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Britishisms invading American English


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I've heard 'steaming' a few times over here to refer to someone being drunk. Don't yet know if that is an overall Britishism or just something the Scots say.

It`s used in Ireland as well, but Irishism and Scotishisms seem to be much closer due to the common Celtic background I think.

Interestingly, at least in Ireland, you can preface literally any noun with "fuckin`" and append it with "-ed" to mean "to get drunk".

Common examples I`ve heard:

Fucking hammered

Fucking plastered

Fucking windowed

Fucking trolley-faced

Trolley-faced is one of my favourites, but you could use anything and people will know what you mean.

Edited for spelling.

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1. I'm a bit late to the party on the great dunny debate from upthread, but I must add that if you ask for the bathroom here you will get sent to a room with a shower or a tub.

Signs in shopping centres, cinemas etc all say "Toilets ->". The discrete way of asking is to ask for "The Ladies'" or "The Gents'". The ocker way of asking is "Iwonderwheresadunny?"

2. My favourite local euphemism for drunk is Legless.

3. Overall, Britishisms shouldn't worry you lot too much - you could end up with out slang creeping into your vernacular. Here's a little linguistic game to play. Without cheating via google, who (non-Aussies only) knows what these words mean:






Billy (modern usage)

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Billy (modern usage)

Bicky and Brekky are pretty obvious (unless I'm straight out wrong, of course - biscuit and breakfast)

Leggy is a leg-spinner

I'd be guessing at the rest, but presumably doughy is a fat person or something related to bread/money; Wetty would be something like wellies; Billy presumably a child or a billy can

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Bicky (biscuit), brekky (breakfast), leggy (person with long legs) and doughy (fat person) seem obvious. I want to say billy means a woman. Wetty... an angry person? Or maybe it's yet another synonym for a drunkard.

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Bicky and brekky - correct.

Leggy and Wetty = Legrope and Wetsuit. I could also have offered Rashy - meaning a rash vest.

Doughy = Doughnut = To perform circle work with one's vehicle.

The modern usage of Billy = contraction of Billabong = to smoke marijuana. Context: "Comin' over for a few billies later mate? We could have some bickies I made and go chuck a few doughies."

There are people who talk like this, and I'm not takin the piss.

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The above sound alot more like...australianisms to me, apart from bicky and brekky.

That was his point.

My guesses seem so silly in retrospect. I have no exposure to surfer culture, so "legrope" was as foreign as the other terms.

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That was his point.

My guesses seem so silly in retrospect. I have no exposure to surfer culture, so "legrope" was as foreign as the other terms.

oh yeah, my bad! i should read further back! Yeah, im pretty sure surf slang doesn't feature in England any differently from anywhere else

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