at Robert and was looking forward to what would happen next knowing that he comes next in line.

Stannis was, is, and will remain opportunistic is my point. And thats fine, in addition to his opportunism he does give two fucks about the realm. That he is the rightful king after Robert is an opportunity for Stannis rather than just a duty. And I actually like that in addition to his bittereness towards Robert and general full of resentfullness attitude about not getting what he deserved in life. Bitterness, ressentfulness, feeling of deserving something more in life, all these drive Stannins in my view at least as much as his belief that doing something is his duty if not more. It might also drive his belief on how he is the one to bring justice to everyone and how his sense of justice is correct and should be applied to all the realm.

I actually like that I can see why Stannis is like he is and has that sense of duty, he seems more like a real person with these personality traits than someone who we just knew that he has X moral code he wants everyone to follow.

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A possibility of something being used against you is always there

Given Pycelle's (the guy who manages the ravens) allegiances, it was definitely more than a possibility. It is true, though, that Stannis could've and should've done something about it, doing the mass reveal earlier, as you said, for example.

However, I don't understand when people said that Stannis stood still until Robert died, COK's prologue and Tywin's comments at the end of GOT indicate that he was building his strength and trying to gain support since before Robert's death.

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Stannis was, is, and will remain opportunistic is my point. And thats fine, in addition to his opportunism he does give two fucks about the realm. That he is the rightful king after Robert is an opportunity for Stannis rather than just a duty. And I actually like that in addition to his bittereness towards Robert and general full of resentfullness attitude about not getting what he deserved in life. Bitterness, ressentfulness, feeling of deserving something more in life, all these drive Stannins in my view at least as much as his belief that doing something is his duty if not more. It might also drive his belief on how he is the one to bring justice to everyone and how his sense of justice is correct and should be applied to all the realm.

I agree with this. A lot of ASoIaF characters and probably all of the really major characters have at least some detractors on on these boards who think they are too one-dimensional. But Stannis is such a walking contraction it's fantastic. He has a reputation for being completely unmerciful and lacking in personality, both of which are in some ways accurate charges, but we know they're not completly true we've seen him be merciful and we know he has the capacity to love deeply. He claims he doesn't want to be King, but we know him as the unloved middle child who must secretly love the fact that the brother who shamed his wedding bed was secretly cuckolded, leaving no trueborn heirs. He says it's all about duty, but of course he relished the arrival of a red priestess who told him that he was the savior of mankind (as an aside, can we please get a flashback to the origins of the Mel-Stannis relationship!). But then he ends up being the only 'King' to do his duty to the realm and defeats the wildlings, but has the wisdom and compassion to agree with Jon Snow to let the wildlings through.

Is Stannis a hypocrite in a lot of ways? Absolutely. But his hypocrisy doesn't make him unlovable while it does make him interesting. He has one major good deed under his belt (saving the Wall), perhaps the most endearing personal relationship in the series (Stannis-Davos), and some of the most compelling motivations and anxieties.

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