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[Spoilers] The Three Dragon Heads?

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Did he confirm that it will be Dany and Aegon dancing?

The Dance of the Dragons might refer to dragon riders fighting each other. Dany has gained control of Drogon, she lost Viserion and Rhaegal. There is no telling where those two dragons will end up. We have seen Quentyn's unsuccessful attempt to steal a dragon. We might see a succesful one orchestrated by Moqorro. Do you know who Moqorro is working for?

Well, who else would dance? Jon maybe, but he has no power to fight. Even if he becomes King in the North, he still has White Walkers to fight, so he can't fight anyone. That leaves Dany and Aegon. Can you really see dragon riders fighting without armies?

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Well, who else would dance? Jon maybe, but he has no power to fight. Even if he becomes King in the North, he still has White Walkers to fight, so he can't fight anyone. That leaves Dany and Aegon. Can you really see dragon riders fighting without armies?

Any lord or mercenary leader who gets hold of a dragon will start assembling an army. If they haven't got one already.

Anyone who gets hold of a dragon will be a target for people who want a dragon. If he can't defeat them, he'll lose his dragon (and possibly his life) to someone stronger. One way or another, the dragon's riders will rise to the top - and in Westeros that means the Iron Throne. You could say the Dance has already started, with Viseryon and Rhaegal loose in Meereen.

- Dany has a dragon, and she'll fight to keep Drogon. She might fight to reclaim Viseryon and Rhaegal. She might even remember her intention to claim the Iron Throne.

- Aegon will have to acquire a dragon of his own. Marriage to the Dragon Queen would be an acceptable alternative, but anybody else who gets hold of a dragon must be prepared to fight Aegon to keep his dragon - or give it to Aegon in exchange for Aegon's gratitude (and a lordship).

- The Ironborn have an army, and they might acquire dragons. And they are already dancing.

The dragons are not only a symbol of House Targaryen: they are a symbol of Westerosi kingship. Anybody who aspires to the Iron Throne will try to get hold of a dragon. Dany has one. Aegon must get one. Euron wants a dragon, or wants to kill Victarion. Maybe both. Cersei Lannister and Mace Tyrell will desperately try to get a dragon to strengthen their hold on the Iron Throne - once they learn that dragons, real dragons, are back. Even Stannis might try.

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Any lord or mercenary leader who gets hold of a dragon will start assembling an army. If they haven't got one already.

Anyone who gets hold of a dragon will be a target for people who want a dragon. If he can't defeat them, he'll lose his dragon (and possibly his life) to someone stronger. One way or another, the dragon's riders will rise to the top - and in Westeros that means the Iron Throne. You could say the Dance has already started, with Viseryon and Rhaegal loose in Meereen.

- Dany has a dragon, and she'll fight to keep Drogon. She might fight to reclaim Viseryon and Rhaegal. She might even remember her intention to claim the Iron Throne.

- Aegon will have to acquire a dragon of his own. Marriage to the Dragon Queen would be an acceptable alternative, but anybody else who gets hold of a dragon must be prepared to fight Aegon to keep his dragon - or give it to Aegon in exchange for Aegon's gratitude (and a lordship).

- The Ironborn have an army, and they might acquire dragons. And they are already dancing.

The dragons are not only a symbol of House Targaryen: they are a symbol of Westerosi kingship. Anybody who aspires to the Iron Throne will try to get hold of a dragon. Dany has one. Aegon must get one. Euron wants a dragon, or wants to kill Victarion. Maybe both. Cersei Lannister and Mace Tyrell will desperately try to get a dragon to strengthen their hold on the Iron Throne - once they learn that dragons, real dragons, are back. Even Stannis might try.

There's a mile of difference between wanting a dragon and getting one. I can see, at most, one dragon being taken from Dany, that being Rhaegal going to Euron. Drogon is Dany's and Viserion is likely Tyrion's. Also, if Aegon marries someone else, and gets the Iron Throne, Dany can and will figh him for it, especially if he's a fake. So that's the dance of dragons.

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im not sure if they will be riding the dragons but the three heads of the dragon are Dany of course..... Jon snow, son of rhagaer targeryaen, and Tyrion Lannister, bastard son of aerys II and joanna lannister but i doubt that they will join forces and ride the dragons to defeat the others and all that GRRM just dont work that way

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Whether Aegon is a Blackfyre or a Targ, he is blood of the dragon. If there is to be a Dance, he has to get a Dragon to oppose Drogon.

Euron has played Victarion a fool and he will bring the dragon to Westeros for Aegon to get his.

Or the dragon could fly to Dorne via the islands, where Aegon could be for his wedding.

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There's a mile of difference between wanting a dragon and getting one. I can see, at most, one dragon being taken from Dany, that being Rhaegal going to Euron. Drogon is Dany's and Viserion is likely Tyrion's. Also, if Aegon marries someone else, and gets the Iron Throne, Dany can and will figh him for it, especially if he's a fake. So that's the dance of dragons.

If Aegon is fake, doesn't get a dragon of his own, and is part of the Dance ... it would seem an indication that he is a real Dragon, not a fake.

Dany and Aegon might fight, yes. I never claimed that that is not an option. I don't think Aegon is likely to marry someone else but I don't think he'll marry Dany either. After all she is already married to Hizdahr. I pointed out that there are other options, too. If Euron gets a dragon, he is almost certainly going to be part of the Dance, and both Dany and Aegon are likely to fight him.

Wanting a dragon is different from getting a dragon, but keeping a dragon is something else again. I think Viserion and Rhaegal will pass through several hands. And if the King of Westeros (either Aegon, or Tommen's advisors) offers the Stormlands (or something similar) in exchange for a dragon, I can see several people trying to get them one. Brown Ben Plumm, for example. Stannis can't offer the Stormlands, but thanks to the Iron Bank he has nearly unlimited funding.

I don't think Tyrion will get a dragon, though. Something about that vision of a small man with a large shadow, snarling at dragons. He isn't a dragon, not a dragon rider, but someone who realizes that the dragons (and their riders) must work together.

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If Aegon is fake, doesn't get a dragon of his own, and is part of the Dance ... it would seem an indication that he is a real Dragon, not a fake.

Dany and Aegon might fight, yes. I never claimed that that is not an option. I don't think Aegon is likely to marry someone else but I don't think he'll marry Dany either. After all she is already married to Hizdahr. I pointed out that there are other options, too. If Euron gets a dragon, he is almost certainly going to be part of the Dance, and both Dany and Aegon are likely to fight him.

Wanting a dragon is different from getting a dragon, but keeping a dragon is something else again. I think Viserion and Rhaegal will pass through several hands. And if the King of Westeros (either Aegon, or Tommen's advisors) offers the Stormlands (or something similar) in exchange for a dragon, I can see several people trying to get them one. Brown Ben Plumm, for example. Stannis can't offer the Stormlands, but thanks to the Iron Bank he has nearly unlimited funding.

I don't think Tyrion will get a dragon, though. Something about that vision of a small man with a large shadow, snarling at dragons. He isn't a dragon, not a dragon rider, but someone who realizes that the dragons (and their riders) must work together.

Aegon is probably a fake, but he is a Blackfyre fake. Tyrion will probably get a dragon if all three still live at the end of the series. I can't see 2 dragons passing through several hands. The most I could ever see the dragons doing is one to Euron, one to Aegon. Then to the true owners. But, again, to have a dance of dragons with the actual dragons, you need to be in control of the dragon, not just get it.

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I think the three dragon heads are the three "bloodline" offshoots. Targaryen, Blackfyre, and... well, Jon "Snow".

Each might be the head of a new Kingdom of Westeros. It might even be that the North and Dorne go independent or something. Then you'd have Jon in the north, Dani and Aegon in the south.

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3) "A Song of Ice and Fire" is the name given to the tale of the events in the books by all future Westerosi, namely because the kingdom is righted by Targs & Starks coming together to save it, but also because it's the story of the dragons returning for one final showdown, this time to rid the world of the Others, AND because the eventual ruler after the dust settles is John/Pwwp/Aar and he (as a trueborn son of a Targaryen and a Stark) is the only character who can claim to be born of both ice and fire.

Wait, how do you know this?

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If the new information from TPATQ is accurate (and I am in no position to know), then there are some interesting questions raised. I don't really have answers for these questions, but I think they are interesting on their own.

1. The Targaryen words are "Fire and Blood". Is this a reminder that the blood is what binds the Targaryens and their dragons.

2. Is the reason it is necessary to have Targaryen blood to bond with a dragon because they are descended from the individual who originally bound the dragon to them with a horn and blood. In other words, if Moqorro is genuinely trying to help Victarion bind a dragon by using his blood, then is it the blood the dragons are bound to and not necessarily the rider? If this is the case, then it would explain the Valyrian practice of incest.

3. If the Targaryens bond with dragons comes from an ancestor who originally bound a dragon through a horn and blood, is it possible the same thing will work for Victarion? And if it does, does it mean for Euron and Victarion, having the same blood as brothers, if one can ride a dragon the other can too?

4. Once an individual has bound a dragon to them through the use of a horn and their blood, does it mean that their descendants can bond with just any dragon or must the dragon they bind also be a descendant of the original dragon that was bound through the horn and blood? If binding can only work with dragons that are the descendants of the dragon originally bound, then the eggs that Dany was given must have come from the Targaryen stash.

Although I find these questions very interesting and their answers potentially very revealing, I don't think dragon rider and the three heads of the dragon work out in one to one relationship. I think it has been foreshadowed that at least one of the dragons will have two riders, so there will be at least four dragon riders in the story. However, it is highly likely that the three dragon heads will at some point also ride dragons.

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I've been speculating this since the dragons hatched. I think the three heads of the dragon will be Dany, Jon and Tyrion. All 3 characters have something in common, their mothers died during childbirth.

George has written a children’s book called the Ice Dragon. I read the summary of this book on Wikipedia.

I the book there is a girl who mother also died giving birth to her. This same girl is a rider of an Ice Dragon. This could be purely coincidental, but, I believe that George like to pull some of his ideas from his earlier works.


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Most, if not all, of you have assumed that the riders will be some sort of saviours of Westeros. That they will be heroes that ride in, rid the world of the Others and whatever evil army that is in power (or attempting to take power) when they arrive.

I know my theory is far more of a wish and is unlikely to occur. But I can only hope.

We do know that Dany is destined to be betrayed again. It's my belief (okay, hope) that this final betrayal pushes her over the edge and brings out her dark side on a grand scale. We have already seen what she's capable of when she's angry ... So, instead of flying into Westeros to "free the slaves" so to speak, she's intent on destruction.

Perhaps the other two riders have the same bad intentions. And although they will annihilate the walking dead from the north they do so simply because of the danger the Others present, not out of the goodness of their hearts. Secondly, what better way to illustrate her power than to wipe out a powerful, scary adversary.

The question then remains, who could oppose her? That is what makes this theory, in my humble opinion, so compelling. Good or evil, it's hard to imagine Dany, her army and dragons as the underdog in any fight. However, anyone who opposes her will face incredible odds - the very foundation for an exciting storyline.

Right now we have (perhaps) Jon, Stannis and his dwindling army, Arya, Bran, Davos, perhaps Aegon, perhaps Jorah, even Reek and a few others, mostly scattered across the world and far from a collective unit. But if Westeros is threatened by Dany and co. then they will have to come together and take a stand.

And that, to me at least, would lead to a far more dramatic and powerful climax to the series than an uber-powerful Dany swatting away whomever opposes her like a house fly.

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I'd just like to comment on a few of the theories running around here.

Tyrion as Targaryan - very hard to believe. First the timeline is off, it would have to be a standing affair for Joanna. Second, Tywin could not possibly know it, if he did, he would have had Tyrion fed to the lions rather than raise him as his son, and make him hand of the king. Frankly, after the humiliation of being cuckolded, Tywin would probably have killed his wife rather than suffer the indignation.

Tyrion as dragon rider - I very much WANT this to be true, but I don't believe it. His saddle engineering will be important, but not for himself. His dragon dream is not about riding an actual dragon, but symbolic of riding the coat tails of one of the Targ claimants to be hand of the King and Lord of Casterly Rock, his rightful place and the only thing he has ever truly wanted and things he has shown exceptional skill at. He's not a warrior, he's a strategist meant to lead from the rear.

Jamie and Cersei as Targ - More believeable than Tyrion, but I'm still not buying it. To go one further in support of it, though, while big daddy Tarly disowned his boy for not being fit to inherit, Tywin would have done the same thing, but for Tyrion being his ONLY child, knowing, or at least doubting, that the twins were his. I think its hard to say that Sam's dad was more ruthless and cold than Tywin. But ultimately they are the anti-Viseryon/Danerys. One suffers from an arrogant sense of entitlement, possibly mad. The other has been prone to youthful impulsiveness and errors, but is growing into a capable leader. I think what keeps me from believing this, though, is that at some point you just can't make EVERYONE a secret Targ. Snow already is and the signs are stronger for that, plus D, plus the hidden Aegon. Being a Lannister is their whole identity. I might be convinced if there were more evidence but if they're Targaryans, who's next? Is Catlyn secretly Targ? Littlefinger?

Mummer's Dragon - There's nothing saying that being a mummer makes you false. Remember Aegon was in disguise when Tyrion met him. This could be a reference to the disguise, his connection to Varys, or not a reference to him at all.

Jon Snow's Parentage - I am 100% on board with the R + J theory. There is just too much foreshadowing of it for it NOT to be true. That makes him fire and ice in one. Furthermore, possible sources for the reveal: Wylla the nurse, Barristan, Connington (Rhaegar's BFF), Howland Reed

The dragon's 3 heads - The dragon must have 3 heads, There will in some way be 3 rulers of Westeros. That may be a king in the north, a king in KL, and a king in Dorne (they make a big deal about female succession, as the son of Elia Martel, wouldn't Aegon be in line for this if Ariane and the prince die?) I also believe these will be 3 targaryans. Its the dragon's 3 heads.

Dragon riders - Danerys is obvious, I think we all agree. I remain convinced all 3 must be Targaryan. Its in the blood to bond with the dragons. Based on R + J, I say Snow is no. 2. His death will relieve him of his duties in the Watch, his rebirth will make him AA, and Robb's will is going to turn up somewhere and make him the legitimate king in the north. No. 3...Aegon is a candidate, Brown Ben. I have to go with Aegon.

Warging into dragons - I've wanted this from the first times Bran warged, but I can't see it happening. Too much is made of dragons being pure, fiery awesomeness for some puny human to just take over their mind. Bran is going to be warging into all kinds of things, Hodor, birds, trees, but not dragons. Maybe, just maybe warg + targ = warg into a dragon for Snow, but I am calling that a long shot at best.

Arya as dragon rider - Pure wishful thinking. She is not a warrior who rides at the head of a large army, she's a stealth assassin. She will leave the faceless men, it was clear from the fact that she hid needle that she wasn't willing to completely let go of her former self, and I sincerely hope she's reunited with Nymeria, but she is a lone wolf, not a soldier or a general or a queen.

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I'd just like to comment on a few of the theories running around here.

Tyrion as Targaryan - very hard to believe. First the timeline is off, it would have to be a standing affair for Joanna. Second, Tywin could not possibly know it, if he did, he would have had Tyrion fed to the lions rather than raise him as his son, and make him hand of the king. Frankly, after the humiliation of being cuckolded, Tywin would probably have killed his wife rather than suffer the indignation.

Tyrion as dragon rider - I very much WANT this to be true, but I don't believe it. His saddle engineering will be important, but not for himself. His dragon dream is not about riding an actual dragon, but symbolic of riding the coat tails of one of the Targ claimants to be hand of the King and Lord of Casterly Rock, his rightful place and the only thing he has ever truly wanted and things he has shown exceptional skill at. He's not a warrior, he's a strategist meant to lead from the rear.

Jamie and Cersei as Targ - More believeable than Tyrion, but I'm still not buying it. To go one further in support of it, though, while big daddy Tarly disowned his boy for not being fit to inherit, Tywin would have done the same thing, but for Tyrion being his ONLY child, knowing, or at least doubting, that the twins were his. I think its hard to say that Sam's dad was more ruthless and cold than Tywin. But ultimately they are the anti-Viseryon/Danerys. One suffers from an arrogant sense of entitlement, possibly mad. The other has been prone to youthful impulsiveness and errors, but is growing into a capable leader. I think what keeps me from believing this, though, is that at some point you just can't make EVERYONE a secret Targ. Snow already is and the signs are stronger for that, plus D, plus the hidden Aegon. Being a Lannister is their whole identity. I might be convinced if there were more evidence but if they're Targaryans, who's next? Is Catlyn secretly Targ? Littlefinger?

Mummer's Dragon - There's nothing saying that being a mummer makes you false. Remember Aegon was in disguise when Tyrion met him. This could be a reference to the disguise, his connection to Varys, or not a reference to him at all.

Jon Snow's Parentage - I am 100% on board with the R + J theory. There is just too much foreshadowing of it for it NOT to be true. That makes him fire and ice in one. Furthermore, possible sources for the reveal: Wylla the nurse, Barristan, Connington (Rhaegar's BFF), Howland Reed

The dragon's 3 heads - The dragon must have 3 heads, There will in some way be 3 rulers of Westeros. That may be a king in the north, a king in KL, and a king in Dorne (they make a big deal about female succession, as the son of Elia Martel, wouldn't Aegon be in line for this if Ariane and the prince die?) I also believe these will be 3 targaryans. Its the dragon's 3 heads.

Dragon riders - Danerys is obvious, I think we all agree. I remain convinced all 3 must be Targaryan. Its in the blood to bond with the dragons. Based on R + J, I say Snow is no. 2. His death will relieve him of his duties in the Watch, his rebirth will make him AA, and Robb's will is going to turn up somewhere and make him the legitimate king in the north. No. 3...Aegon is a candidate, Brown Ben. I have to go with Aegon.

Warging into dragons - I've wanted this from the first times Bran warged, but I can't see it happening. Too much is made of dragons being pure, fiery awesomeness for some puny human to just take over their mind. Bran is going to be warging into all kinds of things, Hodor, birds, trees, but not dragons. Maybe, just maybe warg + targ = warg into a dragon for Snow, but I am calling that a long shot at best.

Arya as dragon rider - Pure wishful thinking. She is not a warrior who rides at the head of a large army, she's a stealth assassin. She will leave the faceless men, it was clear from the fact that she hid needle that she wasn't willing to completely let go of her former self, and I sincerely hope she's reunited with Nymeria, but she is a lone wolf, not a soldier or a general or a queen.

:agree: This is basically my analysis as well.

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She will. Seethe

Oh, so he's the mummers dragon. I totally forgot about that part. I agree, i don't see all the Dragons living to the last book, but i just cannot see Tyrion riding a dragon. Maybe because he is a dwarf lol, but i don't think he is worthy as such to do that. I see him more as a antithesis to a LF/Varys moreso. I can see someone like Arianne,.

Nice reference of Tyrion to LF/Varys. Tyrion has to be Dany's Hand, "It is what I was born to do," "Where do whores go." Sorry, had to put in the second quote, it always made me laugh. I think Bran is being led to believe He has to stay and be one w/ the tree, but I think that is Jojen's fate, since he is the real Greenseer. Bran will Warg a dragon, him being crippled, makes him stronger in other ways, Warging. I think Arya is being tempted to become a Faceless Woman, but her true place she belongs is w/ Nymeria and their pack, Fing up Wites and Freys.
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im not sure if they will be riding the dragons but the three heads of the dragon are Dany of course..... Jon snow, son of rhagaer targeryaen, and Tyrion Lannister, bastard son of aerys II and joanna lannister but i doubt that they will join forces and ride the dragons to defeat the others and all that GRRM just dont work that way

No, they will, have to join forces to defeat the Others, but like you say with GRRM it will be ugly, and lots of death, whether we like them or not. PS. Stoneheart will leave the great Walder Frey for last, minus Edmure's wife, he has to see what becomes spiteful varmin . Also I can't remember, only one reading so far, but did Tyrion say he was always fascinated with Dragons when young, or did he say he dreamt of Dragons, and that he was the Dragon in the dreams. If anyone knows For Sure answer please. Quote would be great.

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